Saturday, 27 July 2024

Event Details

(L-R): Curator Roberta Bacic, Dra. Sonia Barnetche Frías (Vicerrectora académica), Dra. Adriana Molina (Director, Faculty of Arts), Mtro. Carlos Camacho Gaos (Director, Faculty of Global Studies), Mtro. Ricardo Zamora (Director, Library)

(L-R): Curator Roberta Bacic, Dra. Sonia Barnetche Frías (Vicerrectora académica), Dra. Adriana Molina (Director, Faculty of Arts), Mtro. Carlos Camacho Gaos (Director, Faculty of Global Studies), Mtro. Ricardo Zamora (Director, Library)


Exhibition and associated activities:Justicia Transicional y Arte-Textil / Transitional Justice and Art-Textile
Description: The A.G. Leventis-Anáhuac Chair on Cyprus Studies at the Faculty of Global Studies, Anáhuac University are hosting a two-day international conference on transitional justice. Transitional justice will be examined as both concept and praxis by international and national scholars from various disciplinary perspectives: Political Science, Literature, Human Rights, Education and Arts. Transitional justice in Cyprus, Chile, Mexico and other Latin American countries will be analyzed. Activities include an academic panel, an exhibition by Conflict Textiles and a faculty seminar. The exhibition includes arpilleras and textiles from Chile, Cataluña / Catalonia, Colombia, Argentina, Basque Country, Peru, and one textile depicting the Holocaust.

Partners of the Faculty of Global Studies include: the International Program, the Center for Human Rights and the Main Library at Anáhuac University - Nenemi Paxia-Sinergias Educativas A.C.

Web links:
A.G. Leventis-Anáhuac Chair
Nenemi Paxia-Sinergias Educativas A.C.

Programme of events

September 24th, 2018:
11.30am –Academic panel “Transitional Justice: Cyprus in a Global Context”
Location: Auditorio de Posgrado, Universidad Anáhuac, Campus Norte
Dr. Iosif Kovras (City, University of London)
Dr. Marjorie Agosín (Wellesley college, MA)
Roberta Bacic, curator (Conflict Textiles, CAIN/Ulster University, Northern Ireland)
Dr. Juan Espíndola (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, CIDE)
Dr. Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez Lara, Universidad de las Américas Puebla

4pm – Inauguration of Exhibition “Justicia Transicional y Arte Textil” (Transitional Justice and Textile Art)
Location: Vestíbulo Biblioteca Central
Cyprus: Textiles and Identity - Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus in Mexico, Mr. Homer Mavrommatis
Arpilleras/textiles - Roberta Bacic, curator (Conflict Textiles, CAIN/Ulster University, Northern Ireland)
Poetry - Dr. Marjorie Agosín (Wellesley college, MA)
Exile and Arts - Sr. Álvaro Covacevich (Medalla Águila Azteca)

September 25th, 2018:
11.30am - Faculty Seminar on Transitional Justice
Location: Salón Parquet, Universidad Anáhuac, Campus Norte
Dr. Iosif Kovras (City, University of London)
Roberta Bacic, curator (Conflict Textiles, CAIN/Ulster University, Northern Ireland)
Dr. Marjorie Agosín (Wellesley college, MA)

*Faculty seminar requires registration:

Media coverage:
Article in El Economista "Arpilleras: arte textil como un lenguaje contra el olvido", 25th September 2018, (See "Article in El Economista" in documents section below).
Commissioned by: Anáhuac University, Cátedra A.G. Leventis-Anáhuac, Facultad Estudios Globales, Mexico
Date(s): 24th September 2018 - 18th October 2018
Venue: Vestíbulo Biblioteca Central, Campus Norte, Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico
Av. Universidad Anáhuac núm. 46 Col. Lomas Anáhuac C.P. 52786 HUIXQUILUCAN, Mexico
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Yael Siman
Outcome: The three events: International Conference, Textile Exhibition and Faculty Seminar for students and lecturers introduced a highly relevent topic in Anáhuac University, (a private Catholic institution with a humanistic educational philosophy). It brought together international and national experts and offered the possibility to explore the meaning, significance and scope of transitional justice in the national and global arenas. In the International Conference, four experts participated; from England, Northern Ireland, United States and Mexico. Political Science, Poetry and Textile language were part of the multidisciplinary discussion. Up to 100 students attended the conference while close to 70 students, professors and authorities of Anáhuac University participated in the inauguration of the exhibition and the faculty seminar. The textile exhibition was open to the public for one month and attracted approximately 1,000 visitors.

Documents: • Storage of textiles pre exhibit - Mexico 0718 - view
• list of textiles: Mexico, Sept - Oct 2018 - view
• Invitation: International seminar/launch - view
• Poster: International seminar/launch, Sept 18 - view
• Exhibition catalogue: Conflict Textiles, 0918 - view
• NOTIMEX, Comunicación Global, 24th Sept - view
• Article in El Economista - 25th Sept 2018 - view
• Photo gallery: 24th/25th Sept 2018 - view
• Conference/Seminar report: 24/25 Sept 2018 - view

Textiles Displayed:¿Dónde están? / Where are they?
Rescate de niños judíos / Rescue of Jewish Children
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone
Recuperación de cuerpos en 1990 / Recovering the disappeared in 1990
Libertad a los presos políticos / Freedom for the political prisoners
Retorno de los exiliados / Return of the exiles
Mi Guernica / My Gernika
Hermanos Mapuche en huelga de hambre / Mapuche people on hunger strike
No a la impunidad 2 / No to Impunity 2
Lucía, Lucía, la olla está vacía / Lucia, Lucia, The pots are empty
En Chile se tortura / Demonstration against torture
Toma de terrenos en los barrios de Lima / Squatters in the shantytowns of Lima
La Batalla del Ebro / The battle of Ebro
Hilvanando la busqueda / Stitching the search
Nuestras Víctimas 2 de mayo 2002/Our victims of 2nd May 2002; Bellavista/Bojayá/Chocó
They Fell like Stars from the Sky / Cayeron del cielo como estrellas
Ausencias - Presencias 2 / Absences – Presences 2