images index
Consideration is still being given to the design of an indexing system or a specific search page for the photographs. This will depend on feedback from users on how easy they find tracking down a particular image. At present there are 348 black and white photographs of 'the Troubles' arranged in eight portfolios. The use of the thumbnail images in the index pages in each portfolio, should make it possible for users to quickly view the entire gallery. The list of portfolios and brief details of contents is as follows:
portfolio 1 images of derry
Photographs of the older streets prior to damage in the conflict or demolition due to redevelopment; also children and adults
portfolio 2 british army
British Army soldiers and vehicles; on patrol; house searches; stop and search of civilians; Operation Motorman
portfolio 3 the ira
IRA training; on patrol; night patrol; stopping vehicles; 'permanent checkpoint'
portfolio 4 protest
Street demonstrations; rallies; anti-internment demonstrations; civil disobedience; women and children protesting
portfolio 5 parade
Apprentice Boys of Derry parade; Republican parades; IRA parades
portfolio 6 riots
Riots; street confrontations; British Army; children; CS gas
portfolio 7 bloody sunday
British Army barriers; some of the dead and injured; funerals; first anniversary of the killings
portfolio 8 children
Children and British soldiers; children and the IRA; rioting; protests
Another way of finding photographs is to use the CAIN advanced search page and enter key words and/or place names. For example you could search for the words "photograph operation motorman" which will return links to photographs dealing with Operation Motorman conducted on 31 July 1972.
CAIN Web Service
all photographs © Eamon Melaugh
site developed by: Martin Melaugh
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