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Centre Publications
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A Discussion of Parading Disputes in Northern Ireland Bardon, J. (1992) A History of Ulster. Belfast, Blackstaff Press. Bell, D. (1990) Acts of Union.. Youth and Sectarian Culture in Northern Ireland. London, Macmillan Press. Bew, P, Gibbon, P. and Patterson, H. (1995) Northern Ireland 1921-1994. Political Forces and Social Classes. London, Serif. Boal, F. (1995) Shaping a City. Belfast in the late Twentieth Century. Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies. Boyle J. W. (1962-63) 'The Belfast Protestant Association and the Independent Orange Order, 1901-10' Irish Historical Studies, Vol. XIII, pp 117-152. Bruce, S.(1986) God Save Ulster. The Religion and Politics of Paisleyism. Oxford, OUP. Bruce, S. (1992) The Red Hand. Protestant Paramilitaries in Northern Ireland. Oxford, OUP. Bryan, D. (1994) 'Interpreting the Twelfth'. History Ireland, Vol. 2, No. 2. Bryan, D, Fraser, T. and Dunn, S. (1995) Political Rituals. Loyalist Parades in Portadown. Coleraine, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Bryan, D. and Officer, D. (1995) 'The Framework Document and the Politics of Symbolism' Salford, European Consortium for Political Research Review, Salford University. Bryan, D. and Tonkin, E. (inpress) 'Political Ritual: Time and Temporality' in Political Ritual ed. Görun Aijmer & Asa Boholm, Gothenburg, Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology, Gothenburg University. Bryson, L. and McCartney, C. (1994) Clashing Symbols: a report on the use of flags, anthems and other national symbols in Northern Ireland. Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies. Buckley, A. (1985-86) 'The Chosen Few': Biblical Texts in the Regalia of an Ulster Secret Society. Folk Life, Volume 29. Buckley, A. and M. Kenney (1995) Negotiating Identity. Rhetoric, Metaphor and Social Drama in Northern Ireland. Washington, Smithsonian Institute Press. Cohen, A. (1993) Masquerade Politics. Oxford, Berg Publications. Dewar, M, Brown, J. and Long, S. (1967) Orangeism: a new historical appreciation. Belfast, Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland. Fair Employment Commission. (1996) Annual Report. Belfast, FEC. Giulianotti, R., Bonney, N. and Hepworth, M. (eds) (1994) Football, Violence and Social Identity. London, Routledge. Hanlon, K. (1994) Community Relations in Ballynafeigh. A study of attitudes to community relations in a mixed area of Belfast. Belfast, Ballynafeigh Community Development Association. Harbinson, J. (1973) The Ulster Unionist Party 1882-1973: It's Development and Organisation. Belfast, Blackstaff Press. Jarman, N. (1992) 'Troubled Images. The Iconography of Loyalism'. Critique of anthropology, Vol. 12, No 2. Jarman, N. (1993) Intersecting Belfast. in B. Bender (ed) Landscape: Politics and Perspectives. Oxford, Berg Publications. Jarman, N. (1995) Parading Culture. Parades and Visual Displays in Northern Ireland. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University College London. Jarman, N. (in press) The Phoenix and the Sash. Commemorating 1916 in Belfast, in A. Forty and S. Kuechler(eds) Monuments and memory. Oxford, Berg Publications. Jones, R., Kane, J. S., Wallace, R., Sloan, D., Courtney, B. (1996) Orange Citadel. A History of Orangeism in Portadown. Portadown, Portadown Orange Lodge District No. 1. Hepburn, A. C. (1990) 'The Belfast Riots of 1935'. Social History, Vol. XV. Kennedy, B. (ed) (1990)A Celebration.. 1690-1990, The Orange Institution. Belfast, Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland. Kennedy, B. (ed) (1995) Steadfast for Faith and Freedom: 200 Years of Orangeism. Belfast, Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland. McCann, E. (1980) War and an Irish Town. London, Pluto Press. McClelland, A. (1968) 'The origin of the Imperial Grand Black Chapter of the British Commonwealth'. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 98. Moloney, E. and Pollock, A. (1986) Paisley. Dublin, Poolbeg Press. Montgomery, G. and Whitten, J. (1995) The Order on Parade. Belfast, GOLI Education Committee. Morgan, A. (1991) Labour and Partition: The Belfast Working Class 1905-23. London, Pluto Press. Murdie, W., Cargo, D., Kilpatrick, C. (nd) History of the Royal Arch Purple. The Royal Arch Purple Research Group. O'Connor, F. (1993) In Search of a State. Catholics in Northern Ireland. Belfast, Blackstaff Press. O'Dowd, L. (1993) Craigavon: Locality, economy and the State in a Failed 'New City'. In C. Curtin, H. Donnan and T. Wilson (eds) Irish Urban Cultures. Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies. Pat Finucane Centre (1995) One Day in August. Derry, Pat Finucane Centre. Patterson, H. (1980) Class Conflict and Sectarianism: The Protestant Working Class and the Belfast Labour Movement, 1868-1920. Belfast, Blackstaff Press. Purdie, B.(1990) Politics in the Streets. The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland. Belfast, Blackstaff Press. Sheehan, M. (1995) 'Fair Employment: an issue for the peace process'. Race and Class, Vol. 37, No 1. Tercentenary Committee (1988) Official Brochure of the Tercentenary Celebrations of the Apprentice Boys of Derry Association. Londonderry. Wright, Frank (1987) Northern Ireland: A Comparative Analysis. Dublin, Gill and Macmillan.
Wright, Frank (1996) Two Lands on One Soil: Ulster Politics
Before Home Rule. Dublin, Gill and Macmillan.
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