CAIN Web Service
Cross-Community Marriage in Northern Ireland - Section 3
Text: Gillian Robinson ... Page Design: Fionnuala
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change
3.1 Background prior to meeting partner
Respondents came from a variety of backgrounds. The majority however
were from Northern Irish parents and again the majority had been reared
in Northern Ireland. Several were themselves products of a mixed marriage
in these cases they had all (with one exception) been reared in the Roman
Catholic tradition. Respondents varied in the amount of religious input
there had been in their childhood, some for example had been brought up
with a great deal of religion, for example, Presbyterians who went to church
maybe twice on Sundays and were not allowed to do anything else on a Sunday,
'we didn't go out to play on Sundays. We were allowed out to walk or
we would have had aunts or cousins come visiting, but you wouldn't even
have gone out in the garden really on a Sunday to play' (Presbyterian woman
in her forties who had been brought up in Belfast)
or Roman Catholics who not only attended every church service but also
had prayers at home each evening,
'Mass every Sunday, devotions every day that there was one and Rosary
and prayers at home' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties from Belfast)
Others had less religious upbringing but everyone had some religious
element in their childhood.
They also had various experiences of mixing with the other religion,
as children many people had no contact whatsoever with a member of the
other religion and certainly those who had had close friends from the other
religion were in a minority. This was largely accounted for by the fact
that the majority attended schools where there was only either Catholics
or Protestants. There was some mixing brought about by area of residence.
'I mean we never played with the Catholic children, we knew them but
we never played with them' (Church of Ireland woman in her forties who
had been brought up in a rural area)
'I would have had virtually no contact with any of the Catholic community
at all' (Protestant woman in her forties brought up in rural town)
'It was 100% Catholic where I lived and I never really had any dealings
with Protestants until, as I say, I met David.
... I mean I never ever knew what it was to sit and talk
to a Protestant' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties from predominantly
Catholic area of Belfast)
'I had Catholic friends from when I was very young and always have had'
(Protestant woman in her forties from South Belfast)
'As I say I went to a Protestant school, was brought up in the Church of
Ireland but always had and always can remember having had Catholic friends'
(Church of Ireland woman in her thirties brought up in Belfast)
As people got older they reported slightly more mixing chiefly through
university, technical colleges or work. While a lot of people said that
it never made any difference to them what religion someone was one Catholic
man summed up an opinion expressed by many when he said
'I think it's like most normal people in Northern Ireland; religion
doesn't strike you but it's essential to know who you are talking to and
what religion they are in case you put your foot in it' (Roman Catholic
man in his thirties)
With this increase in mixing many people realised some of the views
that they had held of the other religion were not accurate;
'Oh, they don't have horns' (Protestant man from Belfast in his thirties).
Some of the respondents had had previous relationships with the 'other'
religion. These relationships in many cases led to some family friction
'I remember saying to my mother 'I think I will end up marrying a Protestant
someday'. And she just turned round to me and said 'well, if you keep going
out with them you will" (Roman Catholic woman in her forties from
rural area)
'it was pretty serious for her because she was from Fermanagh, a border
town and it was mustard. Her parents wouldn't talk to me
... they were very anti her going out with a Catholic' (Roman
Catholic man in his thirties)
One woman talking about a previous relationship with a Protestant said
'the relationship dwindled because I wouldn't give up my religion and
he wasn't prepared to give up his and that was the 1960's and it wasn't
just as easy then.., to even contemplate a mixed marriage where you would
have been married in the chapel and he went his way and you went your way'
(Roman Catholic woman in her sixties originally from rural area)
Another man recalled
'There was one girl that I did go out with for a while but we were forced
apart at one stage. The local hoods came on the scene and made the usual
threats to me and I was young enough to be intimidated Out of the relationship'
(Protestant man in his thirties then living in Protestant area of Belfast)
Respondents varied from those who were very active in their faith at
the time of meeting their partner to those who had to all intents and purposes
given up any association with their Church. It was often the case that
respondents reported a dropping off in religious involvement in their late
teens and early twenties. This was often associated with being away from
home, perhaps having gone to university or having started to work. However
while many of these people did not return to the Church some of them reported
that their faith became important to them again as they got older and particularly
when they had children.
Some people had been involved in cross-community initiatives such as
Corrymeela, Holiday groups for children and PACE (Protestant and Catholic
While people were not asked directly about their perceptions of the
other religion prior to their relationship many volunteered information
with comments like;
'I would still say that Catholics are more fun' (Protestant woman in
her forties) 'the fact that they (Protestants) are so clean-cut and ... we used to notice that they always had more manners I think, than
the Catholic fellows' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties)
'I thought Northern Protestants were a funny lot. I even had that sussed
back then. I thought that they were very bigoted, they were the ones that
were really intransigent. They were the 'no-surrender" (Roman Catholic
woman in her thirties)
'Another attitude that prevailed when I was growing up, was about property
and land. There was this balance between the communities, that you didn't
want to lose what you had, so the Protestants weren't keen to sell land
to the Catholics or to sell houses to the Catholics. It was known as 'going
wrong' or 'letting it go wrong" (Protestant woman in her forties from
rural area)
'I mean I was indoctrinated in the Catholic church, we were the right religion
and that was it. And I used to really live in fear my father would go to
hell because he was a Protestant' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties
herself the product of a mixed marriage)
'I wasn't brought up any way bitter. Granted, when I was a kid like, it
came to the twelfth, you went out and kicked the Pope and all that there'
(Protestant man in his twenties from Belfast)
Many people recalled their parents opinion on mixed marriage that they
would have heard as they were growing up in the home;
'My father ... once said to me that if any of us were to marry in
a mixed marriage, within the context of Northern Ireland, he would advise
us to live elsewhere, because he thought marriage was difficult enough
without having that to contend with' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties
from rural town)
'My father always said 'Don't go out with a Protestant because there are
enough problems in marriage without that one'. He always said that and
I always intended not to go out with a Protestant' (Roman Catholic woman
in her twenties from rural area)
'my mother said to me 'better the good Protestant than a bad Catholic"
(Roman Catholic woman in her thirties)
Many people had had previous experience of mixed marriage in their families
and while a few could not recall any difficulties with these previous marriages
for the majority there had been some problems,
'One sister was married to a Catholic person and I know that she was
very much an outcast' (Presbyterian woman from a rural area speaking of
her fathers sister)
'but there was nobody in the family apart from distant Ballymena cousins
who had disgraced everybody ... by
all of them marrying Catholics' (Protestant woman in her forties from rural
'I mean we were lucky too most of our friends were involved in mixed marriages,
out of six marriages that we attended in that year ... five were mixed, so it was good from that point of view
because you had support from people who were going through exactly the
same thing' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties, university graduate)
In summary then the background information provided by our respondents
suggest that they are a diverse group. Some had very strict religious upbringings
while others had less religious input. Some had maintained their faith
and still practised regularly while others had little or no contact with
the church. Most had had little contact with the other religion until they
were adult. A majority would have had previous experience of mixed marriage
either in their family circle or among friends.
3.2 Courtship
People met in a wide variety of places, work, dances, sports clubs,
university. Most people said that because of going out with their partner
they would have gone to places where they might not previously have gone.
On the other hand especially in rural areas people said that once they
started going out with their partner they no longer felt comfortable in
certain places, for example one young woman from Fermanagh said that she
would not bring her husband along to Badminton Club dances because Catholics
were not allowed to become members of the Club (played in local Church
hall). In Belfast many people thought that being with a member of the other
religion gave them an immunity or pass into area where they would not venture
on their own. One Catholic woman said that if she was walking in a Catholic
area she could say she was such and such a persons daughter, while if she
went to the leisure centre in a Protestant area she would use her married
The vast majority of people were aware from the point of meeting that
their partner was of the 'other' religion. This was most often realised
either by name, school or intuition.
'I just knew. His name was Protestant, it's a Protestant name' (Roman
Catholic woman in her twenties)
'there aren't too many Prods called Teresa' (Protestant man in his forties).
However they did not necessarily admit that at home. One woman referred
to her boyfriend by a nickname for months to conceal his identity from
her parents.
'I didn't tell my parents anything about it because I knew what the
reactions would be' (Protestant woman in her thirties from rural area)
Most of the people who took part in this study would have been a little
wary about telling their parents that they were going out with a person
of the other religion. But for some the worry was so great that they kept
it a secret,
'I remember at that stage coming up in absolute dread and nerves that
anybody we would know would meet us, and at the end of the evening I just
said 'Look you know I have enjoyed the evening very much, but my parents
would go round the bend ... and I just don't
know if I could put up with the stress of all this' (Roman Catholic woman
in her forties from rural town).
Parents like the respondents themselves very quickly realised that the
new boy or girl friend was not a co-religionist;
'Yes, of course they knew. As soon as I told them his name they knew'
(Roman Catholic woman in her
twenties from rural area), 'I'm sure the alarm bells were ringing 'Aidan,
yes Catholic name" (Protestant woman in her forties)
'They knew from the surname'(Roman Catholic woman in her fifties)
'I can't remember how I ever got him in home, I think I got him in without
saying what religion he was. Because I knew he wasn't a Catholic, I knew
by his name he wasn't a Catholic, I knew by his language he wasn't a Catholic'
(Roman Catholic woman in her fifties, married over 25 years)
Families reacted for the most part in one of two ways. There were those
who initially were welcoming to the new boyfriend or girlfriend but when
they realised the relationship was becoming more serious then began to
put up obstacles to the relationship and, in some cases, they refused to
accept the partner at all. In the other case parental reaction was initially
hostile but as they realised that the relationship was serious and that
they were not going to break it up gradually accepted the situation.
'It was rather a reverse situation, I never really received any resistance
from my parents up until we got married and then there were problems. There
was resistance from Sandra's parents up until we got married, but after
we got married or got engaged, there was no resistance' (Roman Catholic
man in his thirties in Belfast)
'But it is different, that is fine until suddenly a definite something
was going to happen' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties married over
10 years)
'we were up till four o'clock in the morning battling it out with my mum
and dad. Not me and Julie, just me, but we had really heated arguments
with me probably being over-sensitive' (Protestant man in his thirties
married 5 years)
'He was horrified when he discovered that his son was going out with a
Protestant' (Protestant woman in her forties married over 10 years)
'My dad locked me out of the house and said it was either Jimmy or the
family, but then he let me back in again, but there was quite a bit of
friction at the beginning and even till we got married he was still against
it. He wasn't against Catholics as such; he just thought that we didn't
realise what we were getting into and he could see what troubles we were
bringing on ourselves' (Protestant woman in her thirties then living in
working class area of Belfast, married 9 years)
'unfortunately at that stage my father did stop me from seeing Derek
... not because he didn't want me to marry a Protestant as
such, but because of his religion, he saw me going into a religion where
there would be birth control and divorce and all the things that were alien
to him as a Catholic' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties who left school
at 17 and moved to Belfast because of her fathers opposition to her relationship)
'it was very very stressful and the stress went on for years to such a
degree that I got a white stripe down the back of my hair and was exhibiting
all these physical symptoms of stress' (Church of Ireland woman in her
thirties whose mother did not approve of the relationship)
In some cases people were shocked by their parents reaction
'the priest will be on your doorstep all the time and all this sort
of thing. Really quite horrified me because I had never heard those views
expressed in our house before and quite taken aback because I would have
thought my father was fairly liberal and it hurt' (Protestant woman in
her forties)
'I didn't think they would react like that, because they had never, ever
said things like that to me before, but my own experience is, not only
with my own parents, but with a lot of other people I've known, that it's
okay till it comes to your own door' (Roman Catholic man in his fifties
whose mother refused to let him bring his girlfriend home less than 10
years ago in working class area Belfast)
One woman who faced so much hassle at home eventually decided to leave
home and move in with her boyfriend
'I'm sure that was the worst possible thing that could ever happen ... how were they going to explain this to
the other members of the family, that their daughter, not only did she
leave home ... but she was going to live with
someone ... not only that
but he was a Roman Catholic ... I was in a
terrible state at the time ... but I just knew
what I wanted and knew that I wasn't going to give him up' (Presbyterian
woman in her thirties recalling events 10 years ago living in a rural area)
Obviously these are extremes but the majority of cases would have fallen
into one of these categories. Even in cases which were not so extreme there
was a coolness on behalf of the family which respondents felt would not
have been present if they had been going out with someone of their own
religion. It is true to say that in only a handful of cases did the couple
get total approval of the relationship right from the outset.
'Well, she didn't say anything openly but it was quite obvious you know
- when Christine phoned or anything like that
- she wasn't that pleased. I think she just sort
of hoped it would go away' (Catholic man in his thirties in Belfast)
'It was just a wee bit cool' (Catholic woman on the reception she got from
her in-laws 10 years ago)
'farming background and I worked in Belfast and met my husband at a party
here. He was a Protestant and I was a Catholic. It was totally irrelevant
and it really has never affected our relationship from that day to this.
I can honestly say that you know' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties
living in Belfast married 8 years)
'but I do remember telling my Mum and again it was, it didn't really matter,
you know, she was told and that was it, there was never anything made of
it, you know. It was never a worry or a problem' (Church of Ireland woman
in her thirties living in Belfast)
During the period of courtship the friends the couple had were important.
In a lot of cases the friends had been fairly mixed but occasionally when
one partner would find themselves in predominantly Catholic or Protestant
crowd problems did occur. For example one Protestant man recalled how
'sometimes the banter went on a bit too long you know and I remember
thinking a couple of times 'God, here they go again" (Protestant man
in his thirties in Belfast)
'her name was Eileen McIlroy that was her maiden name, and in Northern
Ireland that would be more akin to a Catholic name than a Protestant name,
especially the Eileen. Therefore when we first went out to-gether a lot
of my friends automatically assumed that Eileen was a Catholic. In conversation
somebody would drop a danger and I would always take great delight in saying
'By the way Eileen is a Presbyterian' and watch them disappear into the
nearest hole' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
Security was another issue for some of the couples, particularly in
Belfast where parents and indeed the respondents themselves occasionally
had reason to worry about going into certain areas. One Catholic woman
living in a republican area would have been told
'Now you watch yourself and as her mother got to know the Protestant
boyfriend better 'You make sure David is alright going home' (Roman Catholic
woman in her twenties who lived in a republican area of Belfast prior to
her marriage)
Some of the respondents reassured their parents by being flippant
'Sure the only thing that could happen to me is that I could get shot'
(Protestant man in his twenties from Protestant area whose girlfriend lived
in republican area of Belfast)
For others the security issue was related to the fact that they had
family members in the security forces.
'as things went on I got very worried, I have two brothers in the security
forces so I always had the fear of somebody using me or Teresa to get at
them' (Presbyterian man in his thirties living in a small rural town in
the West of the Province)
In more working class areas the problems were even more apparent. One
young Roman Catholic woman said
'The place he works is a Protestant Club ...
and the first time he took me down there, they were all talking
about this and that and the other and Protestant this and Fenian this and
Fenian the other and they all turned round and looked at me, they apologised,
and William was out in the toilet and one of them came in and says' You
shouldn't have brought her in in the first place" (Roman Catholic
woman in her twenties in Belfast)
For such couples the links between religion and politics was more in
evidence. The same woman recalled how her mother in law watching the news
about some IRA killing
'turned around and said 'that's your people that did that' and I says
'it is not my people, I have nothing to do with people like that there'
but she says 'you are one of them anyway' (Roman Catholic woman in her
twenties living in Protestant area)
Some of the relationships were publicised in the local press
'trying their utmost to make it difficult for us' (Roman Catholic woman
in her thirties in rural area)
Very few people mentioned any problems encountered from friends or the
wider community although one woman remarked,
'it would have probably appeared to people like a very difficult relationship,
because he would have been from a very unionist family, a very Protestant
family and I would have been from a very Catholic family involved in the
SDLP' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties in rural town)
Again, only a few people reported any problems at work although a couple
of the older respondents were able to recall incidents, one Catholic woman
'he actually got a hiding for going with a Catholic' (Roman Catholic
woman from working class background)
While another Catholic woman reported that her husband had had 'Fenian
lover' written on his locker at work.
Many relationships split up for periods over some issue but in many
of the cases interviewed the respondents had split up specifically because
either they themselves were worried about the difficulties they would encounter
because of the religious difference, or because they did not want to upset
their families by going ahead with the relationship.
'I began to get a bit worried about this Protestant, because I knew
at that stage I was very very fond of him. So I stopped going out with
him' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties now married over 10 years).
'actually we only went out together for about six months and then I went
through this kind of ... a feeling, if you like. A feeling that this was
not going to work. I didn't really want to hurt my family, I was very close,
particularly to my Daddy, being an only daughter and I thought, 'I really
love my Daddy and I don't want to hurt him" (41, Protestant woman
in her forties from loyalist background)
For some of the couples the religious difference was not seen to be
a big issue because one partner was not really interested in his or her
'he wasn't really a church goer as such, so that too made, I suppose,
things easier. If he had been a very strong Methodist I don't know' (Roman
Catholic woman in her forties now married over 10 years)
It is interesting that for many people there was a difference between
a Roman Catholic or Protestant from Northern Ireland and one from elsewhere,
and especially when they recounted tales of previous relationships,
'Until Aidan, I think I really only had one other Catholic boy-friend.
No, two, but the other one was a Scot so it didn't really count, you know!'
(Protestant woman in her forties)
'there is a difference between an American Protestant and an Irish Protestant'
(Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'Oh yes they liked this guy very very much from Dublin ...
then maybe it was different, he was from Dublin, somehow
that didn't seem to matter as much, I don't know why' (Presbyterian woman
in her thirties from a rural area on a previous relationship with a Roman
In the early stages of the relationship people did tend to discuss religion
to some extent or the related politics, while many people said it was not
a big issue for them others had heated debates
'at the beginning, it still happens now, we get too deep into it and
you can't start rowing about it, because she has got her views and I have
got mine. No matter how many times you argue or discuss it, you are not
going to change each other's view.' (Protestant man in his twenties)
For couples who were married longer it appears that clergy from both
sides were often called in to try to dissuade the couple form continuing
the relationship
'we were dragged to my church and his church to see the ministers and
these men tried to persuade us to give this whole thing up' (Roman Catholic
woman married over 25 years)
To conclude this section on courtship our respondents had met in a wide
variety of settings. They were almost all aware, from the first meeting,
of the other person's religion. Likewise their parents were immediately
aware. The other's name was particularly important in this respect. Parents
reacted for the most part in one of two ways. There were those who welcomed
the new friend initially but, as the relationship became more serious attempted
to oppose it or even rejected the friend altogether. Others were initially
hostile but gradually came to accept the situation. Reactions from friends
were usually accepting and few people had experienced any problems at work.
3.3 The decision to marry
While in this report we are concerned with supports and constraints
experienced because of being in a mixed marriage it is important (and perhaps
encouraging) that in some cases other issues were seen to be at least as
important and in some cases more important than the religious difference.
Several people mentioned class differences. One man speaking of his in-laws
'it was difficult for them to accept that I was not a Catholic, but
at least I had a good job and was well-off.
On the other side one woman said
'I know their expectations were that I would marry somebody who was
a Protestant and from a similar background, and he didn't fit any of those
Another woman said
'I wasn't just a Catholic, I was from Andersonstown'.
In another case the fact that one partner was disabled was seen to be
a bigger issue than the fact that they were of different religions. Similarly
in several cases where it was a second marriage the difficulties associated
with the Catholic churches position on divorce and difficulties with step-children
as one woman put it
'the religion thing seemed to pale into insignificance' (Protestant
woman in her forties whose partner was a divorcee)
Difference in age between the partners was also seen as a problem. However
people who were older when they married said that this seemed to help them
get over the religious issues with their families as families tended to
think (s)he is old enough now to know what (s)he is doing.
'I think she (mother) was prepared to accept him being the Protestant
because if it meant I was going to settle down at long last, you know what
I mean. But it still was as long as the children were going to be brought
up Catholics' (Roman Catholic woman in her fifties who woman was in her
early thirties when she married)
Some couples put off the decision to marry because of the difficulties
they perceived would face them
'Oh God no, I'll not think about that because it's too complicated and
it's too big an issue. We'll not worry about it' (Roman Catholic woman
in her thirties)
'I mean we went out together for 8 years before we got married because
we couldn't resolve it. Not that we couldn't resolve it, we couldn't get
the families to accept it and we saw so many clergymen of every
denomination even Methodists and Presbyterians that we thought might have
some influence ... what we wanted was a perfect
compromise and that we were told wasn't possible' (Church of Ireland woman
in her thirties from rural area but living in Belfast)
Others admitted that if their partner had been more staunch in their
views they might not have gone ahead at all,
'If he had been very strong willed and very keen on his own religion
we would probably, may not have never have got married. In many ways and
with respect I always think that the Protestant partner has to do all the
giving, I accept that, that they have to do all the giving. I mean there
he married me in the chapel, my children were brought up as Catholics,
they went to a Catholic school' (Roman Catholic woman in her fifties)
The decision to marry can be a stressful time for many couples regardless
of whether they are mixed or not, however for many mixed couples this time
of decision was a particularly difficult one. This was primarily because
the couple were striving to please their families. Many couples looked
around for information at this time, some talked to other couples they
knew, others (very few in fact) contacted NIMMA, one girl read a wedding
handbook which contained advice for people entering a mixed marriage.
'We knew the worst thing we could do was announce something half baked.
It was important that we should feel the same and feel very strongly about
it, that we were determined to do what we were going to do' (Roman Catholic
man in his thirties)
'Well we got engaged in April and we tortured ourselves coming up to that,
to try and get it clear in our heads what we were going to do and to try
and make sure that we presented things as acceptably as possible to both
sets of parents' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties)
'We actually joined NIMMA, when we got engaged and we sort of investigated
the various aspects of the future relationship and what would happen' (Protestant
woman in her thirties).
For couples living in more working class areas the safety aspect also
had to be considered. One couple decided to get married in the Presbyterian
church (the man's church) with his Catholic friend as best man but
'he got threatened. He was a Catholic and he got threatened and if he
set foot in the church ... he would get knee-capped
and something would happen to me' (Roman Catholic woman in her late twenties
who lived with her husband for 3 years following this threat before they
actually got married)
There were a few people who said they just decided to go ahead with
what they wanted to do,
'I don't think I mean I suppose at that age you didn't really discuss
things like that you just decided you are going to do it really, I wouldn't
say it was a question of to hell with everybody else but you just decide
what you are doing and you go for it' (Presbyterian man in his thirties)
Some parents were delighted or at least accepting of the news that the
couple were to marry but for many couples the decision to go ahead and
get engaged brought about the first major flash point with parents. Many
people broke down at this point recalling parents refusing to look at engagement
rings, mothers crying and lamenting,
'I could probably say that it was one of the worst days of my life ...
what should have been a happy day wasn't very happy and I felt very
sorry for Christine' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties whose mother was
distraught when she realised that despite her opposition her son had gone
ahead and got engaged).
His wife recalling the day wept and said
'Gary, poor Gary, he had a rotten time ... I
don't think he would have told me absolutely everything but in short, no,
it wasn't possible, she wouldn't allow it, she wouldn't go and she didn't
want me back over' (Protestant woman in her thirties)
'Och, she (mother) took the hump and wouldn't speak to me for donkey's
ages, which was like water off a duck's back' (Roman Catholic man in his
'Like he threw me out of the house one night and told me not to come back'
(Protestant woman about her father-in-law who reacted to the news that
his son was going to marry in a Protestant church by throwing her out,
this was just at the start of the troubles with both families from working-class
'he (brother) had always been very friendly to my wife and all of a sudden,
he stopped talking to her' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'Mummy, of course, I will be perfectly honest, it was nothing to do with
religion, it was neighbours, my Mum worried more about what neighbours
would say' (Protestant woman in her fifties who was thrown out of her home)
'It was a very difficult time because I was torn really between my loyalty
to her (mother) and my love for my wife. I just always hoped that there
would be some kind of a way where I could keep them both happy and I realised
that that wasn't going to happen' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
In some other cases however parents who had previously refused to meet
the girl or boyfriend invited them to their home and in emotional scenes
apologised for their previous hostility.
Once the decision to marry had been taken the couple were faced with
several major decisions. Firstly decisions about whether or not one partner
would change religion or 'convert' as it is popularly called. In practice
we actually only met five couples where this had happened. In each case
the partner had converted to Catholicism, however in only two cases did
the partner practise after the wedding.
'Kenny had said 'if your parents would like me to turn I will' so I
said it to my parents and they were absolutely delighted' (Roman Catholic
woman in her thirties)
'I mean it would only be fair as I thought at the time, still do, I mean
stupid me staying a Protestant, him a Catholic and the children maybe going
as Catholic which meant I would be missing out in a lot with them so just
thought it would be better for the two parents to be the same' (Protestant
woman in her thirties)
Most people thought it undesirable, irrelevant or unimportant to do
so. While many of our respondents were not practising at the time of engagement
they still preferred that they would retain their own religion.
'In some ways it would be like working in two different offices and
all of a sudden just because you're married, why should you both work in
the one office necessarily?' (Protestant man in his early thirties)
'I don't go to church a lot. I mean I still consider myself a Protestant,
very much so' (Protestant woman in her forties)
In some cases this decision was accompanied by a sort of crusading spirit
'Well we'll show them that it works' (Protestant man in his thirties)
Secondly decisions had to be made about where to marry. The options
open to couples included a church wedding. If so, whose church? Another
option was a registry office, in fact only five couples chose this and
this was principally because in three cases it was a second marriage for
one or both partners. The decision was mostly made on the basis of the
bride's church although this would appear to be a more recent trend. Those
respondents who had been married for longer were less likely to have got
married in a Protestant church.
'by tradition as much as anything, you always get married in the girl's
church and I suppose the fact that it is a sacrament for us (Catholics)
and it isn't for Simon' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties)
'Geoff found it quite difficult to agree to get married in the Catholic
church ... but I didn't even understand at the
time that it was such a big thing for him really to have to agree to' (Roman
Catholic woman in her early 30's talking about her husband who came from
a working class loyalist background)
'Christine obviously wanted to get married in her own church as most girls
do' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties about his wife)
'I said 'look I want to get married in my own church and I want Daddy to
give me away and why would he give me away in a chapel' he had given my
sister away and I wanted the same' (Presbyterian woman in her thirties
married under 10 years)
'We wanted a joint wedding service, straight down the middle and we just
weren't offered it' (Church of Ireland woman in her thirties married 6
However although there was some trend to marry in the bride's church
for a lot of people the decision was made on the basis of who was the most
religious or whose family would object least. For those who decided to
marry in church, once they had picked whose church, for some there was
an added dimension of whether it would be their own local church or another
one. Many people did not marry in the local church for several reasons.
Some people who lived in Belfast felt that their families would not feel
safe going into certain areas. For some people who were from rural areas
the decision was to marry in Belfast somewhere where all the neighbours
wouldn't know it was a mixed marriage. For others in the country there
was a fear of negative reaction from locals to a mixed marriage. In several
cases a neutral venue such as the chaplaincy at Queen's University was
chosen because it was not such a 'Catholic' Roman Catholic church.
'Rather than go to Julie's own chapel, we went to the chaplaincy at
Queen's, because that wasn't as ornate and intimidating for the Prods that
would be coming' (Protestant man in his thirties)
Once the decision to marry had been made most couples then made some
contact with their churches to try to arrange the wedding. Some people
found their priests and ministers very helpful and supportive however many
found the reverse.
'I had come under a lot of pressure from the parish priest who in fact
refused to marry me. I mean I had it all planned the wedding and everything,
he said he would marry me in a small church two miles away with no congregation'
(Roman Catholic woman from a rural area who is married more than 20 years,
they eventually got married in Belfast)
'and we said,'there's a bit of a problem' and we told him what it was.
He said, 'that's not a problem" (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties)
'When I went back to the priest, he suggested that I get married in Belfast
and I thought, 'why? no, I want to get married at home" (Roman Catholic
woman in her twenties from a rural area)
.. he was very unhelpful actually and if anything,
he basically said 'I think you are making a huge mistake. I think you are
mad, you know what the rules are and either you live by the rules or you
go outside the Church'. This Catholic man was very embarrassed by this
going onto say 'This is the guy I brought Christine along to saying 'I
know this priest, he's very liberal, he'll help us' and we both came out
practically in tears.'
'He (priest) was helpful, I don't know what sort of strings he pulled
with the Bishop to get it (dispensation), ... he
also talked to my mother which made it that wee bit easier for her to accept'(Roman
Catholic man in his thirties)
'I think Brenda had sort of picked the priest carefully' (Protestant man
in his twenties)
'he (minister) got quite aggressive is nearly the word, he said that I
was being swayed by the Catholic religion and this was only the start of
it and I would get married in the church and they would have me bringing
my children up as Catholics and you know they didn't respect the Protestant
faith and religion at all' (Church of Ireland woman in her thirties speaking
of her ministers reaction when she told him that for various reasons she
had decided to marry in the Roman Catholic church)
Another Roman Catholic woman who had married about 25 years ago said
'we got it (dispensation) as long as it was all very quiet and we kept
quiet about it' got married in the sacristy.
'He (priest) took pains to put me at ease and when we were planning the
service, he couldn't have done more for us' (Presbyterian man in his twenties)
'Her Presbyterian minister said 'Yes I'll marry you. You will be the first
mixed marriage in this Church but I won't have a priest in the Church'
he went on to spout about how the Catholic religion was not only different
but it was wrong, which got my goat up a bit' (Roman Catholic man in his
thirties talking of Presbyterian minister in a rural town)
'We eventually got married in the Church of Ireland with a priest participating
in my parish church. In the end we discussed it and we decided right we
are going to have a certain number of these religious ceremonies in our
lifetime, we will do them time about. The bride's church is usually the
way, we will get married in the Church of Ireland, our first child will
be baptised by a priest, our second child by a minister and so on' (Church
of Ireland woman in her thirties)
We will look at the support or lack of it from the churches in more
detail later when we examine where the couples actually did marry.
It is necessary to mention here pre-marriage courses. These courses,
run mostly by the Catholic church, but also in a less formal way by some
of the other Churches posed another difficulty for some couples. In some
instances the non-Catholic partner while agreeing to marry in a Catholic
Church refused to attend and in most of these cases the couple managed
not to have to attend. Some couples did attend and for most they seemed
to be an enjoyable and useful exercise. However the experience of one non-Catholic
woman in a rural area was that she was reduced to tears by the end of the
first evening session by an insensitive priest who she felt picked her
out and made her feel very much an outsider. The story goes on to illustrate
how differences between priests in their attitudes can affect a couple.
This woman refusing to return to the original course was persuaded to attend
a special week-end course and there found a much different experience,
a helpful Priest who was sensitive to he being a non-Catholic and who went
out of his way to welcome her and put her at her ease. Two couples who
attended a joint pre-marriage course were interviewed and they found this
to be useful. Chiefly they felt because of the opportunity it gave them
to meet other couples in a similar position.
'It was great to meet people in the same situation ...
again the big question we really wanted help with was children and
there aren't any answers' (Protestant woman in her twenties)
Thirdly the couples were faced with decisions about any children they
might have. One older woman felt that
'the mother has responsibility for the religion of the child' (Roman
Catholic woman in her fifties).
For some couples the discussions they had about children before they
married seem to have been quite easily resolved with the partner who was
most involved in his or her church taking responsibility.
'Well, my husband wasn't a church goer, you know, he doesn't go to his
own church and hadn't been going the whole time I was going with him or
even before I met him. So to start bringing children up in a faith that
nobody was going to was going to be stupid really. I enjoy going to church'
(Roman Catholic woman in her forties).
For others where both were practising the decision was perhaps more
'what right had Ito say 'my faith is more important than yours, so they
have to be brought up Catholics'. We got talking about it and it was Simon
who said that the children would be brought up as Catholics, because he
felt Catholicism was so hard to grasp if you weren't brought up with it'
(Roman Catholic woman in her twenties) 'We reckoned it wouldn't be fair
on the children to try to bring them up in sort of two religions at once,
because they would end up confused and they would end up stuck in the middle
with nobody' (Protestant man in his twenties).
'about the children, he (the priest) knew we went to each other's services
and he thought that it was good that we'd found out more about each other's
religions and when we said that the children would be Catholic, he also
thought it important that they know something about their Presbyterian
background' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties)
'we decided that because Chris is the man in the house kind of thing that
we would bring the children up as Protestant' (Roman Catholic woman in
her twenties)
For couples where neither has a strong religious commitment the decisions
they made in these early stages were not always easy
'I don't have enough justification for saying 'this child must be a
Protestant' '(Protestant woman in her forties).
Why should it be so important for those who do not have a great attachment
to their religion that their child be brought up in that tradition?
'I think this is just back to the up-bringing you know, and I think
it's as much a feeling of loyalty to my family' (Protestant woman in her
However many people expressed their worries of being closed out if their
children were brought up in the 'other' religion
'I just felt that I would be closed out, if they went to Catholic school
and Catholic church and I wouldn't be any part of it, and I would always
be an outsider on that and they would have been taught that I was wrong
and I couldn't see how I could take that on board if they were going to
be my children' (Protestant woman in her forties)
Some couples argued long and hard about this matter,
'she said 'the kids are going to be Catholic' I said 'what if I say
the kids are going to be Prods?' That went on for ages. She said 'What
do you think my mum would feel about bringing her grandson up a Prod?'
I said 'Well, what do you think my mum would feel bringing it up a Catholic?"
(Protestant man in his twenties). This couple finally decided to bring
the children up as Catholics but the Protestant man went on 'saying that
it maybe took me four or five months to come to that conclusion because
being told that your child is going to be Catholic when you've been a Protestant
for twenty-odd years ... you have to take a step back'.
Some couples simply didn't think about the issue at all and hoped to
cross that bridge when they came to it. Other felt you couldn't decide
about something that might not happen. Others did discuss the issue but
could not reach a decision.
'We talked about it a bit because I mean, a lot of the books said you
needed to think about this and you really needed to have this decision
made before you got married. I think maybe mum and dad might have mentioned
that as well, but we talked about if of course, but we just couldn't do
it. We couldn't decide that because (a) it's a difficult decision and (b)
you know we sort of said we'll see what way we feel when we have the kids
and who feels strongest about it then or who feels most religious then,
that's the way we'll do it' (Protestant man in his twenties)
'In hindsight, I would have preferred to establish the ground rules firmly,
as to what the child or children were to be brought up' (Roman Catholic
man in his thirties) 'Oh, we had decided that they would be brought up
in the knowledge of both religions, but it slipped through where we were
going to get the children baptised' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
For some the discussions on religious up-bringing of the children also
included schooling, with some people both Catholic and Protestant not happy
for their child to go to either a Catholic or Protestant school,
'I don't feel that religion ought to be brought into schooling' (Protestant
man in his thirties)
Many people who had felt terribly hurt by their parents or churches
reaction to the fact that they were going to marry their partner went out
of their way to try to understand the reaction and make apologies for it.
'I have the feeling that he wouldn't marry other Protestant denominations..,
that's just the way he felt' (Roman Catholic about Presbyterian minister)
'He wasn't particularly nice, but he wasn't a priest who was particularly
nice anyway' (Roman Catholic about priest)
'my mother put her religion ahead of her relationship with me which at
the end of the day hurt me, but at the same time it's how she feels and
... I don't agree with her but I respect her
in some ways for it' (Roman Catholic man about his mother)
Finally couples had to decide where they were going to live. Again,
for the respondents in Belfast this was perhaps more of an issue. Some
people seemed to just decide to buy a house they liked, but as many remarked
they were lucky to be able to afford to buy a house in a middle class area
which would be fairly mixed anyway. For others regardless of financial
situation it was something they considered very carefully.
'We thought about where to live for a long time' (Roman Catholic man
in his thirties)
'We were very careful where we went to live and we paid more for this house'
(Roman Catholic woman in her thirties)
'What we did was ... we waited till it was coming
up to the twelfth ... we went around all the
areas to see who had the Union Jacks out' (Protestant man in his twenties)
In summary the decision to marry was one which very few took in their
stride and irrespective of the views of others. Some put off the decision
because of the difficulties which they anticipated. Others admitted that
without a lot of give on one side, the marriage would not have gone ahead.
The decision often caused the first major flashpoint with parents. The
decision was accompanied by a series of other, often difficult, decisions
which the couples had to make: whether one partner should convert; where
they should hold the wedding; how they would bring up the children; and
where they would live.
3.4 The marriage
The first item we need to discuss here is the dispensation which
the Roman Catholic partner must get to marry a non-Catholic if the marriage
is to be recognised by the Roman Catholic church. Remember there is also
another dispensation from form required if the marriage is not to
take place in the Roman Catholic church. The inconsistency with which people
are treated when they make application for these dispensations is surprising.
However, from the experience of our couples it has become easier to obtain
a dispensation over recent years.
'So we went to him and he said 'forget about the dispensation, you marry
in the Catholic church or you're not married and that's all there is about
it' (Presbyterian woman in her thirties in Belfast)
It is a condition that the Catholic partner must make a promise to do
all in his/her power to bring the children up in the Roman Catholic faith
to obtain a dispensation. For many people this was indeed a serious matter
and they only signed or promised when they believed that they would be
bringing the children up as Catholics. However many made an insincere promise
'at that stage we were so besotted and so in love that we would have
signed our lives away, because all that mattered to us then was getting
married' (Protestant woman in her thirties in Belfast)
'I can't honestly remember, but I think I had to sign forms of some kind
about 'doing my best to bring any children up in the Catholic tradition'
which I signed quite willingly, because I had no intention of doing so'
(Roman Catholic man in his forties who was not practising)
'but we felt that as something we had to do, it was important for, I suppose,
to bring my family along and we felt that we would pledge our eyes or commit
perjury if necessary to do that, even though it was a fairly serious thing
to have to say' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
In other cases where the couple have been married since before 1970
some people simply refused to sign yet they received dispensation to marry
in a Catholic church.
'They did ask my husband to sign something to say the children would
be brought up as Catholic. And he just said 'well, if they couldn't take
his word, there was no point in signing'. So he didn't ...' (Roman Catholic
who married at the time when the Protestant partner had to sign a promise).
Where did the service take place? In many cases this was complicated
some people had a mass at home for the Catholic family, followed by a church
wedding. Others had a Catholic wedding followed by a blessing in the Protestant
'We got married in the chaplaincy in Queen's, followed by another service
immediately afterwards up in her Presbyterian Church ...
we got married in the chaplaincy with a minister and a priest and
then we went on to the church and the minister and the priest went there
as well' (Protestant woman in her forties)
Of course many people simply elected for a straightforward Catholic
or Protestant service, but many people wished to have a representative
of the other religion take part in the service and indeed in some cases
this happened. For others there was great disappointment when a minister
or priest refused either to go into a church of the other denomination
or to invite the other priest or minister to take part in the service in
his church.
'The thing was his Methodist minister wouldn't come to the wedding,
which we were totally shocked about. Robert was shocked and that's why
he never went back' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties in a rural area.
Her husband did not retum to the Methodist church)
'So he said that he would love to come up to it but he would not take part
in it' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties speaking of her husbands Presbyterian
minister who would not take part in the service in the Roman Catholic church
1 year ago)
'I wanted to get married in our church ... and
he (minister) said yes but he wouldn't be able to allow a priest to officiate'
(Presbyterian woman from a rural area getting married less than 10 years
As already mentioned in many cases the wedding was celebrated in a neutral
church. This was often something of a disappointment to the bride,
'You've these wee notions as you grow up that you can picture yourself
getting married in white and going up the aisle and it's obviously the
aisle of your own church you are thinking of. so in a way I was a wee bit
put out, because my sisters had got married there and it is actually a
lovely church' (Roman Catholic woman who married in the QUB chaplaincy
as it was more acceptable to her husband's family)
'I mean I would have loved it had it been different, I would have loved
it to have been number one in my own church' (Roman Catholic woman who
married 25 years ago in a Roman Catholic church but not her own church)
A few couples had gone so far as to get married in Dublin, England or
Rome. While another woman said
'we thought better of inviting all the Catholic ones to the Methodist
church, so we went to a hotel and got a room and had the whole service
there with a priest taking part as a friend' (Methodist woman in her thirties
marrying a Roman Catholic man from a very Catholic area of Belfast)
There was also a tendency for the wedding to be a quiet affair. In some
cases family members refused to attend or only agreed to attend late in
the day.
'she (mother) did (come) at the end of the day ... but again wouldn't
speak to me the whole day long' (Roman Catholic man who married in a Catholic
'it went okay and you see, we weren't really sure whether my dad would
give me away or not. Practically up to the few weeks before we got married,
we weren't sure whether he would do it or not, but he did' (Presbyterian
woman in her thirties who married in her own church 9 years ago)
'the night before the wedding she said she would come ... she had a very
cross face all day but she was there' (Roman Catholic woman speaking of
her Mother-in-law who wouldn't initially attend the wedding held in a Roman
Catholic church over 25 years ago)
'we got married in January and there was no-one on my side of the chapel
at all, nobody' (woman in her fifties married over 20 years who converted
to Catholicism)
In many cases one relative who was sympathetic to the couple persuaded
the reluctant relation to come. In several cases though parents did not
attend. In one case no other family member would attend because the girl's
parents were not attending.
'he (father) didn't come, and I was very disappointed in that' (Roman
Catholic woman)
Her husband was also upset
'I was pretty hurt that none of them came down to the wedding ...
I don't know whether it is personal or whether I'm a Prod'.
In this case the woman's parents were themselves a mixed marriage although
her father the former Protestant had become a very active member of the
Roman Catholic church.
'Some of his relations just couldn't come. They belonged to the Orange
Order and Geoff I think was quite hurt by
that' (Roman Catholic woman who also explained that they were careful not
to show that they were hurt by these relations decision.) 'We didn't actually
tell Danny's Daddy that we were getting married at all, which when I look
back on it now, I think it is just awful' (41 Protestant woman who got
married in 1970 just at the start of the troubles. They didn't tell his
father because of fear of his reaction, he had already thrown her out of
the house)
Many couples and particularly so those who had married more recently
went to considerable effort to organise the service so that it was acceptable
to both families.
'We had booklets so that everybody knew what was happening -
when to stand up and sit down and that' (Presbyterian man
in his twenties who married in a Roman Catholic church)
'We had an order of service and that printed, and there were hymns to be
sung and we had an organist ... more
of a Protestant wedding but in a Catholic church' (Church of Ireland woman
who married in a Roman Catholic church less than 5 years ago)
This included sometimes excluding the communion if the service was in
the Catholic church as the non-Catholic partner would not have been able
to participate,
'We didn't want to have a Mass, we'd made this decision, mainly because
we thought Steve was giving up enough, compromising in quite a few things
... the first thing we would be doing as a married
couple would be that I would be receiving communion and he wouldn't. That
was just divisive, so we decided not to have a Mass' (Roman Catholic woman
in her thirties)
In some cases though the decision was to have the communion but have
the Protestant minister lead the Protestants in hymn singing.
'I think if there was ... any disappointment
for me ... (it) was the fact that we couldn't
have communion together' (Presbyterian man who married in a Roman Catholic
church 1 year ago)
It was surprising that despite all the tension and difficulties many
couples experienced in the months prior to the wedding a majority felt
that the day itself was enjoyable and worked out well.
'It was perfect. Everything went perfectly from start to finish' (Roman
Catholic woman in her twenties)
But for others it was a relief to have it over and be away on honeymoon.
'That to me was strain and the day probably should have been a happy
occasion to me was quite forgettable' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'it was a sort of a.nightmare of a day' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties)
The actual wedding then was in recent years at least most often held
in the bride's church. Couples received very inconsistent treatment as
they applied for the relevant dispensations which caused them a great deal
of pain. The promise the Roman Catholic partner had to give to do their
best to bring any children up in the Catholic tradition was in some cases
made insincerely. Where the priest was helpful the couple were particularly
grateful. In many cases the couples wished to have both churches represented
at the service regardless of venue. Where this happened the couple were
pleased as it helped parents accept the service. However in many cases,
and this especially applies to the Protestant clergy, this wish was denied.
3.5 Children
For the couples who had children they had to make a final decision on
how they were going bring up their children and this often caused another
flashpoint with families. It is important to note that baptism is recognised
as valid by all churches, no matter what church it is performed in. A specially
designed certificate of Christian baptism, recognised by all the main churches,
is now available.
As we have already described many couples did discuss in great depth
the upbringing of any children they might have before they married. However
for both them and those who had not made any decisions pre-marriage the
issue still had to be finally resolved when children were born. It could
be put on the long finger no longer. Central to the decisions was the issue
of identity and schooling.
'They need to have an identity, and a big part of that identity is religion,
so kids need to have a religion' (Protestant man in his thirties)
The difficulties some couples can face at this time is perhaps best
illustrated by one man who said
'I remember when David was born, and I still don't know why I didn't
do it, put an advert in the paper and say 'who else is in this position,
what are you going to do? I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll hire a priest
and hire a minister, we'll hire a hall and let's all get together and we'll
do it (Baptise the children)' (Protestant man in his thirties) 'But it
was never until we actually had this baby that needs to be baptised did
it hit us it wasn't as easy as we thought it would be and that is when
the problems really came into being' (Presbyterian woman whose eldest child
is 4 years)
While some couples make their decisions and stick to them others find
that as a child is actually on the way their feelings change
'We both found that we had very strong feelings about it ...
we started to become more aware of our prejudices against
the other religion' and the woman continued 'we'd argue and argue about
it and get absolutely nowhere, because when push came to shove, one of
us had to say 'okay, I'll go along with that" (Roman Catholic woman
in her thirties)
'it has caused an awful lot of hassle between us really and I don't mean
arguments I mean just separation kind of thing. ... I feel that if you
make him be one or the other he loses out so I would like him to be both.
... But Geoff s church don't believe in baptism,
which makes it a big thing to try to decide what is right ... I can see
that argument, I can see it very well but it is not what I want for him'
(Roman Catholic woman in her early thirties describing the difficulties
she and her husband are experiencing trying to decide what to do about
the baptism of their first child who is just a few months old)
The decision can be about whether or not to baptise the children at
all for those couples who are not very involved in their religion. Again
it comes back to the feeling of the importance of being a member of a community
'I mean although I'm not a practising Catholic, I still feel like a
Catholic, and I still feel that that's where my loyalties lie and I felt
that I would be letting down my community and my family by having him baptised
a Protestant. Richard's a wee bit the same (Roman Catholic woman in her
'Then it just came to me more and more that I was maybe denying them something:
that fair enough, I didn't want this all enveloping thing of the Catholic
religion, but I felt that I wasn't giving them any choice at all' (Roman
Catholic woman in her thirties)
For those couples who were more ecumenically minded and wanted their
children to be Christian there was a difficulty in deciding which church
should be used. This was particularly true of the first child and it is
true that it seemed to be of even greater importance to the Catholic partner
who would have been reared with the tradition of having babies baptised
very shortly after birth.
'We don't care which Church they go to at all, but just for making life
easier for them maybe later let's say, they were christened, one in the
Catholic Church and one in the Church of Ireland' (Protestant woman in
her forties)
'I think we had come up with the idea that it was probably completely stupid,
but we came up with the idea that we would have one child, the first child
baptised Catholic and then the second one Protestant, which was probably
completely wrong. In our view we would see that as a, although it took
place in one particular church, we looked on it as Christian' (Roman Catholic
man in his thirties)
'the primary issue was that we were both Christians, we both loved God,
we both wanted our children to be brought up as Christians' (Protestant
man in his twenties)
Many of the couples felt that a home baptism would have been an ideal
solution for them
'we asked if it could be done in the house which we thought would be
quite nice and we were told no ... and there
was no such thing as joint baptism' (Church of Ireland woman in her thirties
with a new baby)
'We both felt strongly enough that we wanted any child baptised a Christian
... it's hard to measure how much of it was for ourselves and how much
was for our families because it's important obviously to keep your families
happy as well' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'Sandra became more vehement about you know, 'well, we got married in your
church, I want him baptised in my church" (Roman Catholic man in his
'Andrew is not going to be a Catholic or a Protestant, he's going to be
a Prodlick' (Protestant woman in her thirties)
For one couple the decision on baptism took several years to reach and
eventually both partners decided to join a different Protestant church,
'We've actually both made a change and I've never realised before, but
for Protestants it's quite a thing to change your church ...
so I feel as though we've both sort of given, a wee bit on that'
(Roman Catholic woman in her thirties)
As we said above this can be another flashpoint for families and can
be a particularly hurtful time for couples who have maybe just managed
to re-establish a relationship with their family after the initial upset
of the marriage. In some cases this occurred because the families had presumed
because the marriage had taken place in one church that the children would
automatically be brought up in that faith.
'They had assumed because I had agreed to get married in a Catholic
church that meant the children would be brought up as Catholics' (Protestant
woman in her forties)
In some cases christenings were quiet events because as one Catholic
partner whose children were being baptised Catholic said
'it would be like rubbing their nose in it' (Roman Catholic woman in
her fifties)
For most however the baptisms were seen to be a day of celebration and
family were invited along. In many cases some family member refused to
come and this was particularly hurtful for the couple,
'So none of my family came to that at all, except for one brother and
his wife. The rest of them all stayed away. I must say, on the day I felt
very very upset' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'the father was a bit ... he
just said 'I'm going to have to get down on my knees for the second time'
(Roman Catholic woman about her father-in-law)
'We didn't get the children christened or baptised or any of those things
and she didn't take to that either, so that was another three or four months
of silence' (Roman Catholic man in his forties)
Associated with the decision of where to baptise the child was the family
name. Children traditionally took their fathers name and in some cases
respondents could recall their parents pride in saying that there had never
been any Catholics/Protestants in our family. Now they were perhaps changing
'This will be the first person of that name at St. Patrick's (Roman
Catholic) Church' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties)
Naming the children was another issue for many couples. A majority of
couples decided on neutral names, that is, names that would not identify
the child as coming from either the Catholic or Protestant tradition,
'if Teresa has decided to call him a Catholic name I would have objected
... simply because Teresa has been labelled all
her life ... and all kids
in Northern Ireland are labelled by their names' (Protestant man in his
Many people simply rear their children in one tradition or the other
either because one partner is not interested in his or her religion and
doesn't bother or because they feel that it would be confusing for the
child to have them involved in both. Others hope to bring the children
up in the knowledge of both but do not really put this into practise. A
minority do work very hard to ensure that their children are aware of both.
Perhaps the most interesting case was a woman from a very republican and
Catholic home in a working class area of Belfast whose children were baptised
Catholic, went to integrated schools who said,
'I do go to the chapel every Saturday night and take the children with
me, but in saying that they go to Bible classes in the church on a Sunday
morning because they are in the BB' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties)
Many people used Church organisations especially Protestant organisations
to provide their children with some link to their Protestant heritage.
'We will never be able to take communion in the Catholic church as a
Family. But as long as as a family we can do it in one church you know,
that is fine. ... We want
them to feel that it is an inter-church marriage, so it will be an inter-church
marriage.' (Church of Ireland woman who has alternately baptised her children
Church of Ireland and Catholic but is bringing them up in the knowledge
of both on the importance of sharing the communion which is open to them
all in the Church of Ireland)
The issue of identity is a complex one and one that could not be fully
addressed in this study but many couples did worry both about their own
identity and that of their children,
'The main thing that would bother me, would be the kids, they have no
sense of identity I have no real identity with either Catholic or Protestant,
and I feel the kids are going to be the same' (Roman catholic woman in
her forties)
'I think ... that you don't really feel that
you belong to one community or the other' (Roman Catholic woman married
for 20 years living in Belfast whose children had been baptised as Roman
'I feel sorry for him because when I hear my elder sister, she brings her
wee boy and girl to church every Sunday and the church organisations, I
just feel we don't have that side of life at all to our family life' (Presbyterian
woman who is hoping to bring up her children in the knowledge of both traditions)
Finally in this section we need to consider those couples who have decided
not to have children because of their religious differences
'we don't have any children which is probably something to do with it
(being in a mixed marriage)' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
Only two couples actually said that they did not have children or did
not intend to have children for this reason.
'No children. Well we both fight the case why we want them brought up
in our own faith' (Protestant woman just about to marry who has decided
not to have a family)
The schooling of children is another in someways related issue and the
decisions on where to send the children were often difficult. For some
people the decision had been made easier because of the fact that an integrated
school was available in their area. However a lot of people were at least
equally if not more concerned about the standard of education that the
child would receive.
'I was happier that he go to a Catholic school because to me it was
more of a social mix' (Protestant man in his forties whose children were
being brought up as Catholics)
'if we didn't contribute to it in whatever way, somehow we wouldn't be
faithful to ourselves and faithful to the vision and the future we would
see for Northern Ireland and also we wouldn't be faithful to, I mean mixed
marriageism in a sense, people who have done something a bit braver than
most' (Protestant man in his forties)
'but the only thing that did annoy me, was that I did seem to be choosing
her friends' (Roman Catholic woman in her thirties whose daughter was attending
a Protestant school and so they decided to try and get her into things
where there would be Catholics)
'ideally a mixed school, but having said that, it would only be a mixed
school if it was a good school' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'my husband was against that. He said it made children different. He reckoned
that if you went to an integrated school, there was a reason and people
knew that and it would make them question. He actually thought it might
make more difficulties' (Protestant woman in her forties)
'I really do believe that more mixed schools, that is one part of the answer,
kids together, we were all segregated at school, and they are together,
and they are going to grow up and realise that they are all the same' (Roman
Catholic woman in her forties) 'people say you could send them to the State
school but ... when you drive past the local
school and it is painted red, white and blue, 'Taigs out' on one of the
mobiles, and I mean to me that isn't an option for us' (Presbyterian woman
in her thirties whose eldest child is just about to start school)
For those whose children did not attend an integrated school parents
were often astonished to see their children pick up a Protestant or Catholic
'but you know they learn things in school and occasionally.. I mean
she made my hair stand on end one day when she said something about Fenians'
(Protestant woman whose children were attending a Protestant school)
'then we realised that Patrick had in fact adopted the Protestant culture
by the time he was seven and I was quite shocked... he said all Catholics
are in the IRA' (Protestant woman in her forties)
Contraception no longer is an issue for most couples. Only a few Roman
Catholic people interviewed would not be happy to use some form of contraception.
This was definitely something which had changed over time with older women
in particular having had a difficult time making the decision that they
would limit the size of their family.
The birth of a child then forced more decisions for the couples. Decisions
had to be made in effect about the child's identity. The first step in
this procedure was the baptism. Only three couples chose not to baptise
their children. Some couples tried to have a joint baptism but this proved
practically impossible with only one couple achieving this aim. Likewise
home baptisms were not easily obtained. Regardless of the fact that baptism
is recognised by all of the main churches the couples still had to decide
on which building to have the service in. Again this caused more problems
with parents for many couples. A majority of couples attempted to choose
neutral names for their children given the importance of names in Northern
Ireland. Where integrated schooling was available a majority of our couples
chose this option. For those who did not have this option the decision
to send their children to either a Catholic or Protestant school was usually
made on the basis of the academic record of the school and convenience.
3.6 General family life
For some couples the estrangement from family took a long time to heal.
In some cases this meant no contact with the couple at all but in other
cases the son or daughter could visit with their children but not their
'we didn't see him (father-in-law) again until we'd been married about
two years and I was pregnant' (Protestant woman married in 1970)
'for a full year after that Mummy didn't contact me at all although I wrote
to her ... was only after my daughter was
born, that I got a letter from Mum ... All my relations on Mum's side of
the family, haven't spoken to me at all since' (woman in her fifties in
Belfast who converted to Catholicism, married over 20 years)
'So, in the end he never spoke to me for three years ...
even if I met him in the street and walked over to him, he would
ignore me. We sent him Christmas presents and things and they were sent
back' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties married 7 years living in small
But this was the case for a small minority of couples. Most couples
found that their parents came round reasonably quickly and of course in
a lot of cases the marriage had been accepted, if not enthusiastically
right from the outset.
'Mum has just totally turned around ... she
would actually be scolding about people who would say something against
Catholics or whatever, sort of 'how could they have that attitude, they
are totally uneducated" (Protestant woman in her twenties
In many cases the arrival of children helped smooth tensions as grandparents
all loved their grandchildren. (However the baptism could pose problems
as we outlined above)
'Oh yes, she loves them and she makes no difference at all' (Presbyterian
woman whose mother-in-law refused to attend the baptisms held in the Presbyterian
'It seems to be since the kids were born that they started to mellow a
little bit' (Roman Catholic woman from a working class area of Belfast
whose in-laws were very hostile to her)
For some of the Belfast couples in particular area of residence was
a problem, one couple were firebombed out of their home, others were careful
to hide the fact that they were a mixed marriage. Others as we have already
said could afford to chose to live in mixed areas. One Protestant woman
living in a predominantly Protestant area, when going away over the twelfth
week-end secretly put up a Union Jack in the window.
'There have been a few instances here just before the Twelfth the kids
come crying because other kids aren't going to play with them because they
were fenians' her husband interrupted 'That is simply because of Teresa's
name' and this family is attending the Church of Ireland church.
For another Roman Catholic girl who married a Protestant in a working
class area of Belfast she has not only been intimidated out of one home
but also has to endure the fact that her former friends have all shunned
her 'Oh you married an Orangeman, you turned your coat'. However there
were also some problems for people living outside Belfast. In one rural
town about 25 years ago a woman explained,
'Grandma bid for the house, she knew, she knew that if the people who
were in power at the time who would have known them very well and known
the situation would try to keep us out, me out' (Roman Catholic woman)
Another couple moving to their dream residence in the country were met
by a neighbouring farmer who wanted to know what sort they were because
they didn't have the other sort in the area.
In a majority of cases in this sample only one partner remained active
in their Church but in some cases both did,
'most Sundays Steve would come to Mass with me and I would go to church
with him' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties)
'You owe it to the two churches to keep them involved: you owe it to the
child to keep the two churches involved and you owe it to yourselves' (Protestant
man in his forties living in town outside Belfast married 8 years)
The very first woman who was interviewed brought up the issue of religious
symbolism in the home. She was a Catholic whose husband was not happy for
such items to be placed in public parts of the home. For some other couples
this was also the case although some people felt that while their partner
would not mind they would just prefer not to do it.
'I have one as well but it is discretely placed' (Roman Catholic woman
in her forties talking about crucifix)
'I mean, I do have holy water in my bedside table and when I travel abroad,
I have holy water in my bag, but Steve doesn't really know that' (Roman
Catholic woman in her twenties)
People varied about how open they were about the fact that they were
in a mixed marriage.
'In Northern Ireland you don't exploit the fact that you're in a mixed
marriage, you tend to keep it quiet' (Roman Catholic woman in her forties)
'Now my friend is also a mixed marriage and she told me that very early
on she nails her colours to the mast. She has taught in Protestant and
Catholic schools and she lets everyone know the first day that she's in
a mixed marriage, but I've never really done that' (Protestant woman in
her forties)
'You just don't want to talk about it openly in case it puts you in a position
of danger' (Church of Ireland woman in her thirties living in Belfast)
Some people mention the loneliness they feel in going to church on their
'Sometimes I would feel lonely going off to church by myself' (Roman
Catholic woman in her twenties)
'The only occasion that I was disappointed was traditionally I always go
to Midnight Mass at Christmas Eve whereas Steve would traditionally go
out ... so I was disappointed
that he didn't go to Midnight Mass, or didn't seem to think that it was
as important as I thought it was' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties)
People in Belfast thought that they were safer than those in a mixed
marriage in more rural areas, while those in the country saw Belfast as
a dangerous place.
'I just feel that being in a mixed marriage in this part of Derry isn't
a problem. I wouldn't want to be in any part of Belfast' (Protestant man
in his thirties)
However people tended to think that it was easier to actually get married
in Belfast and this may be related to the number of marriages there as
we saw in the earlier figures.
'I think it would have been a lot easier for me to have got married
in Belfast. The priests there were a lot more understanding. They had a
lot more experience of mixed marriages. They knew what they were talking
about' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties)
Many respondents, themselves middle-class, felt that it was easier for
them to enter a mixed marriage than it was for people from the working
'it's an awful thing to say and people think that you're being snobbish,
but it's a fact of life that it's easier to be in a mixed marriage if you're
middle class' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties)
Voting habits was not asked specifically during the course of the interview
but some respondents did volunteer information on this subject,
'As soon as the Alliance party was formed we joined it. We felt here
is something at long last that we can be in together' (Roman Catholic woman
married over 25 years)
'we have our differences of opinions at times, neither the two of us vote,
there is not a party that would impress me enough to go for, and he doesn't
vote. I used to laugh and say 'you go into your wee unionist box, and I'll
go into my wee nationalist box" (Roman Catholic woman in her fifties)
We did ask if the respondents felt any fear for their safety or for
their family because of their being in a mixed marriage. Most people said
no. However this was an issue for others.
'his fear was from the Protestant para-militaries now that they might
know that he had a Catholic wife and children ... yes that was bad early
on and we would still be very careful about who we would talk to about
it even today' (Roman Catholic woman married 25 years)
'no more than a family in the security forces' (Presbyterian man in his
30's living in a town outside Belfast)
The issue of death and where to be buried was also raised by a small
number of respondents,
'the thing about being buried together has never been questioned. I
suppose realistically one should face up to these things you know but ... '
(Roman Catholic woman in her fifties)
When asked about the effect, if any, on their relationship most people
felt that they had had to be more sure about their relationship before
they married than maybe a couple of coreligionists would have to be,
'if we hadn't felt very strongly about each other we would have broken
it off ... before we got
engaged, because it really has to be very strong to go against your family
and all the rest' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'If we have a tiff ... I would say 'don't forget how difficult it was for
us to get here" (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'I think we very blindly just rushed into things, just assuming that everything
would work itself out when it came to it and it did, but it has certainly
made us much more willing to sort out problems and, because we came through
such a very difficult time even before we married, it has kind of always
made me want to hang on to what I've got' (Protestant woman married over
20 years.)
'Even if we hadn't gone through those things, I still believe that our
relationship would have been as strong. I really believe that we're very
well suited and we get on very well to-gether and probably the fact that
all those things happened strengthened us, but at the same time, if they
hadn't happened, we would probably still be in the same situation today'
(Protestant woman in her thirties)
'Also the very fact that you marry somebody of different religion it means
you are more ready to compromise, you are more moderate in your thinking,
that alone must make a difference' (Protestant woman in her thirties)
These other aspects of family life show that in general parents will
come round eventually. Area of residence was really only a problem for
those who could not afford to buy in a mixed area. It was recognised that
being in a mixed marriage was easier for middle class people. There was
no evidence from the interviews that the mixed marriage per se caused problems
for the couples. In fact most couples felt that being in a mixed marriage
had had a positive effect on their relationship.
3.7 Marital breakdown
As we have already said we only spoke to four people whose mixed marriage
had broken down and in none of these cases did they believe it was as a
result of religion although at times they felt the religion became another
piece of ammunition especially if parents were seen to interfere,
'I don't think it helped in the sense that it possibly added to the
strains and then developed through other aspects of it' (Roman Catholic
man whose marriage broke down after 8 years)
'Except when we had rows and his family would say to him 'like sit back
and think, like she done a lot and she turned' but I mean religion was
never really brought into it. I mean the rows we had was nothing to do
with religion ... just drinking'
(Protestant woman in her thirties who converted to Catholicism)
All the people concerned felt that they would not rule out a future
mixed relationship.
3.8 Suggestions for help and support
When we asked about help or advice that could be given to couples about
to enter or living a mixed marriage, a majority of people felt that more
help, of some kind, should be available.
Some people stressed the need for more information to be available.
'How to go about getting married in different churches and procedures
and stuff like that ... things
like that you just don't know where to turn to or what to do, nobody ever
seems to tell you' (Protestant woman in her twenties just about to get
Others felt that it was essential that couples do find out as much as
possible before they marry both about the differences in their religions
and the potential problems they may encounter.
'I think they should have it well thought out beforehand' (Roman Catholic
woman in her twenties)
'I think find out as much as you can about the other person's religion
really, because people tend ... you'd think they
were so different but really they arent' (Roman Catholic woman in her twenties)
For others a counselling service was a possible support for couples.
'There were not many places to turn for help. We would have very much
liked if we had been able to sit down with someone who would explain all
the pros and cons and rules, so we could have all the information to make
decisions' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'also being there to speak to after marriage, and maybe the gilt starts
to wear off a wee bit and the arguments start, I really do think mixed
marriages have more stress' (Protestant man in his forties)
It was a majority opinion that the Churches could be more helpful with
respect to mixed marriages, although some couples had received a lot of
support from individual clergy.
'Certainly I feel that the churches don't make it easy, probably deliberately,
they don't make it easy. They don't encourage mixed marriages, it's not
in their vested interests to have people who are half one and half the
other' (Roman Catholic man in his thirties)
'I think that something else that really helped us was that we had ministers
who were open to the whole Catholic/Protestant thing ... the priest said
'I like to think in terms of solutions rather than in terms of problems'
Protestant man married in the last year)
The inconsistency of treatment of couples was probably the fact most
commented upon,
'at the minute I think it very much depends on the minister or priest'
(Presbyterian man in his twenties)
'it's not I feel that they are contributing to the break up of marriages,
but the stress that really is caused to couples before they get married
is horrendous' (Church of Ireland woman who had wanted a joint wedding
Some people felt that a self-help group might be the best form of support
for couples
'I'd like there to be a sort of non-religious advice agency ... some
agency or organisation of un-religious mixed marriage people' (Roman Catholic
woman in her thirties)
'I would say the only way another couple would get help would be speaking
to other couples who are in a mixed marriage ... you
know the church can help you to a certain extent. Family can help you but
unless you have actually witnessed or went through the procedure yourself
it is only then you have the experience to tell somebody else' (Protestant
man in his forties)
'I would like to have known what I was walking myself into and I would
like not to have gone through two pregnancies and two sort of post natal
times depressed. You know not depressed but this sort of weighing at the
back of my mind and it has weighed very very heavy, heavier than I would
... have really anticipated at all. I think if
you knew now, how would you put this, the CMAC is there and Relate is there,
but if you knew there was somebody specifically there for mixed marriages,
just even a counsellor or a body or a couple of people who would agree
to see you and allow you to talk through your problems together, I think
that would be extremely helpful' (Roman Catholic woman married under 5
The pressures that can be exerted by family were also mentioned
'lf they (family) had just taken the pressure away that was the worst
thing, because we didn't really want to hurt any of them, and we knew we
had to hurt one' (Roman Catholic woman married over 25 years)
Yet others felt that an increase in the provision of integrated schools
with a good academic record would help to solve some or the problems for
'If there were more schools integrated for your children ... just people
to understand that you love somebody and you want to marry them and they
haven't any right to interfere with your life because you are not going
to interfere with theirs so you are not ... If you are happy in your own
home and your kids and husband, you are not harming anybody, that's the
main thing' (Roman Catholic woman in her late twenties from a working class
area of Belfast who has been firebom bed out of one home, is shunned by
previous friends and is not accepted by her in-laws)
Finally one man summed up the comments expressed by many when he said,
'I think a lot of it is desperately unfair. Why should it be like that?
We're just people. Why should this system attempt to get at us for wanting
to be together? That seems to me to be just part of the nonsense that goes
on in this Province. Nonetheless, it is a reality and a fact of life' (Protestant
man in his 40's)
So then it would appear from our interviews that couples felt there
was a need to really think things through before the marriage. They felt
that more information should be made available. Other supports in the form
of counselling services or self-help groups were also suggested. That families
should provide more support was also stressed. More integrated schools
was also advocated. However the single biggest help to couples identified
was that the Churches should be more supportive and this is particularly
true for the more ecumenical couples.
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