CAIN Web Service
Devolved Government - Executive Committee
Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change
The Northern Ireland Assembly elected an Executive Committee that is in effect the equivalent of the British Cabinet. The Executive is currently made up of the First Minister, the Deputy First Minister, and the eleven Ministers who head the Departments. The powers of the Executive were initially set out in the Good Friday Agreement.
Membership of Executive Committee
- List of Ministers in the Northern Ireland Executive 2016-
- List of Ministers in the Northern Ireland Executive 2011-2016
- List of Ministers in the Northern Ireland Executive 2007-2011
- List of Ministers in the Northern Ireland Executive 1998-2007
Office of the First Minster and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM)
First Minister:
Arlene Foster
(Democratic Unionist Party; DUP)
(12 May 2016 - )
(11 January 2016 - )
Former First Minister: Peter Robinson (Democratic Unionist Party; DUP)
(12 May 2011 - 11 January 2016)
(5 June 2008 - 12 May 2011)
Former First Minister: Rev. Ian Paisley (Democratic Unionist Party; DUP)
(8 May 2007 - 5 June 2008)
Deputy First Minister:
Mr Martin McGuinness (Sinn Féin; SF)
(12 May 2016 - )
(12 May 2011 - )
(5 June 2008 - 12 May 2011)
(8 May 2007 - 5 June 2008)
Junior Ministers in the OFMDFM:
Former Junior Minister: Jonathan Bell (Democratic Unionist Party; DUP)
(16 May 2011- )
Former Junior Minister: Martina Anderson (Sinn Féin; SF)
(16 May 2011- )
Former Junior Minister: Robin Newton (Democratic Unionist Party; DUP)
(1 July 2009 - 16 May 2011)
Former Junior Minister: Gerry Kelly (Sinn Féin; SF)
(8 May 2007 - 16 May 2011)
Former Junior Minister: Jeffrey Donaldson Democratic Unionist Party; DUP)
(26 February 2008 - 1 July 2009)
Former Junior Minister: Ian Paisley Jnr. (Democratic Unionist Party; DUP)
(8 May 2007 - 26 February 2008)
Areas of Responsibility
Support for the Executive and liaison with the Assembly, the North-South Ministerial Council, British-Irish Council, Civic Forum and UK Departments; international relations; Programme for Government and the Executives economic policies; promoting and monitoring implementation of equality of opportunity/good relations, tackling poverty and social exclusion, children and young people, victims and survivors, sustainable development; Maze/Long Kesh Regeneration; Review of Public Administration; Information Service; emergency planning; improving investment in infrastructure and the Statutory Publications Office.
Former Administration
First Minister: David Trimble
(Elected 1 July 1998; obtained devolved power 2 December 1999; resigned 1 July 2001; reinstated 6 November 2001 - suspension 14 October 2002)
Deputy First Minister: Mark Durkan
(Elected 6 November 2001 - suspension 14 October 2002)
Previous postholder: Séamus Mallon
(Elected 1 July 1998; Resigned 15 July 1999; reinstated 29 November 1999; obtained devolved power 2 December 1999; resigned 6 November 2001)
Junior Ministers, Denis Haughey (SDLP) and Dermot Nesbitt (UUP), were appointed to assist the First Minister and Deputy First Minister
Areas of Responsibility
Economic policy (including the budget); equality; liaison with the North/South Ministerial Council, British-Irish Council, British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, Civic Forum and the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland; European affairs; international matters; liaison with the International Fund for Ireland; the Information Service; community relations; public appointments policy; honours; freedom of information; victims; Nolan standards; women's issues; policy innovation; public service improvement.
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Northern Ireland
Tel: 028 9052 8400
The Programme for Government and the Budget
Under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement:
20. The Executive Committee will seek to agree each year, and review as necessary, a programme incorporating an agreed budget linked to policies and programmes, subject to approval by the Assembly, after scrutiny in Assembly Committees, on a cross-community basis.
Details of Budgets
Programme for Government 2024-27
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2025). 'Our Plan: Doing What Matters Most', Programme for Government 2024-27, (published 4 March 2025), [PDF; 9113KB]. Belfast: NIE. ... [31728] - [Programme]
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2025). 'Our Plan: Doing What Matters Most', Programme for Government 2024-27, Analysis of Responses to Consultations, (published 4 March 2025), [PDF; 1009KB]. Belfast: NIE. ... [31729] - [Report]
Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2016). Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21, (26 May 2016), [PDF; 768KB]. Belfast: NIE. ... [20658]
Draft Programme for Government 2011-15
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2011). Draft Programme for Government 2011-15: building a better future, (17 November 2011), [PDF; 710KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2011). Budget 2011-15, (7 March 2011), [PDF; 677KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2010). Draft Budget 2011-15, (15 December 2010), [PDF; 289KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2010). Revised 2010-11 Spending Plans for NI Departments, (12 April 2010), [PDF; 387KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2008). Budget 2008-11, (22 January 2008), [PDF; 1123KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2007). Building a Better Future: Draft Programme for Government 2008-2011, (25 October 2007), [PDF; 1058KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2007). Building a Better Future: Draft Investment Strategy 2008-2018, (25 October 2007), [PDF; 951KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2007). Building a Better Future: Draft Budget 2008-2011, (25 October 2007), [PDF; 1246KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Draft Programme for Government (2001-2002)
The document was also made available in PDF format: Programme for Government [PDF file 308KB]
Draft Programme for Government (2002-2003) was published on 24 September 2001 [draft document; PDF file 395KB].