![]() Restorative Justice - Details of Source Material[Key_Events] [KEY_ISSUES] [Conflict_Background] Restorative Justice: [Menu] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change
Books Feenan, D. (2002) (ed.) Informal Criminal Justice. Aldershot: Ashgate. Findlay, M., and Zvekic, U. (eds.) (1993) Alternative Policing Styles: Cross Cultural Perspectives. Boston : Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers. Francis, P., Davies, P., and Jupp, V. (eds.) (1997) Policing Futures: The Police, Law Enforcement and the Twenty-First Century. Basingstoke: MacMillan Press and New York: St. Martin's Press. Harvey, C. (2001) (ed),Human Rights, Equality and Democratic Renewal in Northern Ireland. Oxford: Hart Publishing. Kennedy, L. (1994) (Ed.), Crime and Punishment in West Belfast. Belfast: The West Belfast Summer School. Knox, C., and Monaghan, R. (2002) Informal Justice in Divided Societies: Northern Ireland and South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave 2002. Muncie, J. (1999) Youth and Crime : A Critical Introduction. London: Sage. McEvoy, K., and Newburn, T. (2003) (eds.) Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Tomlinson, M., Varley, T., and McCullagh, C. (eds.) (1998) Whose Law and Order? - Aspects of Crime and Social Control in Irish Society. Belfast: Sociological Association of Ireland.
Chapters in Books Feenan, D. (2002), 'Community Justice in Conflict: Paramilitary Punishment in Northern Ireland', in, Feenan, D. (ed.) Informal Criminal Justice. Aldershot: Ashgate. Kennedy, L. (1994), 'Nightmare Within Nightmare: Paramilitary Repression Within the Working-class Communities', in Kennedy, L. (Ed) (1994), Crime and Punishment in West Belfast. Belfast: The West Belfast Summer School. Hillyard, P. (1993) 'Paramilitary Policing and Popular Justice in Northern Ireland', in Findlay, M., and Zvekic, U. (eds.) (1993) Alternative Policing Styles: Cross Cultural Perspectives. Boston : Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers. Hillyard, P. (1997) 'Policing Divided Societies: Trends and Prospects in Northern Ireland and Britain', in Francis, P., Davies, P., and Jupp, V. (eds.) (1997) Policing Futures: The Police, Law Enforcement and the Twenty-First Century. Basingstoke: MacMillan Press and New York: St. Martin's Press. Mika, H. (1999), ' "The Critical Road Ahead. A Restorative Framework of Community Justice Practice" ', in NIACRO. (1999) Reflections on Restorative Justice in the Community, Belfast. NIACRO. Munck, R. (1998), 'The Lads and the Hoods: Alternative Justice in an Irish Context', in Tomlinson, M., Varley, T., and McCullagh, C. (eds.) (1998), Whose Law and Order? - Aspects of Crime and Social Control in Irish Society. Belfast: Sociological Association of Ireland. McEvoy, K., and Ellison, G. (2003). 'Criminological Discourses in Northern Ireland: Conflict and Conflict Resolution', in McEvoy, K., and Newburn, T. (eds.) (2003) Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. McEvoy, K. (2001) 'Human Rights, Humanitarian Interventions and Paramilitary Activities in Northern Ireland', in Harvey, C. (ed),Human Rights, Equality and Democratic Renewal in Northern Ireland. Oxford: Hart Publishing 2001. McWilliams, M. (1994), 'Masculinity and Violence: Gender Perspectives on Crime in Northern Ireland', in Kennedy, L. (Ed.) (1994), Crime and Punishment in West Belfast. Belfast: The West Belfast Summer School. NIACRO. (1999),' "NIACROs Work in the Field of Community Justice" ', in NIACRO. (1999) Reflections on Restorative Justice in the Community, Belfast: NIACRO. Snodden, M. (1999), 'Local Initiatives and Influences Which Have Shaped Them', in NIACRO. (1999) Reflections On Restorative justice in the Community, Belfast: NIACRO. Thompson, W., and Mullholland, B. (1994), 'Paramilitary Punishment and Young People in West Belfast: Psychological Effects and the Implications for Education', in Kennedy, L. (ed), Crime and Punishment in West Belfast , Belfast: The West Belfast Summer School.
Journal Articles Ashworth, A. (2002) 'Responsibilities, Rights and Restorative Justice', British Journal of Criminology, Vol.42 (3) pp.578-595. Braithwaite, J. (2002) 'Setting Standards for Restorative Justice', British Journal of Criminology, Vol.42 (3), pp.563-577. Braithwaite, J. (1999) 'Restorative Justice: Assessing Optimistic and Pessimistic Accounts', Crime and Justice, Vol. 25, pp.1-127. Brewer, J.D., Lockhart, B., and Rodgers, Paula. (1998) 'Informal Social Control and Crime Management in Belfast', British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.570-585. Conway, P. (1997) 'A Response to Paramilitary Policing in Northern Ireland', Critical Criminology 8 (1), pp.109-122. Conway, P. (1993), 'The Threat of Violence. The Informal Justice System in Northern Ireland', Criminal Justice Matters, No. 13, p.8. Feenan, D. (2002) 'Researching paramilitary violence in Northern Ireland', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Vol. 5, No.2, pp.147-163. Feenan, D. (2002), 'Justice in Conflict: Paramilitary Punishment in Ireland (North)'. International Journal of Sociology of Law, 13, (2): 151-172. Jackson, J.D. (2003) 'Justice for All: Putting Victims at the Heart of Criminal Justice?', Journal of Law and Society, Vol 30, No 2, pp.309-337. Jarman, N. (2004) 'From War to Peace? Changing Patterns of Violence in Northern Ireland, 1990-2003', Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol 16, No 3, pp.420-438. Keenan, E. (2003) 'Community Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland, British Journal of Community Justice, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.51-64. Maginnis, A. (2006) 'Communal Justice or vigilantism', Fortnight, No. 442, March 2006, p.9-10. Mika, H., and McEvoy, K. (2001) 'Restorative justice in conflict: Paramilitarism, community and the construction of legitimacy in Northern Ireland', Contemporary Justice Review, 3 (3), pp. 291-319. Monaghan, Rachel. (2002) 'The Return of "Captain Moonlight": Informal Justice in Northern Ireland', Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Volume 25, No.1, 2002, pp.41-56. McCorry, J., and Morrisey, M. (1989) 'Community, Crime and Punishment in West Belfast', The Howard Journal, 28 (4), pp.282-290. McEvoy, K. (2006) 'Restorative Justice, politics and local communities', Fortnight, No. 442, March 2006, p.8-9. McEvoy, K. (2003) 'Beyond the Metaphor: Political Violence, Human Rights and 'New' Peacemaking Criminology', Theoretical Criminology, Vol. 7, No.3, pp.319-346. McEvoy, K., and Mika, H. (2002) 'Restorative Justice and the Critique of Informalism in Northern Ireland', British Journal of Criminology, 42, (3), pp.534-562. McEvoy, K., Mika, H., and Hudson, B. (2002) 'Introduction: Practice, Performance and Prospects for Restorative Justice', British Journal of Criminology, 42, (3), pp.469-475. McEvoy, K., and Mika, H. (2001) 'Punishment, policing and Praxis: restorative justice and non-violent alternatives to paramilitary punishments in Northern Ireland, Policing and Society', Vol. 11 No.1, pp.359-38. McEvoy-Levy, S. (2001) 'Youth, Violence and Conflict Transformation', Peace Review, Volume 13, No. 1, pp.89-96. O'Mahony, D., and Doak, J. (2004) 'Is More Better? The Experience of Police-led Restorative Cautioning Pilots in Northern Ireland'. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol.43, No 5, pp.484-505. Winston, T. (1997) 'Alternatives To Punishment Beatings and Shootings in a Loyalist Community in Belfast', in McEvoy, K., and Gormally, B. (eds.) Critical Criminology : An International Journal. Vol 8 No.1, pp.122-128.
Reports / Policy Documents Alliance Party of Northern Ireland. (2000) Criminal Justice Review: Response of the Alliance Party. Belfast: Alliance Party of Northern Ireland. Alliance Party of Northern Ireland. (2000) Justice and Human Rights. Belfast: Alliance Party of Northern Ireland. Alliance Party of Northern Ireland. (2003) Manifesto for the Northern Ireland Assembly Elections. Alliance Party of Northern Ireland. Atcheson, M. (2005) 'Restorative Justice for Young Offenders: A Critical Evaluation', in Conflict Transformation Papers, Vol. 9, Belfast: Linc Resource Centre. Auld, J., Gormally, B., McEvoy, K., and Ritchie, M. (1997) Designing a System of Restorative Community Justice in Northern Ireland. A Discussion Document, Belfast: Authors. Criminal Justice Board. (2004) Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland: Annual Review 2003-2004. Belfast: Criminal Justice Board. Criminal Justice Board. (2005) Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland: Annual Review 2004-2005. Belfast: Criminal Justice Board. Criminal Justice Board. (2006) Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland: Annual Review 2005-06. Belfast: Criminal Justice Board. Criminal Policy Branch: Northern Ireland Office. (2005) Consultation on draft guidelines for community-based restorative justice schemes. Belfast : Northern Ireland Office. Criminal Justice Review Group. (2000) Review of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland. Belfast: The Stationary Office. Criminal Justice Review Group. (2000) Review of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland: A Guide, Belfast : Northern Ireland Office. Criminal Justice Review Group. (1999) Review of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland: Progress Report. London: Criminal Justice Review Group. Criminal Justice Review Group. (1998) Review of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland: A Consultation Paper, Belfast: The Stationary Office. Dignan, J. and Lowey, K. (2000) Restorative justice options for Northern Ireland, Criminal Justice Review, Research Report No. 10. Belfast: Northern Ireland Office. Doak, J. (2002) Restorative Cautioning: Is More Better? Criminal Justice Reform: Looking to the Future. Belfast: Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, QUB. Doak, J., O'Mahony, D., and Chapman, T. (2002) Restorative Cautioning: A Study of Police Based Restorative Cautioning Pilots in Northern Ireland. Belfast: NISRA, Northern Ireland Office. Gormally, B. (2004) Alternatives and the Formal Justice System. Belfast: Linc Resource Centre. Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2003) A journey towards healing: Reflections on an American model of restorative justice, (Island Pamphlets No.53). Newtownabbey: Island Publications. Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2000) Restoring Relationships A community exploration of restorative justice, (Island Pamphlets No.29). Newtownabbey: Island Publications. Hansson, U. (2005) Troubled Youth? 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Belfast: HMSO. O'Mahony, David. (2002) Restorative Cautioning: A Study of Police Based Restorative Cautioning Pilots in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Statistics and Research Branch, Northern Ireland Office. Probation Board of Northern Ireland (PBNI). (2005) Policy on Restorative Justice. Belfast: PBNI. Sinn Fein. (2005) Sinn Fein Six County Local Election Manifesto. Belfast: Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein. (2003) Discussion Document on the Transfer of Powers on Policing and Justice to the Assembly and North South Ministerial Council. Belfast: Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein. (2003) Sinn Fein Assembly Manifesto. Belfast: Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein (2001) Interim Response to the Criminal Justice Draft Legislation and Implementation Plan. Belfast: Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein (2001) Sinn Fein Six County Local Election Manifesto. Belfast: Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein (2001) Sinn Fein Six County Westminster Election Manifesto. Belfast: Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein (1999) Interim Response to the report of the Independent Commission on Policing. Belfast: Sinn Fein. Smyth, Marie., Hamilton, Jennifer., and Thomson, Kirsten. (2002) Creggan Community Restorative Justice: An Evaluation and Suggested Way Forward. [PDF; 767KB]. Belfast: Institute for Conflict Research (ICR). Smyth, M. (1998), Half the Battle: Understanding the Impact of the Troubles on Children and Young People in Northern Ireland. Londonderry: INCORE. Social Democratic and Labour Party. (1999) SDLP Submission to the Criminal Justice Review. Belfast: Social Democratic and Labour Party. Social Democratic and Labour Party. (2005) Protecting Human Rights: Safeguards for Restorative Justice. Belfast: Social Democratic and Labour Party. The Restorative Justice Working Group. (1996) Prospects for Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland. Belfast: The Restorative Justice Working Group. Ulster Quaker Service Committee. (1996) Prospects for Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Research and Evaluation Services. Ward, Margaret. (2000) The Criminal Justice Review: a response. Belfast: Democratic Dialogue.
Statements Hanson, David. (2006) Written Statement by David Hanson, then Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Office (NIO), to the House of Commons on Community-based Restorative Justice, (25 July 2006), [PDF; 29KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Office. Hanson, David. (2005) Written Statement by David Hanson, then Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Office (NIO), to the House of Commons on Community-based Restorative Justice, (2 November 2005). Belfast: Northern Ireland Office.
Unpublished Theses Bradley, D. (2004) Open to offers? Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland: with special reference to future partnership between the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Community Restorative Justice (Ireland). Thesis, M. A. Peace and Conflict Studies. University of Ulster. Conway, P.J. (1995), Developing a service based response to those under threat from paramilitaries in Northern Ireland. Thesis, MSSc Irish Politics. Queen's University Belfast. Jones, J. (1999) A case study exploring the role of loyalist paramilitaries in a restorative justice programme. Thesis, M.Sc. Thesis Education and Contemporary Society. University of Ulster. O'Neill, B. (2002) An exploratory study of the development of community restorative justice in nationalist West Belfast & an evaluation of one scheme in terms of victim & offender satisfaction : with process & outcomes. Thesis, M. Sc. Social Work. University of Ulster. MacQuarrie, A. (2000) How can restorative justice principles be integrated into current Probation Board for Northern Ireland thinking, planning and practice? Thesis, M. Sc. Education and Contemporary Society. University of Ulster.
Web Sites Greater Shankill Alternatives (Belfast) Community Restorative Justice Ireland (Belfast)
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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