Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Event Details

Conflict Textiles Team and Magee Campus Library and Estates staff pictured at the installation of the quilt

Conflict Textiles Team and Magee Campus Library and Estates staff pictured at the installation of the quilt "Hilvanando la busqueda / Stitching the search" by Nicole Drouilly. (Photo: Gillian Robinson)


Permanent rotating exhibition:Conflict Textiles collection: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University
Description: In this first rotation of textiles within Conflict Textiles permanent rotating exhibition at the Magee Campus Library the focus is on enforced disappearance. Hilvanando la busqueda / Stitching the search by Nicole Drouilly, commemorates the life of her sister Jacqueline who was disappeared in Chile in 1974 and gives an insight into the never ending search by her family and loved ones. At this event a short video of her quilt was presented virtually to Nicole by Conflict Textiles to commemorate her sister Jacqueline’s 71st birthday

At a subsequent event The Search for the Disappeared: Personal Stories on 10th December marking International Human Rights Day a Stitching the Search: Interview with Nicole Drouilly (1.15min) was premiered and Nicole presented a textile book she made to mark her sister’s 71st birthday on 3rd December.

Web links: Ulster University Library Services

Details of the inaugural and subsequent exhibitions are available at Conflict Textiles collection: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University 25th August 2020 - 3rd December 2020
Commissioned by: Ulster University, Magee Campus
Date(s): 3rd December 2020 - 27th May 2021
Venue: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University
Northland Road, Derry /Londonderry, BT48 7JL
Curator: Roberta Bacic assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Magee Campus Library Services
Outcome: Through her textile and subsequent interview, Nicole gives us an insight into her experiences of searching for her sister Jacqueline, husband and unborn child who were disappeared in Chile in 1974 - an experience of searching common to thousands of families in Chile. Through her textile book, we are given an insight into the entirety of Jacqueline's life and her achievements and see her as more than a disappeared person whose human rights were denied.

Documents: • Textile list & display image, Dec. 2020 - view
• Photo gallery of quilt installation, 3rd Dec - view