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Suggested Reading
British Psychological Society Paper, (1994) Evaluation Of Catholic - Protestant Workshops, Belfast: BPS Annual Conference
Churches Peace Education Programme, (1994), Power To Heal, Creative Approaches to Everyday Conflicts
Churches Peace Education Programme, (1994), More Power to Heal - Peace, Harmony & Reconciliation
Dickson. Ann and Doherty. Michael, (1993), Lifelines: A Youth Workers Handbook for Cross-community Work, , Youth Action
Doucet. Ian, (1996), Resource Pack for Conflict Transformation, International Alert Fitzduff. M, (1991), Approaches to Community Relations Work, Belfast: Community Relations Council. (CRC Pamphlets; No. 1)
Fitzduff. Mari, (1988), Community Conflict Skills, Cookstown: Community Conflict Skills Project.
Gorman, D, An Crann/The Tree Information Packs
Hinds. J, (1994), A Guide to Peace, Reconciliation and Community Relations Projects in Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council
Hinds. J, (1998), Dealing With Difference: A Directory of Peace, Reconciliation and Community Relations Projects in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Hughes. J and Knox. C, (1993) "Measuring Success In Community Relations" Community Relations Journal, No.3.
Hughes. J and Knox. C, (1997) Ten Years Wasted Effort? - An Overview of Community Relations in Northern Ireland, Jordanstown: University of Ulster.
McMaster. J, (1994) An Inter-Church Directory for Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
McMaster. J, Building Confidence - A Single Identity Programme for Church Based Groups Youth Link NI.
McMaster. J, (1994) Churches Working Together: A Practical Guide for N. Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Mediation UK, (1995) Training Manual in Community Mediation Skills. Morrow. D and Wilson. D, (1996), The Importance of Informal Adult Education and Reconciliation, in WAYS OUT OF CONFLICT: Resources for Community Relations Work, Corrymeela Press (ISBN 1 873739 10 9).
Spinks. Tony, (1993), Practical Guide to Facilitation Skills, London: Kogan Page.
Trew, K. (1989) 'Evaluating the Impact of Contact Schemes For Catholic And Protestant Children'. in Harbison, J. (ed) Growing up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College.
Tyrell. J, and Farrell. S, (1995), Peer Mediation in Primary Schools, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1 85923 004 0) 99 pages £5,00
Williamson. Arthur, (1995), Building the Peace: The Role of Voluntary and Community Actions in Building a Sustainable Peace in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Aspects of Education Series, Education for Northern Ireland: Christian Perspectives, Number 52, 1995. Darby. J, Murray. D, Batts. D, Dunn. S, Farren. S, and Harris. J, (1989), Education and Community In Northern Ireland: Schools Apart? University of Ulster. Dunn. S and Smith. A, (1989), Inter School Links, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-871206-60-X) 71 pages £4.00 Dunn. S, (ed.), (1996), Pluralism in Education: Conference Proceedings 1996, Pluralism in Education Standing Conference. (ISBN 1 87232 712 5) 295 pages £10.00 pbk Dunn. S, Darby. J and Mullan. K, (1989, reprinted double issue), Schools Together?, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-871206-91-X) 120 pages £5.00 Fraser. G and Morgan. V, (1999), In the Frame - Integrated Education in Northern Ireland: the implications of expansion, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1 85923 133 0) 118 pages £6.00
Gallagher. A, (1995, second edition), Majority Minority Review 1: Education in a Divided Society, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-85923-003-2) 81 pages £4.00 Moffat. C, (ed), (1994), Education Together for Change: Integrated Education and Community Relations in Northern Ireland Belfast. Morgan. V, Dunn. S, Cairns. E and Fraser. G, (1992), Breaking The Mould: The Roles of Parents and Teachers in the Integrated Schools in Northern Ireland, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-871206-43-X) 97 pages £3.00 Morrow, D and Wilson, D, (1996), The Importance of Informal Adult Education and Reconciliation, in Ways Out Of Conflict: Resources for Community Relations Work, Corrymeela Press (ISBN 1 873739 10 9). Murray, D. Smith, A. and Birthistle, U., (1997), Education in Ireland: A Comparison of the Education Systems in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Irish Peace Institute Research Centre, Limerick. Smith. A and Robinson. A, (1992), Education For Mutual Understanding- Perceptions and Policy, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-871206-38-3) 95 pages £3.00 Smith. A and Robinson. A, (1996), Education for Mutual Understanding: The Initial Statutory Years, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-85923-0474) 107 pages £5.00
Smith. A, (1994), The EMU Promoting School - A Report on a Conference on Education for Mutual Understanding and Cultural Heritage, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-85923-095-4) 31 pages £?? Tyrrell. J, (1995), The Quaker Peace Education Project 1988-1994: Developing Untried Strategies, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-85923-007-5) 122 pages £5.00 COVERSCAN Tyrrell. J and Farrell. S, (1995), Peer Mediation in Primary Schools, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-85923-004-0) 99 pages £5.00 Wilson. D and Dunn. S, (1989), Integrated Schools: Information For Parents, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1-87-1206-367) 32 pages £1.95
Anti-racism Training in Northern Ireland, Bryson House
Churches Peace Education Programme, (1994), More Power to Heal - Peace, Harmony & Reconciliation, Churches Peace Education Programme
Dickson. Ann and Doherty. Michael, (1993), Lifelines: A Youth Workers Handbook for Cross-community Work, Youth Action
Doucet. Ian, (1996), Resource Pack for Conflict Transformation, International Alert
Fitzduff. M, (1991), Approaches to Community Relations Work, Belfast: Community Relations Council. (CRC Pamphlets; No. 1) Coverscan
Fitzduff. Mari, (1988), Community Conflict Skills, Cookstown: Community Conflict Skills Project.
Gorman. D, An Crann/The Tree Information Packs
McMaster. J, Building Confidence - A Single Identity Programme for Church Based Groups, Youth Link NI.
McMaster. Johnston, (1994), An Inter-Church Directory for Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
McMaster. Johnston, (1994), Churches Working Together: A Practical Guide for N. Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Mediation UK, (1995), Training Manual in Community Mediation Skills, Mediation UK.
Morrow. D and Wilson. D, (1996), The Importance of Informal Adult Education and Reconciliation, in WAYS OUT OF CONFLICT: Resources for Community Relations Work, Corrymeela Press (ISBN 1 873739 10 9). Coverscan
Power To Heal, Creative Approaches to Everyday Conflicts, Churches Peace Eduation Programme, 1994
Spinks. Tony, (1993), Practical Guide to Facilitation Skills, London: Kogan Page.
Tyrell. J, and Farrell. S, (1995), Peer Mediation in Primary Schools, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN ISBN 1 85923 004 0) 99 pages £5,00 Coverscan
Williamson. Arthur, (1995), Building the Peace: The Role of Voluntary and Community Actions in Building a Sustainable Peace in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Connolly, P, (1998) Early Years Anti-sectarian Television, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Crozier, M and Froggatt, R, (eds) (1999) Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Europe Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Gorman, D, An Crann/The Tree Information Packs, Belfast
Grant, D, (1998) Playing the Wild Card: A Survey of Community Drama and Smaller-scale Theatre from a Community Relations Perspective, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Hayes, M, (1998) Whither Cultural Diversity, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Law, G, (1998) The Cultural Traditions Dictionary, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
McIvor, P, (1996) An Ulster Wean's A - Z, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Murphy. J and Murray, F, (eds) (1998) Cultural Diversity Directory, A Directory of Cultural Diversity Funding, Organisations & Resources in Northern Ireland Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Murphy. K, A Companion to An Ulster Weans A-Z
Community Relations Council, (1991), Community Development in Protestant Areas. Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Community Development Review Group, (1992), Community Development in Northern Ireland: A Perspective for the Nineties, Belfast: Workers' Educational Association.
Deane. Eamonn, (ed.) (1989), Lost horizons, New horizons: Community Development in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Workers' Educational Association.
Devereux. Eoin P, (1988), The Theory and Practice of Community Development: Muintir na Tire 1931- 1988 / M.A, Political Science and Sociology. Galway: University College Galway.
Griffiths. Hywel, (1974), Community Development in Northern Ireland : a Case-Study in Agency Conflict. Coleraine: University of Ulster.
Johnston. O and Black. G, (1995) Of Mutual Benefit, the Capacity of Economic Development to Contribute to Community Relations, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Lister. R. (1998), "Citizen in Action: Citizenship and Community Development in a Northern Ireland Context". Community Development Journal.
Logue. K , (1990), Community Development in Northern Ireland: Perspectives for the Future, Belfast: Community Development Review Group.
Lovett. T, Gunn. D, Robson, T, (1994), "Education, Conflict and Community Development in Northern Ireland". Community Development Journal.
Mulrine. C, ONeill. J, Rolston. B, and Kilmurray. A, (1991) Funding and Support for Community and Voluntary Groups in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Development Review Group.
O Cinneide, S. Walsh. J, (1990), "Multiplication and Divisions - Trends in Community Development in Ireland since the 1960s", Community Development Journal.
Oliver. Q, (1990), "Community Development in Areas of Political and Social Conflict - the Case of Northern Ireland". Community Development Journal. Wright. Frank, (1991), "Culture Identity and the Protestant Community" in Community Development in Protestant Areas. Belfast: C.D.P.A.
