Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

 'La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone', by Aurora Ortiz (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone', by Aurora Ortiz (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Conference:Conflict & the Creative Arts
Description: This one day conference Conflict & the Creative Arts Conference 2021 hosted by the University for the Creative Arts, explores the role artistic practice plays in transforming individuals and societies in contexts of conflict.

The conference programme features presentations, panel debates, in conversation sessions and opportunities for discussions and artistic discovery, led by international experts, practitioners, and emerging researchers.

Conflict Textiles' input titled "Conflict Textiles: Threads, Connections, Presence…" will trace the journey of Conflict Textiles from Chilean arpilleras in the 1970s to the present physical collection and online transnational live archive, focused on conflict and human rights abuses.
Commissioned by: University for the Creative Arts (UCA), Canterbury
Date(s): 21st October 2021 - 21st October 2021
Venue: Online and UCA Canterbury
Canterbury, New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3AN
Curator: N/A
Facilitator: Dr Simon Dancey, Director Conflict & the Creative Arts Research Centre, UCA
Outcome: This presentation focused on: the origins of Conflict Textiles; the emergence of Chilean arpilleras during the Pinochet era; the Northern Ireland connection; Conflict Textiles online archive and our Programme areas. It gave an understanding of the power of these textiles as a form of protest and denouncement “…the witness who narrates the histories that the military and official cultures deny and contradict”. (Marjorie Agosin, 2008). Due to technical difficulties UCA was unable to stream the event online as planned. Thus the presentation was delivered to the onsite attendees only.

Documents: • Conference programme, UCA, 21 Oct. 2021 - view
• Conflict Textiles presentation, 21 Oct. 2021 - view

Textiles Displayed: