Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Arpillera dolls made during the workshop by participants. (Photo: Shelley Anderson)

Arpillera dolls made during the workshop by participants. (Photo: Shelley Anderson)


Workshop:Chilean Arpilleras
Description: The TRC organises a textile-related workshop the last Wednesday morning of every month. On June 29th, an introduction to Arpilleras and to their use by women in conflict situations will be given. Participants will then have the opportunity to try their hand at making an arpillera doll.

This workshop will be facilitated by Roberta Bacic, a Chilean curator and human rights advocate, now resident in Northern Ireland. Over the last three decades Roberta has become the custodian of Conflict Textiles, a collection of over 300 international textiles which includes arpilleras, quilts and wall hangings.

The workshop will provide information on these intriguing textiles, and also stimulate people to try making an arpillera doll. The TRC collection includes one arpillera, and more are being created. These will be shown during the workshop.

The workshop will be delivered in English.

Web links
Textile Research Centre, Leiden
Commissioned by: Shelley Anderson, Textile Research Centre, the Netherlands
Date(s): 29th June 2016 - 29th June 2016
Venue: Textile Research Centre (TRC), the Netherlands
Hogewoerd 164, 2311 HW Leiden, the Netherlands
Curator: Dr. Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood
Facilitator: Roberta Bacic
Outcome: The workshop participants had an opportunity to gain background information on the arpilleras, their sociopolitical context and their journey from the Chilean dictatorship era (1973-1990) to present times. They also looked into the impact they have had beyond Chile and how they have triggered conflict textile narratives in current struggles in Chile and many other countries in the world. Having several arpilleras from different decades available to view added to the experiential impact. Each participant made a doll which personified a significant person as seen in the image and these now reside at the Textile Research Centre (TRC). Finally Roberta Bacic committed to donate in the coming months a few arpilleras to TRC to strengthen the Latin American presence at TRC.

Documents: • Workshop report - Leiden June 2016 - view