Saturday, 8 February 2025

Event Details

'Centenary 2021 War Resisters' International  / Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra', by Linda Adams. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'Centenary 2021 War Resisters' International / Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra', by Linda Adams. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Guided tour (online):Sewing Resistance to Militarism: Arpilleras and other transnational textiles
Description: The Conflict Textiles curated exhibition, Nonviolence in Action: Antimilitarism in the 21st Century is one of a series of global events marking the centenary of WRI. This Guided Tour will focus on 10 arpilleras from the exhibition, showing how war is a crime against humanity and nonviolent actions promoting antimilitarism. Our guide is former WRI staffperson Roberta Bacic who began Conflict Textiles with arpilleras from her home in Chile where she worked with the families of the disappeared. The collection now consists of textiles from around the world. We will also view a short film “Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared”.
This event runs from:
-7 - 8.30pm (UK time);
-2-3.30pm (US Eastern time);
-11 - 12.30pm (US Pacific time).
Zoom link for virtual guided tour and film

The full exhibition is comprised of 28 textiles available online at WRI. These arpilleras bring us face to face with war in its many forms, and the courageous denouncement, resistance and nonviolent actions of many of us in various continents who, with our families and communities have experienced the human cost of war. The textile Centenary 2021 War Resisters' International/ Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra has been specially commissioned to mark the centennial.

War Resisters' International (WRI) is a global network of grassroots antimilitarist and pacifist groups, working together for a world without war. Founded in 1921, it now has over 90 affiliated groups in 40 countries committed to their founding declaration which states that: “War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war, and to strive for the removal of all causes of war..,”

War Resisters League (USA), founded in 1923, has been affiliated with WRI from the start, sharing the same declaration. Understanding that change happens through transnational movements, WRL has always worked closely with WRI and with many affiliated groups in the international network.
WRL is honored to be hosting this exhibit, providing an opportunity to learn about the people and the process that created these cultural works of resistance.

War Resisters League (USA)
Sewing Resistance to Militarism: Arpilleras and other transnational textiles (on WRL website)
War Resisters' International (WRI)
Nonviolence in Action: online Conference, 20 - 28 November, 2021. Roberta Bacic will speak at the opening Plenary titled "100 years resisting war and its causes", 2-4pm, 20th November.
Commissioned by: War Resisters' League (WRL) / War Resisters' International (WRI)
Date(s): 14th November 2021 - 14th November 2021
Venue: Online
Curator: Roberta Bacic assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Joanne Sheehan
Outcome: This online guided tour was organized by War Resisters League as part of WRI's centenary celebrations for which Conflict Textiles curated an exhibition available to associates and affiliates around the world. The core aim was to mark this significant landmark of 100 years of: Peace Making, Anti-War campaigning, engagement and commitment to denounce the causes and effects of WAR via nonviolent ways and direct action. Curator Roberta Bacic, who had worked for the London office from 1998 to 2004, offered to give guided tours and/or seminars connected to the exhibition to different groups in their own language. This guided tour was organized by Joanne Sheehan, New England Regional Office Staff, who had been War Resister’s International chair. It was delivered in English and had a very significant number of attendees who discussed ways in which they would use the exhibition outside of their participation in this event. organized by War Resisters League as part of WRI's centenary

Documents: • Event poster, 14th Nov. 2021 - view