Blackley. S, Goddard. M, and Seymour. H, (1997) Project Monitoring and Evaluation: A Practical Guide, Leeds: ICOM.
Finne. H, Levin. M and Nilssen. T, (1995), "Trailing Research: A Model for Useful Program Evaluation", Evaluation, Vol 1(1) 11-31.
Fitzgibbon. C T, and Morris. L L, (1987), How to Design a Program Evaluation, SAGE, Newbury Park, CA.
Flick. U, (1998) An Introduction to Qualitative Research, London: SAGE
Kendall. J, and Knapp. M, (1999), Measuring the Outcomes of Voluntary Organisation Activities, London: London School of Economics.
King. J A, Morris. L L, and Fitz-Gibbon. C T, (1987) How To Assess Programme Implementation, SAGE, CA.
Lobosco. A F and Newman. D L, (1992), "Stakeholder Information Needs: Implications for Evaluation Practice and Policy", Evaluation Review, Vol 16 (5) 443 - 465.
Love. Arnold J, (1996) Internal Evaluation: Building Organisations from Within, SAGE, CA.
McCartney. C, (1994) The Promise of Evaluation, What Evaluation Offers Policymakers and Practitioners, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1 87120 613 8) 19 pages £1.50
Marshall. C and Rossman. G B, (1989), Designing Qualitative Research SAGE, Newbury Park, CA.
Morris. L L, Fitz-Gibbon. C T, and Freeman, (1987), How To Communicate Evaluation Findings, Sage Publications, CA.
Quinn Patton. Michael, (1987), How to Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation, New York: Sage Publications.
Robson. C, (1998), Real World Research, Oxford: Blackwell.
Smith, A. and Murray, D. (1997) The Chance of a Lifetime: An Evaluation of Project Children, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1 87120 649 9) 68 pages £4.00
Stecher. B M, and Davis. WA, (1987), How To Focus An Evaluation, SAGE, Newbury Park, CA.
Suchman. E A, (1967) Evaluative Research: Principles in Public Service and Action Programs, New York: Russell Sage.
Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU), Telling the Story of CR and the Role of Europe through the PSEP Sub-programme, 1994-99: Project Directory, Belfast: Central Community Relations Unit.
Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU) (1998), Guidelines for Developing a Community Relations Plan for District Councils, September 1998 , Belfast: Central Community Relations Unit. COVERSCAN
Community Relations Council, (1992) What the Local Parties Say On Community Relations Belfast: Community Relations Council Bulletin, Vol.8. , 1992.
Community Relations Council (1998), Dealing With Difference, A Directory of Peace, Reconciliation and Community Relations Projects in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council. COVERSCAN
Community Relations Council (1999) Community Relations Council News (Monthly Magazine), {External_Link} Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Community Relations Council, Community Relations Council strategic plan: Into the Mainstream, 1998-2000, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Community Relations Council, Setting Objectives and Performance Indicators, Action Learning Programme 1994-95, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
Community Relations Council, (1998) Developing a Strategic Plan, Belfast: Community Relations Council. COVERSCAN
Department of Health and Social Security, (1982) Local Authority Community Work: Realities of Practice, Department of Health and Social Security, Social Research Branch.
Gallagher. D and Dunn. S, (1991) Community Relations in Northern Ireland: Attitudes to Contact and Integration, Coleraine: University of Ulster. COVERSCAN
Knox. C, Hughes. J, Birell. D and McCready. S, (1994) Community Relations and Local Government, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1 85923 060 1) 169 pages £8.00
Knox. C Hughes. J, (1992) Policy Evaluation in Community Development: Some Methodological Considerations, Coleraine: University of Ulster. COVERSCAN
Youth Council for Northern Ireland, Community Relations Guidelines, Youth Work Curriculum.
Lee. S, (ed) (1990), Freedom From Fear: Churches Together in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Queens University of Belfast McMaster. J, (1993), An Inter-Church Directory For Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council McMaster. J, (1995), Biblical Perspectives on the Peace Process, Inter-Church Research Committee (Methodist Church in Ireland). McMaster. J, (1994), Churches Working Together: A Practical Guide for Northern Ireland, Belfast: Community Relations Council Morrow. D, Birrell. D, Greer. J and OKeeffe. T, (1991), The Churches and Inter Community Relationships, Coleraine: University of Ulster. (ISBN 1 85923 085 7) 267 pages £2.00 Radford. I, (1993), Breaking Down Divisions: The Possibilities of a Local Church Contribution to Improving Community Relations, Belfast: Community Relations Council.
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