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Books Barritt, D. and Carter, C. (1962) The Northern Ireland Problem: A Study in Group Relations. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Birrell, W.D., Hillyard, P.A.R., Murie, A.S. and Roche, D. J. D. (1971) Housing in Northern Ireland. London: Centre for Environmental Studies. Boal, F.W. and Douglas, J.N.H. (eds) (1982) Integration and Division, Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem. London: Academic Press. Boal, F.W. and Poole, M.A. (1976) Religious Residential Segregation and Residential Decision Making in the Belfast Urban Area. Final Report to the SSRC. Brett, C.E.B. (1986) Housing a Divided Community. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration and The Institute of Irish Studies, QUB. Cormack, R.J. and Osborne, R.D. (1991) Discrimination and Public Policy in Northern Ireland. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Darby, John (1971) FLIGHT: A Report on Population Movement in Belfast During August 1971. Belfast: Community Relations Commission Research Unit. Darby, J. and Morris, G. (1974) Intimidation in Housing. Belfast: The Northern Ireland Community Relations Commission. Hadden, T. and Trimble, D. (1986) Northern Ireland Housing Law: The Public and Private Rented Sectors. Belfast, SLS Legal Publications (NI), Queen's University of Belfast. Melaugh, Martin. (1994) Majority Minority Review 3: Housing and Religion in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: University of Ulster, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Murie, A. (1992) Housing Policy in Northern Ireland: A Review. Research Paper No. 3. University of Ulster: Centre for Policy Research. O'Dowd, L., Rolston, B. and Tomlinson, M. (1980) Northern Ireland: Between Civil Rights and Civil War. Belfast: CSE Books. Ogle, S. (1989) The Literature on Housing in Northern Ireland: A Critical Review of the Period Since 1970. Belfast, Policy Research Institute, Queen's University of Belfast and the University of Ulster. Purdie, B. (1990) Politics in the Streets. Belfast: Blackstaff. Saunders P. (1986) Social Theory and the Urban Question. London: Hyman. Shelter, NI (1990) Comments on Policy Studies Institute Report on Equality and Inequality in Public Sector Housing in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Shelter, NI. Singleton, D. (1986) Aspects of Housing Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland 1984-86 / Occasional Paper No. 11. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast, Dept. of Town and Country Planning. Smith, D.J. and Chambers, G. (1991) Equality and Inequality in Northern Ireland, Part 4: Public Housing. London, Policy Studies Institute. Smith, D.J. and Chambers, G. (1991) Inequality in Northern Ireland. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
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Newspaper Articles McKittrick, D. (1993) 'Apartheid deepens on streets of Ulster'. The Independent on Sunday, 21 March 1993, 5. Farleigh, J. (1965) Twenty Years of Trust. Belfast Telegraph, 5 Oct, 6. Farleigh, J. (1965a) Twenty Years of Trust. Belfast Telegraph, 6 Oct, 10. Farleigh, J. (1965b) Twenty Years of Trust. Belfast Telegraph, 7 Oct, 10.
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