Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Some of the dolls completed at the Amnesty / Conflict Textiles Refugee Day 2021 outdoor workshop, as a welcome gift for the residents of Letterkenny Direct Provision Centre. (Photo: Anna Daly)

Some of the dolls completed at the Amnesty / Conflict Textiles Refugee Day 2021 outdoor workshop, as a welcome gift for the residents of Letterkenny Direct Provision Centre. (Photo: Anna Daly)


Workshop:Every Action Counts – Making arpillera dolls
Description: Letterkenny Amnesty Group invites you to join us for World Refugee Day, 2021 at our outdoor workshop “Every Action Counts – Making arpillera dolls”.
World Refugee Day, 2021 invites us to extend our hand to someone new, someone outside our current circle who has had an experience we haven’t had. In the spirit of this we will make arpillera dolls at our workshop, as a welcome gift for the families who recently moved to Letterkenny Direct Provision centre.
All materials (needles, threads, pieces of fabric) will be provided but feel free to bring some of your own materials. Dress for the outdoors. In line with Covid 19 restrictions, please adhere to social distancing and wear a mask.
For further information and to book a place (numbers are restricted) contact Letterkenny Amnesty group co-ordinator Mary Ryan,

This initiative by Letterkenny Amnesty Group builds on previous collaborations with Conflict Textiles through the exhibition War-Torn Children (2018).

It is part of a broader Conflict Textiles programme of regional and transnational events marking UK Refugee week 2021, (14 -20th June) and World Refugee Day, 2021
- WE CANNOT WALK ALONE – Refugee week 2021 (Northern Ireland).
-Argentina (Ana Zlatkes) Caminemos juntos (let us walk together) In Spanish.
-Germany (Johanna Menzinger) Gemeinsam mutig!/brave together In German.
-Catalonia (Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc): Caminem junts (In Catalan); Caminemos juntos (In Spanish); Let us walk together (In English).

- On World Refugee Day, Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc members also hosted a public demonstration, at which they displayed the arpillera Caminemos juntos / Let us walk together.
-This 6 minute film was produced by ARK for Refugee week Refugee and Asylum seekers in Northern Ireland: Public attitude data from Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey illustrated through Conflict Textiles

The outcome from all these initiatives will also be part of Conflict Textiles’ artist in residence programme Suitcases: Telling Textile Travels at the Platforma festival in Yorkshire in October. This festival for the arts by, with and about refugees is produced by Counterpoints Arts.
Commissioned by: Letterkenny Amnesty group & Conflict Textiles
Date(s): 19th June 2021 - 19th June 2021
Venue: Famine Memorial Garden, Letterkenny
High Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
Curator: Letterkenny Amnesty group
Facilitator: Mary Ryan and Breege Doherty
Outcome: There was great engagement in this workshop by Amnesty members, wider networks and residents of the Direct Provision (DP) Centre in Letterkenny. A total of 34 arpillera dolls were made, mounted in frames and brought down to the DP centre on Refugee Day. The visibility and hands on nature of this workshop fostered new connections and is a vital part of the process of facilitating integration between the local community and newly arrived refugees.

Documents: • Workshop invitation: 19 June 2021 - view
• Workshop invitation (arabic): 19 June 2021 - view
• Making an arpillera doll from tights -English - view
• Making an arpillera doll from felt - English - view
• Making an arpillera doll from tights -Arabic - view
• Making an arpillera doll from felt - Arabic - view
• Photo gallery of workshop, 19th June 2021 - view

Textiles Displayed: