Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

LA VIDA QUE SE TEJE /LIFE THAT WE SEW - with the men that are sewing life. (Photo: Sandra Ramirez)

LA VIDA QUE SE TEJE /LIFE THAT WE SEW - with the men that are sewing life. (Photo: Sandra Ramirez)


Exhibition and conference:LA VIDA QUE SE TEJE / LIFE THAT WE SEW: Tejidos de América Latina por la memoria y la vida / Textiles from Latin America for Memory and Life
Description: The exhibition "Life that we Sew" is a collaboration between four partners: Antioquia University; Museum Casa de la Memoria, Medellín; Antioquia Museum and the Peasant’s association of Antioquia. It will take place in the context of the First Latin American Gathering of Women Sewing for Life and Memory which will run from 28th - 30th of April 2016.

The Conference event will gather around 25 textile experiences from various groups in Colombia and will be comprised of sewers, academics, curators, facilitators, etc.
The programme will include talks, seminars and workshops facilitated by national and international invitees. An audiovisual festival will also form part of the Conference programme. This will publicly showcase the production of knowledge and experiences, in which the textile element is at the very core of the construction of memory and mental health. in communities that have been affected by human rights violations.

The exhibition "Life that we Sew" will run in two venues until the 26th June 2016: Casa del Encuentro Antioquia Museum and Medellin Casa de la Memoria. It will include up to 85 textiles, all hand sewn by womens’ collectives from different parts of Colombia and other Latin American countries. It aims to highlight the value of life and demand human rights respect amidst armed conflict, transition processes from war to peace and from dictatorship to democracy.
Twenty pieces will be on exhibit from Conflict Textiles collection that belong to Chilean curator Roberta Bacic. These are primarily Chilean arpilleras as well as pieces from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.

Both events - exhibition and conference – originate from the project: Memory Textiles and Mental Health. The project started in March 2015 supported by Antioquia University via its outreach programs (BUPPE), Nursing Faculty, Cultural Outreach, (ACA) Peasant's Association of Antioquia, Museum Casa de la Memoria, Medellin City Council and Antioquia Museum.

This project stems from processes that started in 2009 with communities affected by armed conflict and associated violence. The medium has been the “stitched narratives” that showcase the expressive richness, aesthetics and wellbeing that can be expressed through collective actions that dignify life, keep memory alive, denounce and resist from within everyday spaces.

(Museography by Yesenia Rodríguez and Eliana Beltrán).

Web links
Antioquia University
Media coverage of the launch
Commissioned by: Antioquia University / Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Date(s): 11th May 2016 - 10th July 2016
Venue: Casa del Encuentro, Antioquia Museum & Medellin Casa de la Memoria, Colombia
Cra. 52 #51a-27, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Curator: Roberta Bacic, Isabel González and Beatriz Arias
Facilitator: Antioquia University in collaboration with three local partners
Outcome: Long term the aim is to establish in public spaces a series of textile narratives which have aesthetic, ethical and political strength. It is anticipated that their manner of display will foster dialogue and increase the strength of the textile narrative offering a common space for collectives of sewers, not only made at local and national levels, but also in other parts of Latin America. Ultimately we want to strengthen the National Network of Sewers of Life and memory.
An invitation was extended to groups around the country to participate in making arpilleras and other textiles. It was envisaged that these individual/group textiles would form an overall piece for marking International Human Rights day in Bogota (10th December, 2016) to state publicly their demands of Peace, Justice and Reparation. (See 'Invitation to make arpilleras - Aug 16' in documents section below). The final piece, over 400 metres long bearing the slogan “Memory Enwraps Justice”, encircled the Palace of Justice on Sunday 4th December.
This event coincided with the collection of the Conflict Textiles pieces that were on display from March to July in Medellin. (See 'Closing report "LIFE THAT WE SEW" Dec. 2016' in documents section below).

Documents: • Conflict Textiles arpilleras - Colombia - view
• Exhibition poster - Colombia - view
• Exhibition programme - Colombia - view
• Symposium - "LIFE THAT WE SEW" Colombia - view
• Audio-Visual festival - "LIFE THAT WE SEW" - view
• Launch invitation (two locations) - Colombia - view
• Agenda: R. Bacic's outreach visit to Bogota - view
• Flyer: Seminar - Human Rights groups, Bogota - view
• Workshop programme - May/June 2016 - view
• Workshop Invite: One Victim, one Handkerchief - view
• Invitation to make arpilleras - Aug 16 - view
• Closing report "LIFE THAT WE SEW" Dec. 2016 - view

Textiles Displayed:No contaminar / Do not pollute
Paro de los estudiantes' chilenos / Chilean students' strike
¿Quién carga con la deuda externa? / Who Carries the External Debt?
En memoria de Teresa Durán / In memory of Teresa Durán
Escuela en la población / School in a población
Ausencias - Presencias 2 / Absences – Presences 2
Juguemos en el bosque mientras el aire está 2
No a la impunidad 2 / No to Impunity 2
Corte de agua 2 / Water cut 2
Olla Común 2 / Soup Kitchen 2
¿Dónde están? / Where are they?
Violencia en Ayacucho / Violence in Ayacucho
Represión a los Mapuche / Repression of the Mapuche
Ganó la gente / People have won
Ônde estão nossos direitos? / Where are our rights?
Irene, Marta, Hilda, Patricia: Now and Always Present
Escuelita de Otavalo / Otavalo Primary School
Como hacer una arpillera / How to make an arpillera
Centro de Torturas Cuatro Alamos / Cuatro Alamos torture centre
NO MAS / No more