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Sectarianism - List of Source Material

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Compiled by: Martin Melaugh

The following is a draft list of source material on the topic of sectarianism.


Anderson, James., and Shuttleworth, Ian. (1994), 'Sectarian Readings of Sectarianism: Interpreting the Northern Ireland Census'. Irish Review, 16, 74-93.

Anderson, James., and Shuttleworth, Ian. (1998), 'Sectarian Demography, Territoriality and Political Development in Northern Ireland'. Political Geography, 17, (2): 187 -.

Bell, Desmond. (1987), 'Marching for Identity: Youth Culture and Sectarianism in Northern Ireland'. ESRC Newsletter, 61, (Nov): 29-31.

Bell, Desmond. (1990), Acts of Union: Youth culture and Sectarianism in Northern Ireland. London: Macmillan Education.

Brewer, John D., with Higgins, Gareth I. (1998) 'Northern Ireland: 1921-1998', in, Anti-Catholicism in Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Limited.

Brewer, J.D. (1992), 'Sectarianism and Racism, and their Parallels and Differences'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 15, (3): 352-364.

Brewer, John. (1994), 'The Ethnographic Critique of Ethnography: Sectarianism in the RUC'. Sociology, 28, (1): 231-44.

Buckley, Anthony D. (1990), 'The Spirit of Irish Sectarianism'. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 15, (2): 23-29.

Cairns, D. (1999), Sectarianism in popular culture. University of Ulster, Dphil.

Cairns, D. (2000), 'The Object of Sectarianism: The Material Reality of Sectarianism in Ulster Loyalism'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 6, (3): 437-452.

Cavanagh, Colm. (1981), 'How We All Became Sectarian', in, Community Work in a Divided Society (compiled by Hugh Frazer). 33-6. Belfast: Farset Co-operative Press.

Connolly, Paul. (1999), Sectarianism, Children and Community Relations in Northern Ireland / with Paul Maginn. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster.

Evans, Geoffrey. Duffy, Mary. (1997), 'Beyond the Sectarian Divide: The Social Bases and Political Consequences of Nationalist and Unionist Party Competition in Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Political Science, 27, (1): 47 -.

Fairleigh, John et al. (1975), Sectarianism - Roads to Reconciliation: Papers read at the 22nd Annual Summer School of the Social Study Conference, Dungarven, August 1994. Dublin: Three Candles.

Fairleigh, John. (1975), 'Personality and Social Factors in Religious Prejudice', in, Fairleigh et al. Sectarianism - Roads to Reconciliation. 3-13. Dublin: Three Candles.

Farrell, Sean. (2000), Sectarian Violence and Political Culture in Ulster, 1784-1886. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press.

Finlay, Andrew. (1992), 'Politics, Sectarianism and the 'Failure' of Trade Unionism in Northern Ireland: the Case of Garment Workers in Derry, 1945-1968'. Saothar, 17, 78-86.

Fisher, Charles. (1995), The Impact of Sectarianism and Conflict on Community and Feminist and Environmental Politics: an Exploratory Thesis (M.Sc.). Belfast: Queen's University Belfast.

Fitzduff, Mari. (1988), Community Conflict Skills: a Handbook for Anti-Sectarian Work in Northern Ireland. Cookstown: Community Conflict Skills Project.

Foster, John Wilson. (1990), 'Forum on Sectarianism'. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 15, (2): 11-16.

Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2002) Race Crime and Sectarian Crime Legislation in Northern Ireland: A Consultation Paper, (November 2002), [PDF File; 261KB]. Belfast: NIO.
Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2002) Race Crime and Sectarian Crime Legislation in Northern Ireland: A Summary Paper, (November 2002), [PDF File; 161KB]. Belfast: NIO.

Hadden, T. (1983), 'Northern Ireland. 1: Police on Sectarian Divide'. New Society, 66, (1101): 506.

Hawthorne, J. (1989), 'Cultural Pluralism or Plain Sectarianism'?. Fortnight, (278): 28-30.

Heskin, Ken. (1990), 'Sectarianism: an Optimistic Prognosis'. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 15, (2): 17-22.

Jarman, Neil. (2005). No Longer A Problem?: Sectarian Violence in Northern Ireland, (Commissioned by Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister; OFMDFM), (March 2005), [PDF; 329KB]. Belfast: Institute for Conflict Research.

Jenkins, Richard. (1986), 'Northern Ireland: In What Sense 'Religions' in Conflict?''in Richard Jenkins and Hasti ngs Donnan & Graham McFarlane, The Sectarian Divide in Northern Ireland Today. 1-21. London: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.

Kelly, B. (2002), 'Young People's Views on Communities and Sectarianism in Northern Ireland'. Child Care in Practice, 8, (1): 65-72.

Kinealy, Christine. MacAtasney, Gerard. (2000), The Hidden Famine: Poverty, Hunger, and Sectarianism in Belfast, 1840-50. London: Pluto Press.

Liechty, Joseph., and Clegg, Cecelia. (2001), Moving Beyond Sectarianism: Religion, Conflict, and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Dublin: Columba Press.

Logue, Ken. (1993), Anti-Sectarianism Work: A Framework for Action / with additional material from Will Glendinning. Belfast: Community Relations Council.

Lovett, Tom. (1994), 'Bridging the Sectarian Divide in Northern Ireland: The Ulster People's College'. Adults Learning, 5, (6): 155-157.

Lovett, Tom. (1993), 'To Fight Sectarianism and Search for Peace: The Ulster People's College in Ireland'. Convergence, 26, (4): 33-34.

McVeigh, Robert Kyle. (1990), Racism and Sectarianism: a Comparison of Tottenham and West Belfast / PhD, Politics. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast.

Moore, Ruth. (1995), Policing And Sectarian Division In Derry Londonderry / Prepared for public consultations with The Police Authority for Northern Ireland. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd..

Moore, Ruth.Collins, Pauline. Smyth, Marie. (1996), A Report of a Series of Public Discussions on Aspects of Sectarian Division in Derry Londonderry. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd.

Morrow, Duncan. (2019). Sectarianism in Northern Ireland: A Review, (Review prepared in conjunction with the members of the Sir George Quigley Fund Committee), (14 May 2019), [PDF; 469KB]. Belfast: Ulster University. ... [19675] - [Report]

O'Connor, S. (1980), 'Chocolate Cream Soldiers: Evaluating an Experiment in Non-Sectarian Education in Northern Ireland'. Curriculum Studies, 12, (3): 263-270.

O'Duffy, Brendan. (1995), 'Violence in Northern Ireland 1969-1994: Sectarian or Ethno-National?'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18, (4): 740-772.

Patterson, Henry. (1980), Class Conflict and Sectarianism: The Protestant Working Class and the Belfast Labour Movement 1868-1920. Belfast: Blackstaff.

Robinson, Alan. (1971), 'Education and Sectarian Conflict in Northern Ireland'. The New Era, 52, (1 (Jan.)): 384-8.

Rolston, Bill.. (1983), 'Reformism and Sectarianism: The State of the Union after Civil Rights', in, Darby, John (ed.), Northern Ireland: The Background to the Conflict. 197-224. Belfast: Appletree.

Shiels, Donal Michael. (1990), Housing, Jobs and Sectarianism: the Case of North Belfast / MSSc, Social Studies. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast.

Shirlow, Peter. McGovern, Mark. (1997), 'Sectarianism, Regulation and the Northern Ireland Conflict: The Protestant Working Class and the Political Economy of the Irish Peace Process'. Journal de l'Espace Geographique, 29, (7): 132-154.

Shirlow, Peter. McGovern, Mark. (1996), 'Sectarianism, Socioeconomic Competition and the Political Economy of Ulster Loyalism'. Antipode, 28, (4): 379-398.

Smyth, M. Campbell, J. (1996), 'Social Work, Sectarianism and Anti-Sectarian Practice in Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Social Work, 26, (1): 77-92.

Smyth, M. Moore, R. (1996), 'Researching Sectarianism', in, Three Conference Papers on Aspects of Segregation and Sectarian Division. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research.

Smyth, Marie. (1995), Sectarian Division and Area Planning: a commentary on 'The Derry Area Plan 2011: Preliminary Proposals.'. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd..

Smyth, Marie. (1996), Urban Regeneration and Sectarian Division - with specific reference to segregation and the situation of enclave communities. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd..

Smyth, Marie. Moore, Ruth. (1995), Researching Sectarianism / Presented at The Annual Conference of the Sociological Association of Ireland: Clonmel, May 13, 1995. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd..

Smyth, Martin. (1975), 'A Protestant Looks at the Republic', in, Fairleigh, John et al. Sectarianism - Roads to Reconciliation: Papers read at the 22nd Annual Summer School of the Social Study. 25-35. Dublin: Three Candles.

Sugden, John. Bairner, Alan. (1993), Sport, Sectarianism and Society in a Divided Ireland. Leicester: Leicester University Press.

Trew, Karen. (1980), 'Sectarianism in Northern Ireland: A Research Perspective', Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Canterbury, Sept. 1980. Canterbury: British Psychological Society.

Williams, Trevor. Falconer, Alan. (eds.) (1995), Sectarianism: Papers of the 1994 Corrymeela Ecumenical Conference. Dublin: Dominican Publications in assoc. with the Irish School of Ecumenics.


Web Sites

Templegrove Action Research Limited produced a number of reports based on community research carried out in 'Derry Londonderry' into aspects of segregation and sectarian division in the city

Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU; 1987-2000) {external_link}
This site provides a range of material related to community relations in Northern Ireland from 1987 to 2000. The work of CCRU has now been taken over by the Research Branch at the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.

Community Relations Council (CRC) (Northern Ireland)

Community Relations Unit (CRU) [Unit within the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister]

Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM)

Corrymeela Community


CAIN contains information and source material on the conflict and politics in Northern Ireland.
CAIN is based within Ulster University.

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