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Ulster Unionist Party (2003) 'Ten-Point Charter' (6 November 2003)

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Text: Ulster Unionist Party ... Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh

Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) 'Ten-Point Charter'

The Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) launched a ten-point Charter for the 2003 Northern Ireland Assembly Election. The Charter represented a set of declarations that all the UUP candidates (pro- and anti-Agreement) in the election could support. The Charter was published on Thursday 6 November 2003. The UUP also published an election manifesto [PDF File; 1491KB].


The points are:

1. Ulster Unionists will work for and serve in an inclusive, democratic Assembly.

2. Ulster Unionists demand and will work towards the end of all paramilitarism, loyalist and republican.

3. Ulster Unionists will hold firmly to the requirement for ‘acts of completion’, dealing conclusively with decommissioning terrorist activity and the effective winding up of paramilitary organisations, making it clear that the transition to peace and democracy is being brought to a conclusion before Sinn Fein can participate in a Northern Ireland Executive.

4. Ulster Unionists support new powers to monitor paramilitary activity and impose sanctions. We will press the International Monitoring Commission and Government to act decisively with paramilitary breaches, regardless of political considerations.

5. Ulster Unionists look forward to a normal security profile in a peaceful environment, retaining the Home Service RIR. We seek the devolution of policing and justice powers but will only consent when there is a fully peaceful and democratic society with wholehearted support for the police.

6. Ulster Unionists will oppose any amnesty or apparent amnesty for fugitives from justice (OTRs).

7. Ulster Unionists are determined that policing and sentencing powers and anti-social behaviour legislation keep pace with the rest of the UK.

8. Ulster Unionists are committed to the merit principle in employment, human rights, equal citizenship and equality of opportunity for all.

9. Ulster Unionists will work for the social and economic betterment of all our citizens, regardless of class, gender, colour, race, nationality or religion.

10. Ulster Unionists will ensure Northern Ireland remains British, an integral part of the United Kingdom.


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Last modified : 08/15/2024 13:10:44