Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Roberta Bacic and Breege Doherty at the end of the series of two workshops.  (Photo: Conflict Textiles archive)

Roberta Bacic and Breege Doherty at the end of the series of two workshops. (Photo: Conflict Textiles archive)


Workshops:Chilean Arpilleras: Tapestries of women’s lives and survival
Description: "The Cross Border Women's Reconciliation Project" is a collaboration between "Second Chance Education Project for Women" (SCEPW) and "Fermanagh Women's Network" (FWN). It aims to explore common issues and the legacy of the conflict on women and build relationships between women in South Donegal and North Fermanagh.

Focus of workshops
• The story behind the Chilean Women’s Arpilleras
• ‘Hands on’ experience of crafting Arpilleras
• Lessons from Arpilleras for women in S. Donegal/N. Fermanagh
• More about the Cross Border Women’s Reconciliation Project.

To participate in the hands-on element of the workshops, bring some old scraps of material!
Commissioned by: Cross Border Women's Reconciliation Project
Date(s): 11th February 2009 - 12th February 2009
Venue: Kesh, Co. Fermanagh; Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal
Co.Fermanagh, Northern Ireland; Co. Donegal, Republic of Ireland
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Breege Doherty
Outcome: A total of 25 women attended in Kesh and 20 in Ballyshannon. The attendance was both crossborder and cross community and representative of a broad range of age groups and backgrounds. The overwhelming response from participants was that the workshops were excellent, well organised and well facilitated. The practical, hands-on aspect of the workshops allowed women to learn about the experience of trauma and conflict of another culture, whilst at the same time tentatively exploring its connection to their own experiences. The participants enjoyed "mixing the groups together to meet people we hadn’t met before." Furthemore it seeded a rich collaboration between Roberta Bacic and Breege Doherty which has developed and deepened through Conflict Textiles.

Documents: • Invitation to workshops, Feb 2009 - view
• A conversation about arpilleras and quilts - view