PRONI Records on CAIN
Search Facility
Search (Title, Author, Year) of PRONI documents listed in CAIN Bibliography
Key Word / Phrase Search of PRONI documents listed in CAIN Bibliography
Alternatively search for citations with the following words or phrases in the title or key words field
(select relevant words or phrases from the drop-down menu then click 'SEARCH')
- The first Search is a search of the list of PRONI documents that are contained in the CAIN bibliography. Users should use this facility if they know the name of an author or part of the title.
- The Key Word / Phrase Search is a search based on key words added by CAIN staff. Users can use this facility to identify items related to a particular sub-topic.
- When searching for surnames beginning with: "Mc", "Mc ", "O", "O ", "O'", "O' ", etc, the spacing (" ") can be important. If you are unsure just use the main part of the surname in your search.