Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Programme for exhibition:

Programme for exhibition: "Donna I DRETS HUMANS a través del tèxtil", held in six venues in Badalona, marking International Women's day, 2013. (Image: Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc)


Exhibition and associated activities:Donna I DRETS HUMANS a través del tèxtil / Mujeres y Derechos Humanos a través del textil / Women and Human Rights through textiles
Description: This exhibition marking International Women's Day 2013 was launched on March 7th with a keynote input delivered by guest curator, Dr. Roberta Bacic titled: "Women and human rights through textiles." The exhibition was hosted in a number of different venues in Badalona.
Relevant web links are:
Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc

An associated exhibition:"VIDES DE BARRI, Vidas de Barrio (Lives in the neighborhood)" took place from 6th March to 26th April 2013.
Commissioned by: Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc
Date(s): 6th March 2013 - 8th March 2013
Venue: Different venues for the 6 activities taking place in Badalona, Spain
c. Cáceres, 34-36 · 08918 BADALONA, Al Casal de barri Congrés-Indians, Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc, Badalona

Documents: • Badalona, Spain - programme - IWD 2013 - view
• Launch notice - April 2013, Badalona - view

Textiles Displayed: