Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Workshop notice:

Workshop notice: "Quilt and Arpillera Making", Rathlin Island, 7th - 8th July 2010


Workshop:Quilt and Arpillera Making
Description: This workshop, facilitated by Roberta Bacic introduced island women to the world of arpilleras. Roberta brought a sample of arpilleras and showed a short film which set the scene for a discussion on how Rathlin women could work with this in documenting their own lives, building on their rich tradition of sewing and quilt making.
Commissioned by: Rathlin Development and Community Association
Date(s): 7th July 2010 - 8th July 2010
Venue: Rathlin Island, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Richard Branson Centre, Rathlin Island, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Rathlin Developmnent Community Association / Richard Branson Centre
Outcome: This initial workshop introduced Rathlin Island women to the world of arpilleras. It laid the groundwork for the creation of their own Island arpilleras and subsequent participation in various exhibitions in Northern Ireland.

Documents: • Rathlin Island- Workshop notice, July 2010 - view

Textiles Displayed: