Introduction to the Collection
Users should note that only textual information about the programmes is kept on the CAIN Archive. The recordings are not available on CAIN. The recordings of the programmes are held by Peter Heathwood in his private collection. Peter Heathwood continues to work on his collection (as of 2022), and it is hoped to add further updates to the listing on CAIN. The textual information can be viewed as listings of programmes arranged by year of broadcast, or the search page can be used to search the database for information on particular events, people, or organisations. This database includes only those programmes that were devoted wholly to the Northern Ireland conflict and politics, and, in the case of magazine current affairs programmes, editions that were devoted primarily to the subject. However, it should be noted that the database is not comprehensive. The database holds 9,519 entries, which contain approximately 2.2 million words:
The listings are based on handwritten notes made by Peter Heathwood. The notes are then typed as plain text files. A program is used to input the text files into the database. Most of the information for 1981 to 2015 has been entered, but some (213) current affairs programmes and documentaries need to have their entries completly transcribed; these are indicated by text which reads (... ENTRY TO BE COMPLETED). To secure the private collection Peter Heathwood converted his VHS tape collection to DVD. He is also continuing to record programmes to the present day (2022). Layout of TablesThe information on each television programme is displayed in a table. An example of the format of the tables is provided below with a short explanation of the information contained in each part of the table.
Other Information on CAIN about TV Programmes and the Media:
© Peter Heathwood |