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Education and Religion in Northern Ireland by A M Gallagher Bibliography
AKENSON, D.H. (1973). Education and Enmity: The Control of Schooling. in Northern Ireland, 1920-1950. Newton Abbot: David and Charles. AUSTIN, R. (editor) (1985). History in Schools: Essays on History Teaching in the Classroom. Coleraine: University of Ulster. BARRITT, D.P. and CARTER, C.F. (1962). The Northern Ireland Problem: a study in group relations. London: Oxford University Press. BOYLE, J.F. (1976). Educational Attainment, Occupational Achievement and Religion in Northern Ireland. Economic and Social Review, 8(2), 79-100. CAIRNS, E. (1987). Caught in Crossfire: Children and the Northern Ireland Conflict. Belfast: Appletree Press. CHILVER REPORT (1980). The Future Structure of Teacher Education in Northern Ireland. An interim report of the Higher Education Review Group. Belfast: HMSO. CHILVER REPORT (1982). The Future of Higher Education in Northern Ireland. Report of the Higher Education Review Group for Northern Ireland. Belfast: HMSO. CLARKE, M.T. (1978). Men, Women and post-primary principalship in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Equal Opportunities Commission. CORMACK, R.J., OSBORNE, R.D., and THOMPSON, W.T. (1980). Into Work? Young School Leavers and the Structure of Opportunity in Belfast. Belfast: Fair Employment Agency Research Paper 5. CORMACK, R.J. and OSBORNE, R.D. (editors) (1983a) Religion, Education and Employment: aspects of equal opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. CORMACK, R.J. and OSBORNE, R.D. (1983b) The Transition from School to Work (1) The Belfast Study: into work in Belfast; in . CORMACK, R.J. and OSBORNE, R.D. (editors) (1983a) Religion, Education and Employment: aspects of equal opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. CORMACK, R.J., OSBORNE, R.D., REID, N.G. and WILLIAMSON, A.P. (1984). Participation in Higher Education: trends in the social and spatial mobility of Northern Ireland undergraduates. Final Report SSRC Funded Project HR 6846. D'ARCY, P (1986) The employment of newly-qualified teachers in 1985. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. DARBY, J. (1973). Divisiveness in Education. The Northern Teacher, 11(1), 3-12. DARBY, J. (1974). History in the schools: a review article. Community Forum, 4(2), 37-42. DARBY, J. (1977). Educational Provision in Northern Ireland. The Northern Teacher, 12(4), 3-8. DARBY, J. (1978). Northern Ireland: Bonds and Breaks in Education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 26(3), 215-223. DARBY, J., MURRAY, D., BATTS, D., DUNN, S., FARREN, S. and HARRIS, J. (1977). Education and Community in Northern Ireland: Schools Apart? Coleraine: the New University of Ulster. DARBY, J. and DUNN, S. (1987). Segregated Schools: The Research Evidence; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (editors) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (1988a). Education in Northern Ireland: proposals for reform. Bangor: DENI. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (1988b). The Way Forward. Bangor: DENI. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (various). Statistical Bulletin. Bangor: DENI. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (various). Educational Statistics. Bangor: DENI. DUNN, S. (1986a). Education and the Conflict in Northern Ireland: a guide to the literature. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict. DUNN, S. (1986b). The Role of Education in the Northern Ireland Conflict. Oxford Review of Education, 12(3), 233-242. DUNN, S. and MORGAN, V. (1978). Recruits to Teaching in Ireland North-South. Coleraine: the New University of Ulster. DUNN, S. and MORGAN, V. (1979). A Comparative Demographic Study of Student Teachers from the North and South of Ireland. Comparative Education, 15(2), 143-157. DUNN, S., DARBY, J. and MULLAN, K. (1984). Schools Together? Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict. DUNN, S and MORGAN, V (1988) The social context of education in Northern Ireland. Unpublished paper, Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. DUNN, S. and SMITH, A. (1989). Inter-School Links. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (1981). Formal Investigation into Further Education in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Equal Opportunities Commission. FOOTE, T.P. (1979). The staffing needs of schools: 1979. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1980a). Institutions of Further Education. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1980b). The Staffing Needs of Post-Primary Schools: 1980. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1980c). The employment position of teachers newly-qualified in 1979. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1980d). The staffing needs of nursery and primary schools: 1980. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1981). The employment position of teachers newly qualified in 1980. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1982a). Report on students in training (1981-1982). Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1982b). The employment position of teachers newly-qualified in 1981. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1983). Staffing shortages in post-primary schools: summer term 1982. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FOOTE, T.P. (1984). The employment of teachers newly-qualified in 1983. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. FULTON, J. (1982). Education in Northern Ireland; in Cohen, L., Thomas, J and Manion, L. (editors) Educational Research and Development in Britain, 1970-1980. England: NFER-Nelson. GALLAGHER, A.M. (1988). Transfer Pupils at 16. