![]() Sectarianism - List of Source Material[Key_Events] [KEY_ISSUES] [Conflict_Background] SECTARIANISM: [Menu] [Source] The following is a draft list of source material on the topic of sectarianism.
Anderson, James., and Shuttleworth, Ian. (1994), 'Sectarian Readings of Sectarianism: Interpreting the Northern Ireland Census'. Irish Review, 16, 74-93. Anderson, James., and Shuttleworth, Ian. (1998), 'Sectarian Demography, Territoriality and Political Development in Northern Ireland'. Political Geography, 17, (2): 187 -. Bell, Desmond. (1987), 'Marching for Identity: Youth Culture and Sectarianism in Northern Ireland'. ESRC Newsletter, 61, (Nov): 29-31. Bell, Desmond. (1990), Acts of Union: Youth culture and Sectarianism in Northern Ireland. London: Macmillan Education. Brewer, John D., with Higgins, Gareth I. (1998) 'Northern Ireland: 1921-1998', in, Anti-Catholicism in Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Limited. Brewer, J.D. (1992), 'Sectarianism and Racism, and their Parallels and Differences'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 15, (3): 352-364. Brewer, John. (1994), 'The Ethnographic Critique of Ethnography: Sectarianism in the RUC'. Sociology, 28, (1): 231-44. Buckley, Anthony D. (1990), 'The Spirit of Irish Sectarianism'. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 15, (2): 23-29. Cairns, D. (1999), Sectarianism in popular culture. University of Ulster, Dphil. Cairns, D. (2000), 'The Object of Sectarianism: The Material Reality of Sectarianism in Ulster Loyalism'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 6, (3): 437-452. Cavanagh, Colm. (1981), 'How We All Became Sectarian', in, Community Work in a Divided Society (compiled by Hugh Frazer). 33-6. Belfast: Farset Co-operative Press. Connolly, Paul. (1999), Sectarianism, Children and Community Relations in Northern Ireland / with Paul Maginn. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. Evans, Geoffrey. Duffy, Mary. (1997), 'Beyond the Sectarian Divide: The Social Bases and Political Consequences of Nationalist and Unionist Party Competition in Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Political Science, 27, (1): 47 -. Fairleigh, John et al. (1975), Sectarianism - Roads to Reconciliation: Papers read at the 22nd Annual Summer School of the Social Study Conference, Dungarven, August 1994. Dublin: Three Candles. Fairleigh, John. (1975), 'Personality and Social Factors in Religious Prejudice', in, Fairleigh et al. Sectarianism - Roads to Reconciliation. 3-13. Dublin: Three Candles. Farrell, Sean. (2000), Sectarian Violence and Political Culture in Ulster, 1784-1886. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press. Finlay, Andrew. (1992), 'Politics, Sectarianism and the 'Failure' of Trade Unionism in Northern Ireland: the Case of Garment Workers in Derry, 1945-1968'. Saothar, 17, 78-86. Fisher, Charles. (1995), The Impact of Sectarianism and Conflict on Community and Feminist and Environmental Politics: an Exploratory Thesis (M.Sc.). Belfast: Queen's University Belfast. Fitzduff, Mari. (1988), Community Conflict Skills: a Handbook for Anti-Sectarian Work in Northern Ireland. Cookstown: Community Conflict Skills Project. Foster, John Wilson. (1990), 'Forum on Sectarianism'. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 15, (2): 11-16. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2002) Race Crime and Sectarian Crime Legislation in Northern Ireland: A Consultation Paper, (November 2002), [PDF File; 261KB]. Belfast: NIO. Hadden, T. (1983), 'Northern Ireland. 1: Police on Sectarian Divide'. New Society, 66, (1101): 506. Hawthorne, J. (1989), 'Cultural Pluralism or Plain Sectarianism'?. Fortnight, (278): 28-30. Heskin, Ken. (1990), 'Sectarianism: an Optimistic Prognosis'. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 15, (2): 17-22. Jarman, Neil. (2005). No Longer A Problem?: Sectarian Violence in Northern Ireland, (Commissioned by Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister; OFMDFM), (March 2005), [PDF; 329KB]. Belfast: Institute for Conflict Research. Jenkins, Richard. (1986), 'Northern Ireland: In What Sense 'Religions' in Conflict?''in Richard Jenkins and Hasti ngs Donnan & Graham McFarlane, The Sectarian Divide in Northern Ireland Today. 1-21. London: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Kelly, B. (2002), 'Young People's Views on Communities and Sectarianism in Northern Ireland'. Child Care in Practice, 8, (1): 65-72. Kinealy, Christine. MacAtasney, Gerard. (2000), The Hidden Famine: Poverty, Hunger, and Sectarianism in Belfast, 1840-50. London: Pluto Press. Liechty, Joseph., and Clegg, Cecelia. (2001), Moving Beyond Sectarianism: Religion, Conflict, and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Dublin: Columba Press. Logue, Ken. (1993), Anti-Sectarianism Work: A Framework for Action / with additional material from Will Glendinning. Belfast: Community Relations Council. Lovett, Tom. (1994), 'Bridging the Sectarian Divide in Northern Ireland: The Ulster People's College'. Adults Learning, 5, (6): 155-157. Lovett, Tom. (1993), 'To Fight Sectarianism and Search for Peace: The Ulster People's College in Ireland'. Convergence, 26, (4): 33-34. McVeigh, Robert Kyle. (1990), Racism and Sectarianism: a Comparison of Tottenham and West Belfast / PhD, Politics. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast. Moore, Ruth. (1995), Policing And Sectarian Division In Derry Londonderry / Prepared for public consultations with The Police Authority for Northern Ireland. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd.. Moore, Ruth.Collins, Pauline. Smyth, Marie. (1996), A Report of a Series of Public Discussions on Aspects of Sectarian Division in Derry Londonderry. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd. Morrow, Duncan. (2019). Sectarianism in Northern Ireland: A Review, (Review prepared in conjunction with the members of the Sir George Quigley Fund Committee), (14 May 2019), [PDF; 469KB]. Belfast: Ulster University. ... [19675] - [Report] O'Connor, S. (1980), 'Chocolate Cream Soldiers: Evaluating an Experiment in Non-Sectarian Education in Northern Ireland'. Curriculum Studies, 12, (3): 263-270. O'Duffy, Brendan. (1995), 'Violence in Northern Ireland 1969-1994: Sectarian or Ethno-National?'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18, (4): 740-772. Patterson, Henry. (1980), Class Conflict and Sectarianism: The Protestant Working Class and the Belfast Labour Movement 1868-1920. Belfast: Blackstaff. Robinson, Alan. (1971), 'Education and Sectarian Conflict in Northern Ireland'. The New Era, 52, (1 (Jan.)): 384-8. Rolston, Bill.. (1983), 'Reformism and Sectarianism: The State of the Union after Civil Rights', in, Darby, John (ed.), Northern Ireland: The Background to the Conflict. 197-224. Belfast: Appletree. Shiels, Donal Michael. (1990), Housing, Jobs and Sectarianism: the Case of North Belfast / MSSc, Social Studies. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast. Shirlow, Peter. McGovern, Mark. (1997), 'Sectarianism, Regulation and the Northern Ireland Conflict: The Protestant Working Class and the Political Economy of the Irish Peace Process'. Journal de l'Espace Geographique, 29, (7): 132-154. Shirlow, Peter. McGovern, Mark. (1996), 'Sectarianism, Socioeconomic Competition and the Political Economy of Ulster Loyalism'. Antipode, 28, (4): 379-398. Smyth, M. Campbell, J. (1996), 'Social Work, Sectarianism and Anti-Sectarian Practice in Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Social Work, 26, (1): 77-92. Smyth, M. Moore, R. (1996), 'Researching Sectarianism', in, Three Conference Papers on Aspects of Segregation and Sectarian Division. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research. Smyth, Marie. (1995), Sectarian Division and Area Planning: a commentary on 'The Derry Area Plan 2011: Preliminary Proposals.'. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd.. Smyth, Marie. (1996), Urban Regeneration and Sectarian Division - with specific reference to segregation and the situation of enclave communities. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd.. Smyth, Marie. Moore, Ruth. (1995), Researching Sectarianism / Presented at The Annual Conference of the Sociological Association of Ireland: Clonmel, May 13, 1995. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd.. Smyth, Martin. (1975), 'A Protestant Looks at the Republic', in, Fairleigh, John et al. Sectarianism - Roads to Reconciliation: Papers read at the 22nd Annual Summer School of the Social Study. 25-35. Dublin: Three Candles. Sugden, John. Bairner, Alan. (1993), Sport, Sectarianism and Society in a Divided Ireland. Leicester: Leicester University Press. Trew, Karen. (1980), 'Sectarianism in Northern Ireland: A Research Perspective', Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Canterbury, Sept. 1980. Canterbury: British Psychological Society. Williams, Trevor. Falconer, Alan. (eds.) (1995), Sectarianism: Papers of the 1994 Corrymeela Ecumenical Conference. Dublin: Dominican Publications in assoc. with the Irish School of Ecumenics.
Web Sites Templegrove Action Research Limited produced a number of reports based on community research carried out in 'Derry Londonderry' into aspects of segregation and sectarian division in the city Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU; 1987-2000) {external_link} Community Relations Council (CRC) (Northern Ireland) Community Relations Unit (CRU) [Unit within the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister] Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM)
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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