![]() Anglo-Irish Agreement - Details of Source Material[Key_Events] Key_Issues] [Conflict_Background] AIA: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Chronology] [Document] [Description] [Reaction] [Assessment] [Aftermath] [SOURCES] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change This is a draft version of some of the source material
used in the section on the Anglo-Irish Agreement. It includes
a selection of the journal and newspaper articles that were published
in the prelude to, and immediate aftermath of the signing of the
Anglo-Irish Agreement, and other items which were produced some
years later. Books Aughey, Arthur. (1989) Under Siege: Ulster Unionism and the Anglo-Irish Agreement, London: Hurst. Coughlan, Anthony. (1996) Fooled Again: the Anglo-Irish Agreement and After, Cork: Mercier Press. FitzGerald, Garret. (1991) All in a Life: An Autobiography. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Guelke, Adrian. (1988) Northern Ireland: An International Perspective. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan.
Hadden, Tom and Boyle, Kevin. (1989) The Anglo-Irish
Agreement: Commentary, Text and Official Review. London: Sweet and Maxwell. Kenny, Anthony. (1986) The Road to Hillsborough. Oxford: Pergamon. O'Leary, Brendan and McGarry, John. (1993) The Politics of Antagonism: Understanding Northern Ireland. London: Athlone Press. Smith, Peter. (n.d.1985?) Why Unionists Say NO. Belfast: The Joint Unionist Working Party. Thatcher, Margaret. (1993) The Downing Street YearsM. London: Harper Collins.
Anderson, J. L. and Anderson, S. (1986) 'Anglo-Irish Agreement - Protestants cry betrayal', Nation, Vol. 243, No. 16, pp. 520. Archer, Peter. (1985) 'Making the Anglo-Irish accord work', Fortnight, No. 231, 16 December, pp.8-9. Arthur, Paul. (1987) 'The Anglo-Irish Agreement: conflict resolution or conflict regulation', Bulletin of Peace Proposals, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.555-565. Arthur, Paul. (1989) "Three Years of the Anglo- Irish Agreement", Irish Political Studies, Vol. 4, pp.105-109. Boyle, Kevin and Hadden, Tom. (1985) 'A positive proposal for a new Anglo-Irish treaty on Northenr Ireland', Fortnight, No. 224, 9 September, pp.8-9. Boyle, Kevin and Hadden, Tom. (1985) 'Is the Agreement viable without the Unionists?', Fortnight, No. 230, 2 December, pp.3-4. Biggs-Davison, Sir John. (1986) 'The Hillsborough Agreement: obstacle to unity', Contemporary Review, No. 248, June, pp.293-294. Cochrane, Feargal.(1993) "Progressive or Regressive? The Anglo-Irish Agreement as a Dynamic in the Northern Ireland Polity", Irish Political Studies, Vol. 8, pp.1-20. Cole, John. (1985) 'The Agreement: "Unionist action won't undermine it, inanition may" ', The Listener, 21 November, pp.4-6. Cole, John. (1986) 'The Anglo-Irish Agreement: a poultice applied to Ulster's old wound', The Listener, 20 March, p.4. Connolly, Michael and Loughlin, John. (1986) 'Reflections on the Anglo-Irish Agreement', Government and Opposition, No.21, Spring, pp.146-160. Cooney, John. (1985) 'An official involvement by Dublin in the North', Fortnight, No. 230, 2 December, pp.5-6. Cox, W. Harvey. (1987) "Public Opinion and the Anglo-Irish Agreement", Government and Opposition, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.336-351. Cox, W. Harvey. (1987) "Managing Northern Ireland intergovernmentally: An Appraisal of the Anglo-Irish Agreement", Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 40, (Jan) pp.80-97. Farren, Sean. (1991) "The Anglo-Irish Agreement and the Protection of Minority Rights in Northern Ireland", Etudes Irlandaises, No. 16, Pt. 1, pp.141-160. Greer, A. (1992) "Nationalism, Internationalism and the Anglo-Irish Agreement", Journal of Social Political and Economic Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, 1992, pp.373-416. Hadden, Tom. (1986) 'What people really think about the Agreement', Fortnight, No. 233, 10 February, pp.8-9. Hadden,Tom and Boyle,Kevin. (1986) 'Hopes and fears for Hillsborough'. Studies, No. 75, Winter, pp.384-391. Hadden, Tom and Boyle, Kevin. (1986) 'Breaking the Anglo-Irish impasse', Fortnight, No, 238, 5 May, pp.9-10. Holland, Mary. (1985) 'Mood of Anglo-Irish pessimism in Dublin', Fortnight, No. 221, 10 June, pp.5-6. Loughlin, Sean. (1986) 'The Anglo-Irish deal six months on', Fortnight, No. 239, 19 May, pp.12-13. MacKernan, P. N. (1987) 'Courage and compromise: The Anglo-Irish agreement of 1985 and the American dimension', Thought: A Review of Culture and Idea, Vol. 62, No. 245, pp.159-175. McGarry, John. (1988) "The Anglo-Irish Agreement and the Prospects for Power-Sharing in Northern Ireland", Political Quarterly, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp.236-250. McGarry, John. (1988) "The Anglo-Irish Agreement and the unlikely prospects for power-sharing in Northern Ireland", Eire-Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.111-128. McGarry, John and Cummins, J. E. (1987) 'Stalemate in Northern Ireland?', World Today, Vol. 43, January, pp.8-11. McKittrick, David. (1985) 'The Anglo-Irish Agreement: Unionists see only a sinister cloud with no silver linings', The Listener, 21 November 1985, pp.4-6. McKittrick, David. (1986) 'The hazards of putting the fear of God into Unionists' [Reaction to Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Listener, 21 August, pp.4-5. Moloney, Ed. (1985) 'A good deal for Unionists', Fortnight, No. 231, 16 December, pp.6-7. Munro, Hugh. (1986) 'Metaphysics and Reality: the Hillsborough Agreement' [Anglo-Irish Agreement], Contemporary Review, No. 248, March, pp.127-131. Naughtie, James. (1986) 'The view from the other end of the telescope' [Westminster attitudes to the Agreement], Fortnight, No. 245, November, pp.4-5. O'Connor, Fionnuala. (1985) 'Sales push in two different markets' [Anglo-Irish Agreement], The New Statesman, 22 November, pp.13-14. O'Connor, Fionnuala. (1985) 'A slogan is no substitute for a strategy' [Ulster campaign against the Anglo-Irish Agreement], The New Statesman, 10 January, pp.10-11. O'Malley, Padraig. (1985) 'The Agreement, alienation and the Provos', Fortnight, No. 232, 27 January, pp.6-7. Oliver, John A. (1988) 'Constitutional uncertainty and the Ulster tragedy', Political Quarterly, Vol. 59, Oct/Dec, p.427-36. Pearce, E. (1986) 'The clenched red hand (England, Northern Ireland and the Anglo-Irish Agreement)', Encounter, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp.45-47. Rutherford, M. (1986) 'The Anglo-Irish Agreement', World Today, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp.1-2. Shannon, W. V. (1986) 'The Anglo-Irish Agreement', Foreign Affairs, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp.849-870. Symmons, Clive. (1988) "The Anglo-Irish Agreement: the Review Process", Studies, Vol. 77, No. 307, pp.259-271. Toibin, Colm. (1985) 'An eye on the history books' [Opposition to Anglo-Irish Agreement in the Republic], The New Statesman, 29 November, p.16. Toolis, Kevin. (1985) 'Towards a vague limited Anglo-Irish dimension', Fortnight, No. 225, 23 September, p.9. Utley, T. E. (1988) 'The torments of a bad treaty', The Times, 1 Mar, p.12. Wilson, D. A. (1986) 'Searching for solutions: The Anglo-Irish Agreement and Northern Irish politics', Queens Quarterly, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp.3-15. Wilson, Robin. (1988) 'Polls apart' [Opinion poll on Anglo-Irish Agreement], New Society, 25 March, p.14-17. n.a. (1985) 'Thatcher wades into the Irish bog' [Unionist reaction to the Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Economist, 23 November, pp.29-30. n.a. (1986) 'Where fairness makes everyone complain' [Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Economist, 29 November, pp.19-20 and 23-24.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1985) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland. [The Anglo-Irish Agreement] London: HMSO.
Mair, Peter. (1987) "Breaking the Nationalist Mould: The Irish Republic and the Anglo-lrish Agreement", in, Teague, P., Beyond the Rhetoric: Politics, the Economy and Social Policy in Northern Ireland, London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp.81-110. McCusker, Harold., Robinson, Peter., and Millar, Frank. (1987) An End To Drift, The Task Force Report, (An abridged version of the report presented to Mr.Molyneaux and Dr. Paisley), (16 June 1987). Belfast: UUP and DUP. Theses Cochrane, Feargal. (1991) The Unionist Response to the Anglo-Irish Agreement / Ph.D, Political Studies. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast. Finnegan, Anthony L. (1989) Reactions to the Anglo-Irish Agreement / M.A, Peace Studies. Derry: Magee College, University of Ulster. Howard, Katherine M. (1990) Failed Hope: a Rhetorical Study of the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement / Ph.D, Northwestern University, 1990. O'Reilly, Noel. (1990) Fianna Fail and the Anglo-Irish Agreement / MSSc, Irish Political Studies. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast.
Scullion, R. (1994) Attitude Analysis and its use in the study of
Political Integration and Division: the Protestant Community in
Northern Ireland and the Anglo-Irish Agreement / Ph.D Geography. Belfast:
Queen's University Belfast.
Aitken, Ian. (1985) 'The Hon. Member's senseless sacrifice' [Reactions to Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Guardian, 18 November 1985, p.13. Atkins, Ralph. (1990) 'No room to manoeuvre' [Unionist hostility to Anglo-Irish agreement], The Financial Times, 28 Feb, p.27. Cooney, John. (1987) 'Unionists await Anlo-Irish Disagreement', The Times, 21 October, p.16. Fitzgerald, Garret. (1985) 'The Ulster risk we have to take' [The Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Times, 28 November, p.12. Johnson, Paul. (1985) 'Why the talks had to restart' [Background to the Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Guardian, 15 November, p.15. Hadden, Tom and Boyle,Kevin. (1986) 'Making Hillsborough work', The Times, 18 April, p.16. Hearst,David. (1986) 'Where apocalypse runs late' [Anglo Irish Agreement], The Guardian, 14 November, p.17. Holland, Mary. (1985) 'Ulster's new beginning' [Anglo-Irish Accord], The Observer, 17 November, p.12. Jones, Michael and Ryder, Chris. (1985) 'Ireland: the great gamble' [Northern Ireland accord], The Sunday Times, 10 November, p.17. Joyce, J. and Naughtie, James. (1985) 'Irish and English Nationalist are united' [Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Guardian, 16 November, p.17. Kenny, Anthony. (1986) 'Loyalist fears allayed' [Hillsborough Agreement], The Times, 5 February, p.12. McAliskey, Bernadette. (1993) 'Declaration to deceive', The Guardian, 31 Dec, p.20. O'Brien, Conor Cruise. (1985) 'Why war clouds could rend the silver lining', [Anglo-Irish Accord], The Times, 26 November, p.16. O'Brien, Conor Cruise. (1986) 'Weakening the Union to breaking point' [Hillsborough Agreement], The Times, 12 November 1986, p.18. O'Brien, Conor Cruise. (1987) 'Ireland's Time Bomb' [Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Times, 13 November 1987, p.16. O'Sullivan, John. (1985) 'Will the glow turn to glower?' [Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Times, 14 December, p.8. Palley, Clare. (1986) 'When an iron hand can beckon a federal union' [Anglo-Irish Agreement], The Guardian, 20 January, p.9. Powell, Enoch. (1988) 'A policy which wills the enemy to win', The Independent, 17 Sep, p.15.
21 November 1985 'Ulster reaction to the Anglo-Irish Agreement'
Spotlight, BBC (30 mins)
10 February 1986 'Loyalist reaction to the Anglo- Irish agreement',
Panorama, BBC (50 mins)
16 November 1985, 'The Anglo- Irish Agreement', Newsnight,
BBC, (20 mins)
8 April 1986, 'The Anglo- Irish Agreement: Protestant reaction',
Spotlight, BBC, (30 mins)
12 November 1987, 'The Anglo- Irish Agreement - Two years on',
Spotlight, (30 mins)
14 November 1985, 'The Anglo- Irish Agreement - Day before Signing',
Nine O'Clock News, BBC, (10 mins)
14 November 1985, 'The Anglo- Irish Agreement, Ian Paisley and
James Molyneaux - Press Conference' (25 mins)
13 November 1986, 'One year of the Anglo- Irish Agreement', Spotlight,
(60 mins)
13 November 1986, 'One year of the Anglo- Irish Agreement', Today
Tonight, RTE, (125 mins)
22 January 1986, 'Ulster Will Fight', Diverse Reports, (30 mins)
15 November 1985, News coverage of the signing of the Anglo-Irish
Agreement on 15 November 1985, Six O'Clock News, (20 mins)
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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