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RNU Insight into the Current Militarisation of the North of Ireland, (3 October 2011)

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Text: Republican Network for Unity ... Page compiled: Martin Melaugh

Republican Network for Unity, Insight into the Current Militarisation of the North of Ireland, (3 October 2011)


"The Republican Network for Unity (RNU) held it’s second Annual General Meeting or Ard Fhéis on Sunday 6th February, 2011 in Belfast. The national conference was a successful event bringing together Activists from cumain around the country to chart a progressive way forward to end British rule, imperialism, partition, political imprisonment, political policing in Ireland.

The Network’s second Ard Fhéis took place during an unprecedented attack against working-class families and communities throughout the country because of austerity measures.


• RNU reitered its belief that national, social and economic freedoms are inseparable. 
• Our commitment is to the 32 County Socialist Democratic Irish Republic as proclaimed in 1916 and democratically endorsed by the Dail in 1918. 
• Our Network is dedicated to Irish reunification, free from foreign interference and the restoration of our national sovereignty. 
• The Twenty-Six and Six County States are illegitimate and are in direct opposition to the Irish Declaration of Independence ratified by Dail Éireann in 1919. 
• We also pledged our commitment in opposing the Good Friday Agreement as a sectarian partitionist document which denies the right of the Irish people to national self-determination.


• Dozens of motions from various cumain clearly outlined RNU as a socialist-republican organisation. 
• They summarised the need for socialist-republican policies to combat capitalism and the failed economic policies of Westminster, Leinster House and Stormont. 
• Socialist-Republicanism is the only viable alternative to the current status-quo. • The creation of a 32 County Socialist Democratic Irish Republic is the ONLY correct political objective. 
• RNU endorsed the need for an aggressive, radical and socialist strategy to counter social injustice inflicted upon the working-class to counter austerity measures. 


• The Ard Fhéis again rejected the RUC/PSNI as a British directed and Unionist political Police militia who continues to enforce partition, undermine working-class communities and the republican struggle. 
• Endorsement of the rebranded RUC is also an endorsement of the British occupation. We reject the British government and her Secret Service MI5’s influence over policing in the north east of our country. 
• RNU also demand the immediate banning and use of lethal plastic bullets and tasers by the unreformed RUC. 
• Our members also denounced An Garda Síochána who serve imperialist interests in Ireland. We also demand an immediate end to the archaic Section 30 of the Offences against the State Act. As an excuse by Gardaí to bully, threaten and intimidate legitimate political opposition groups. 


• RNU fully support calls by the family of Volunteer John Brady for a full independent inquiry into his tragic death. 
• RNU reject the use of internment as a sinister tool used by Britain against Irish citizens. We also demand the immediate release of Veteran Lurgan Republican, Martin Corey. 
• The Ard Fhéis also demand the repatriation to Ireland of Irish Political Prisoner, Micheal Campbell from Lithuania prison and we denounce extradition proceedings against his brother, Liam Campbell and call for his immediate release. 
• RNU commended the Maghaberry POWs’ and their families for their resolve during last year’s protest for Political Status. We challenge those with a genuine interest in human rights to expose ongoing problems faced by Republican Prisoners at the County Antrim prison. 
• Our Activists call for the immediate release of all Irish Political Prisoners at home and abroad and we send them and their families solidarity greetings. 
• We also send best wishes to Republican-Socialist POWs’ and demand the speedy release of Eddie McGarrigle from his unwarranted imprisonment. 
• RNU affirmed our commitment to the duty of care to former POWs’, combatants and supporters. 


• RNU is an Irish Republican group who are firmly opposed to sectarianism and racism in all its forms. 
• Activists also confirmed their support for full and equal rights for the gay and lesbian community. 


• Other motions adopted at the Ard Fhéis called upon RNU to support only socialist-republican and Anti-Agreement Candidates during the forthcoming elections. 
• That this Ard Fhéis only endorse election candidates who accept Republican-Socialist ideology and promote that political analysis. 
• The Network also supported calls for the wider Republican family to support only Republican-Socialist candidates in future elections. 


• Activists renewed their commitment to continue actively building unity between other republican groups and Parties. As well as, promoting the creation of a Socialist-Republican Congress that can assist that unanimity. 


• The 2011 Ard Fhéis asserted the right of Irishmen & women to use disciplined resistance to defend the Irish Republic proclaimed in 1916.
• This Ard Fhéis send comradely greetings to Óglaigh Na hÉireann. 


• This Ard Fhéis is strongly committed to the promotion and a proactive approach to the use of our native language, Irish. 
• RNU oppose proposed cuts that will only negatively impact upon the use of our historical language.


• This Ard Fhéis believes that all children have the right to protection as proclaimed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
• Every child should not be subjected to physical, inhuman or degrading treatment. They should also be protected from neglect, bullying, maltreatment or exploitation. 
• Any child born on the island of Ireland is an Irish citizen, regardless of the nationality of the parent(s). 
• Education is a fundamental right and all Irish children must have access to free education.
• RNU supports housing developers, agencies and associations to create child-friendly facilities in every new development and facilitate such buildings to the local community on completion.


• The Ard Fhéis expressed its solidarity with the people of Rossport in their struggle against Shell Oil. 
• RNU support independence and self-determination for Scotland, Wales, Corsica, Brittany, Kurdistan, Catalonia and the Basque Country."



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