Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Event Details

Curator Roberta Bacic addressing the audience at the launch of the exhibition: 'ARPILLERAS: verhalen over leven
ARPILLERAS:  stories of life and survival'. (Photo: Marcel te Pas)

Curator Roberta Bacic addressing the audience at the launch of the exhibition: 'ARPILLERAS: verhalen over leven ARPILLERAS: stories of life and survival'. (Photo: Marcel te Pas)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpilleras: Verhalen over leven / Arpilleras: stories of life and survival
Description: This exhibition, comprised of 22 textiles, will be complemented with a number of associated activities. These are outlined on the following websites:
Learn for Life (in Dutch)
Festival Van Het Leren (in Dutch)
Commissioned by: Foundation Learn for Life – Dutch Adult Learning Festival
Date(s): 23rd September 2015 - 20th November 2015
Venue: FlevoMeer Bibliotheek Lelystad, The Netherlands
De Promesse 4, Lelystad, The Netherlands
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Lidwien Vos de Wael,

Documents: • list of exhibition textiles - view
• Programme - view
• Exhibition poster - view
• Opening programme - view
• Exhibition leaflet - view
• Chilean embassy note - view

Textiles Displayed:Caín, ¿dónde está tu hermano? / Cain, where is your brother?
Juntos en la adversidad / Together in adversity
Olla común en una población / Soup Kitchen in a barrio
No más contaminación / No more pollution
Marcha de las mujeres de los mineros
Reflections on violence
No going back
Will there be poppies, daisies and apples when I grow up?
Nuestro Taller de Arpilleras / Our Arpilleras Workshop
Los precios están por las nubes / Prices are sky high
Hermanos Mapuche en huelga de hambre / Mapuche people on hunger strike
Baile Puneño / Puno Folk Dance
Carmen Gloria quemada viva / Carmen Gloria burnt alive
Overdue, Overdrawn, Over-extended: Rural Poverty in Ireland
Escuelita de Otavalo / Otavalo Primary School
Our Allotments, the Pride of New Barns
En Chile se tortura / Demonstration against torture
Auf der Flucht 1945 / Fleeing in 1945
They burnt our homes
Lavandería popular / Community launderette
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone