Saturday, 20 April 2024

Conflict Textiles Results
Saturday, 20th of April 2024

You searched for: country contains Chile114 found


Arpillera: 11th September, 1973, Santiago de Chile , (1990)
Maker: Norma Torres
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Al Servicio de la vida / Servicing life, (1978c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Aquí se tortura / Here they torture, (1987)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Ayuno/Fasting, (1990)
Maker: María López
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Cacerolazo / Women banging their pots, (1988)
Maker: Felicia
Country: Chile

Arpillera : Cassettes of exile / Cassettes del exilio, (2021)
Maker: Jimena Pardo
Country: England / Chile

Arpillera: Catalina Larrere, (2020)
Maker: Aurora Ortiz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Cesantía / Unemployment, (1980c)
Maker: Unknown male prisoner
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Corte de agua / Water cut, (1980c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Corte de leña / Chopping wood, (1983c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Día de Visita / Day of Visit, (1988)
Maker: Victoria Diaz Caro
Country: Chile

Arpillera: El NO ya ganó / The "No" has won, (1988)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: En Chile se tortura / Demonstration against torture, (1988)
Maker: Violeta Morales
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Encadenamiento / Women chained to Parliament gates, (1988c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Encadenamiento / Women Chained to Parliament Gates, (1988c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Escuela en la población / School in a población, (1980c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Executions in the National Stadium , (1990)
Maker: Maria Mendoza
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Exilio / Exile (Women at the airport), (1978c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Fin de semana en una población / Weekend in a población, (1980c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Ganó la gente / People have won, (1990s)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Hay Golpe de Estado / There is a Coup d'Etat, (1989)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Quilt: Hilvanando la busqueda / Stitching the search, (2014)
Maker: Nicole Drouilly
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Homenaje a los caídos / Homage to the fallen ones, (1976c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Hornos de Lonquén / Lime kilns of Lonquén , (1979c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Juntos en la adversidad / Together in adversity, (1983c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La Cueca Sola / They Dance Alone , (1988c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone, (2009)
Maker: Marta Covarrubias
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca Alone, (1987)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone, (1989)
Maker: Gala Torres
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca alone, (1989)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone, (2014)
Maker: Aurora Ortiz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone, (2012)
Maker: Aurora Ortiz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone, (2016)
Maker: Aurora Ortiz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone, (1989)
Maker: Violeta Morales
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca Alone, (2017)
Maker: Aurora Ortiz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone, (1989)
Maker: Gala Torres
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La Gente Necesita Trabajar / People Need Work, (1975c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: La Trilla / The Harvest, (1969c)
Maker: Bordadoras de Isla Negra
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Lavandería popular / Community launderette , (1979)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Lavandería Santa María / Santa María Launderette, (1978c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Los Mapuche / The Mapuche, (1985)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Mapa de Chile / Map of Chile, (2009)
Maker: Aurora Ortíz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: María Loreto Castillo Muñoz, (1984)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Movimiento contra la tortura / Movement against torture , (1989)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: No a la impunidad / No to impunity, (1987)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: No al femicido / No to violence against women , (2011)
Maker: Aurora Ortiz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: No más contaminación / No more pollution, (1985c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: No nos matarán la esperanza / They won't kill our hope, (1988)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Nuestra carnicería / Our Butcher's, (1978c)
Maker: E.M. Villa Lautaro workshop
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Nuestra Vida en Chile / Our Life in Chile, (2007)
Maker: Elen Cerón Sandoval
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Nuestros/as desaparecidos/as / Our Disappeared, (1988)
Maker: Violeta Morales
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Olla Común 2 / Soup Kitchen 2, (2011)
Maker: Aurora Ortiz
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Paro de los estudiantes' chilenos 2 / Chilean students' strike 2, (2012)
Maker: Pamela Luque
Country: Chile / Ireland

Arpillera: Paz - Justicia - Libertad / Peace - Justice - Freedom, (1978c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Policlinico / Community Health Clinic, (1980c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Represión a los Mapuche / Repression of the Mapuche, (2015)
Maker: Pamela Luque
Country: Chile / Ireland

Arpillera: Retorno de los exiliados / Return of the exiles, (1992)
Maker: Victoria Diaz Caro
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Roberta carrying arpilleras, (2017)
Maker: Memorarte
Country: Chile / England

Arpillera: Sala de torturas / Torture chamber, (1996)
Maker: Violeta Morales
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Somos Mujeres cesantes / We are unemployed women , (1980c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Taller de calzados / Shoe repair workshop, (1983c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Vamos a la playa en micro / Let's go to the beach by bus, (1977c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: Violeta Morales' life story, (1990s)
Maker: Violeta Morales
Country: Chile

Arpillera: ¡Adiós Pinochet! / Good bye Pinochet!, (1980c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: ¿Dónde están nuestros hijos? / Where are our children?, (1979)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: ¿Dónde están? / Where are They?, (1980c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile

Arpillera: ¿Dónde están? / Where are they?, (1985c)
Maker: Anonymous
Country: Chile