![]() Elections: Unionist Party Stormont Manifesto 1969[Key_Events] [KEY_ISSUES] [Conflict_Background] POLITICS: [Menu] [Reading] [Articles] [Government] [Political_Initiatives] [Political_Solutions] [Parties] [ELECTIONS] [Polls] [Sources] [Peace_Process]
The Ulster Unionist Party's Declaration Published by the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), January(?) 1969
Only you the voter can decide
FOR Ulster is at the crossroads and this is no ordinary Election. Its outcome will decide the kind of country this will be. This statement is not simply a Statement of Policy: it is a Declaration of Principle.
What kind of Ulster do you want? Northern Ireland has been rent and torn in recent months. Its reputation has suffered. Its best and most faithful friends are troubled and concerned, its prospects for a bright and prosperous future - which were so promising only months ago - have been put at risk. But it is by no means too late. You, the people, can set us moving forward again on to higher ground. It is on the basis of this Statement that the Ulster Unionist Party seeks the support of the people of Ulster for those candidates who subscribe to it. This, we repeat, is not simply a Statement of Policy, it is also a Declaration of Principle. THE Ulster Unionist Party believes in an Ulster in which the obligations and rights of all citizens will he fully recognised. It expects of all citizens that loyalty towards the State which is due when the institutions of that State have the expressed support of a clear majority. It seeks from every individual a proper sense of responsibility and wholehearted participation in the life of the State. The Party acknowledges and proclaims the right of all citizens to equal treatment under the law, to full equality in the enjoyment of health, education and other social benefits, and to the protection of authority against every kind of injustice. We believe in the creation of new opportunities in which all will share: new jobs: new houses: and new economic development for all parts of the country. The Party will work to heal those divisions in our community which have so far prevented Northern Ireland from fulfilling its best hopes. This is a small country with a small population and few natural resources, of which the finest is our people. A united Ulster could make an even greater contribution to the life of the United Kingdom and the World. In all our policies, we will combine FIRMNESS with FAIRNESS. We believe in the rule of law and that no person is above the law. We believe that those who seek to disrupt society and benefit from the divisions they create or attempt to take the law into their own hands must be answerable to the law. We shall resist every attempt to usurp the authority of Parliament or to substitute the rule of force for the rule of law. Our aim will be to create the fullest confidence in our democratic system. Parliament is the centre of that system and it is in Parliament, by the process of debate and discussion, that the answers to our problems must be found. This is the sort of Ulster WE want. In this crucial election you can help to make such an Ulster a reality. THE PRINCIPLES OF THE ULSTER UNIONIST PARTY HAVE BEEN CLEARLY DEFINED: HERE ARE POLICIES WHICH WILL HELP TO CARRY THOSE PRINCIPLES INTO EFFECT IN THE NEXT PARLIAMENT:
Ulster's place in the United Kingdom Every policy and every action of a Unionist Government will be designed to ensure that all Ulster citizens continue to enjoy the benefits of the British connection - not just in high standards of services, but in high standards of fairness, tolerance and justice. We will maintain the Union and encourage all the people of Ulster to support it. We will work to restore our good name and high standing in Great Britain. Wise and just policies can help to secure both these ends.
Ulster as a united community In 1971 we shall celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the foundation of Northern Ireland. The Governments plans for the commemoration include a new and imaginative Leisure Centre to be used by all the people of Northern Ireland. But we want the citizens as well as the Government to celebrate half a century of self-government: and this can best be done by a truly united community, with common pride in shared achievements and a common determination to tackle outstanding problems.
Ulster as a prosperous economy Because of the difficulties of the national economy much remains to be done to increase and share prosperity. Thc following policies - which will need the co-operation of both sides of industry and of the entire business, commercial and farming community - will be pursued with vigour and determination:-
Ulster as a skilled community Manpower planning is vital. Manufacturing industry, services, construction, agriculture - all must have the skills to cope with modern problems and meet modern needs. Both sides of industry, through Industrial Training Boards, will have a part to play in industrial training. Government Training Centres will be used as key centres of manpower development. Every encouragement will be given to management training. And through the agricultural colleges, the farmer too will be equipped with the skills of the Seventies.
Ulster as Britains larder Agriculture must continue to receive the support due to a corner stone of the economy. The emphasis will be on creating in Great Britain and other markets a reputation for quality. This will help towards higher returns and a greater share of the market. Through the Agricultural Trust and otherwise, the search for new products and processes will be vigorously pursued.
Ulster as an educated society Education is the foundation of the New Ulster. In the next Parliament we will continue to develop the Queens University, the New University of Ulster, the Ulster College and other centres of higher education. At other levels of the educational system we will aim at a steady improvement of standards, including the building and reconstruction of schools. These improvements will be encouraged in both county and voluntary schools, and the maximum co-operation between the two systems will be encouraged. Equality of educational opportunity for all Ulster children will be our watchword.
Ulster with more and better homes Special emphasis in the years ahead must he given to the provision of more houses. The fullest encouragement will he given to housing authorities to clear sub-standard housing and carry out the necessary re-development. As industry comes into the towns where rapid growth is taking place, housing must go hand in hand. As already announced, new and more uniform systems of housing allocations are being worked out.
Ulsters health and welfare services These services have continued to grow at a rate which equals and in some respects surpasses the rate of growth elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Our hospital capital programme, for instance, is running at a proportionately higher rate than in Great Britain. Community services too are developing, and an ambitious programme for the building of health centres throughout the Province is taking shape. It is the aim and intention of the Unionist Party to maintain this momentum of advance. The future administrative structure of health and welfare services is now under consideration alongside the reshaping of local government, and a Paper setting out tentative proposals as a basis of consultation with the many interests involved, not least Parliament and public, will he published in the Spring of this year.
Ulster with speed and ease of transport Communications are the vital arteries of Ulster. We intend to give the railways every opportunity to show that they still have a useful role. The development of motorways and new roads will continue to reduce journey times and keep up with the growth in the number of vehicles.
Ulster with the full benefits of the Welfare State Parity with Britain will he our yardstick in the cash social services. We must preserve the benefits which our people enjoy in this and other fields under the Union with Great Britain and the special financial arrangements which go with it, underpinning social security.
Ulster with efficient local government Many consultations have taken place, all over the country and at various levels of local affairs, on the Governments Statement of Aims for the Reshaping of Local Authorities. These consultations will he taken a further stage in preparation for important legislation which will provide a new and simpler system, designed to give modernised administration and yet keep in close touch with local opinion.
Ulsters second city Londonderry, under its able and impartial Commission, can look forward to an early and vigorous implementation of the far-sighted Area Plan. Houses and jobs will be in the forefront, and the next Unionist Government will do all it can to assist the Commission to create conditions of life which are fitting to our Second City.
Ulster with equality and justice for all The reforms announced on 22nd November, 1968 will be carried out as rapidly as possible. The Londonderry Commission has now been appointed: new schemes of housing allocation are being formulated; and, as promised, Regulations under the Special Powers Act will be reviewed as soon as it is clear that the country has returned to a peaceful state. Bills to establish a Parliamentary Commissioner (or Ombudsman) and to abolish the company vote in local government elections will be introduced very early in the new Parliament. And once the basis for the re-structuring of local government has been determined, consideration will he given to a general review of the local government franchise in the context of the new pattern proposed for local government bodies. The fullest possible Government co-operation will he given to the Commission under the chairmanship of Lord Cameron which will be examining the causes of recent disturbances. It is our hope that all who are concerned to establish the truth will assist its deliberations.
THE ELECTION ON TELEVISION Dont miss the Ulster Unionist Party political broadcasts on the general election:
Published by the Ulster Unionist Party, Glengall Street, Belfast, and printed by
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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