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Devolved Government - Details of Budgets

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Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh
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Devolved Government in Northern Ireland
Secretary Assembly Executive Departments Committees North- South British- Irish Conference Civic Forum

Details of Budgets

Details of Budgets

Under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement:
    20. The Executive Committee will seek to agree each year, and review as necessary, a programme incorporating an agreed budget linked to policies and programmes, subject to approval by the Assembly, after scrutiny in Assembly Committees, on a cross-community basis.


Programme for Government 2024-27
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2025). 'Our Plan: Doing What Matters Most', Programme for Government 2024-27, (published 4 March 2025), [PDF; 9113KB]. Belfast: NIE. ... [31728] - [Programme]


Draft Programme for Government 2011-15
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2011). Draft Programme for Government 2011-15: building a better future, (17 November 2011), [PDF; 710KB]. Belfast: NIE.


Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2011). Budget 2011-15, (7 March 2011), [PDF; 677KB]. Belfast: NIE.

Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2010). Draft Budget 2011-15, (15 December 2010), [PDF; 289KB]. Belfast: NIE.

Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2010). Revised 2010-11 Spending Plans for NI Departments, (12 April 2010), [PDF; 387KB]. Belfast: NIE.

Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2008). Budget 2008-11, (22 January 2008), [PDF; 1123KB]. Belfast: NIE.


Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2007). Building a Better Future: Draft Programme for Government 2008-2011, (25 October 2007), [PDF; 1058KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2007). Building a Better Future: Draft Investment Strategy 2008-2018, (25 October 2007), [PDF; 951KB]. Belfast: NIE.
Northern Ireland Executive (NIE). (2007). Building a Better Future: Draft Budget 2008-2011, (25 October 2007), [PDF; 1246KB]. Belfast: NIE.


Draft Programme for Government (2001-2002)
The document was also made available in PDF format: Programme for Government [PDF file 308KB]

Draft Programme for Government (2002-2003) was published on 24 September 2001 [draft document; PDF file 395KB].


Budget for 2001/2002

News Release about the Budget Statement by Minister for Finance and Personnel, Mark Durkan MLA, 17 October 2000
Budget statement [PDF; 35k] by Minister for Finance and Personnel, Mark Durkan MLA, 17 October 2000


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