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. GALLAGHER, A.M. (1989). The relationship between research and policy: an example from Northern Ireland. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 2(2), 62-63. GALLAGHER, P. (1987). The Future for Further Education in Northern Ireland; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (editors) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. GREER, J.E. (1972). A Questioning Generation. Belfast: Church of Ireland Board of Education. GREER, J.E. (1978). Religious Education in State Primary Schools in Northern Ireland. The Northern Teacher, 13(2), 11-16. GREER, J.E. (1979/80). Religious Education in State Primary Schools in Northern Ireland. The Northern Teacher, 13(3), 7-11. GREER, J.E. (1983). The County School in Northern Ireland. The Northern Teacher, 14(1), 6-11. GREER, J.E. and BROWN, W. (1981). The inspection of religious education in Northern Ireland schools. The Northern Teacher, 13(4), 3-7. HARBISON, J.I. (editor) (1983). Children of the Troubles: children in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College Learning Resources Unit. HARBISON, J.I. (editor) (1989). Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. HARBISON, J.J.M. and HARBISON, J.I. (editors) (1980). A Society Under Stress: children and young people in Northern Ireland. Somerset: Open Books. HESKIN, K. (1980). Northern Ireland: a psychological analysis. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. HEWSTONE, M. and BROWN, R. (editors) (1986). Contact and Conflict in Intergroup Encounters. Oxford: Blackwell. LIVINGSTONE, J. (1987). Equality of Opportunity in Education in Northern Ireland; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (editors) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. LOCKWOOD REPORT (1965). Higher Education in Northern Ireland. Report of the Committee appointed by the Minister of Finance (Cmd. 480). Belfast: HMSO. LOUGHRAN, G. (1987). The Rationale of Catholic Education; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (editors) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. MAGEE, J. (1970). The Teaching of Irish History in Irish Schools. The Northern Teacher, 10(1), 15-21. MALONE, J. (1973). Schools and Community Relations. The Northern Teacher, 11(1), 19-30. McEWEN, A. and FULTON, J.F. (1983). Theory and practice - a discussion of the views of Northern Ireland teachers. Irish Educational Studies, 3(2), 139-158. McEWEN, A. CURRY, C.A. and WATSON, J. (no date). Science and Arts Subject Choices: a sample survey of Lower 6th form students in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Equal Opportunities Commission. McEWEN, A. CURRY, C.A. and WATSON, J. (1986). Subject preferences at A level in Northern Ireland. European Journal of Science Education, 8(1), 39-49. McKEOWN, M. (1973). Civil Unrest: Secondary Schools' Survey. The Northern Teacher, 11(1), 39-42. McKERNAN, J. (1981). Transfer at 14: a study of the Craigavon two-tier system as an organisational innovation in education. Belfast. Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. McKERNAN, J. (1982). Constraints on the handling of Controversial Issues in Northern Ireland Post-Primary Schools. British Educational Research Journal, 8(1), 57-71. McWHIRTER, L. (1989). Longitudinal evidence on the teenage years; in Harbison, J.I. (editor) Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. McWHIRTER, L., DUFFY, U. BARRY, R. and McGUINNESS, G. (1987). Transition from School to Work: Cohort Evidence; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (editors) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. MILLER, R.L. and OSBORNE, R.D. (1983). Educational Qualifications and Religious Affiliation; in Cormack, R.J. and Osborne, R.D. (editors) Religion, Education and Employment: aspects of equal opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (1968). Primary Education in Northern Ireland: a report of the Advisory Council for Education. Belfast: HMSO. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND (various). Educational Statistics. Belfast: HMSO. MURRAY, D. (1978). Education and Community in Northern Ireland. The Northern Teacher, 13(2), 3-6. MURRAY, D. (1983). Rituals and symbols as contributors to the culture of Northern Ireland primary schools. Irish Educational Studies, 3(2), 238-255. MURRAY, D. (1985a). Worlds Apart: segregated schools in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. MURRAY, D. (1985b). Identity: a covert pedagogy in Northern Irish schools. Irish Educational Studies, 5(2), 182-197. MURRAY, D. and DARBY, J. (1978). The Vocational Aspirations and Expectations of School Leavers in Derry and Strabane. Belfast: Fair Employment Agency Research Paper 6. MURRAY, D. and DARBY, J. (1983). The Transition from School to Work (2) The Derry and Strabane Study: Out and Down in Derry and Strabane; in Cormack, R.J. and Osborne, R.D. (editors) Religion, Education and Employment: aspects of equal opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. O'CONNOR, S. (1980). Reports - 'Chocolate Cream Soldiers': Evaluating an Experiment in Non-Sectarian Education in Northern Ireland. Curriculum Studies, 12(3), 263-270. OSBORNE, R.D. (1985). Religion and Educational Qualifications Northern Ireland. Belfast: Fair Employment Agency Research Paper 8. OSBORNE, R.D. (1986) Segregated schools and examination results in Northern Ireland: some preliminary research. Educational Research, 28(1), 43-30. OSBORNE, R.D. and MURRAY, R.C. (1978). Educational Qualifications and Religious Affiliation in Northern Ireland: an examination of GCE '0' and 'A' Levels. Belfast: Fair Employment Agency Research Paper 3. OSBORNE, R.D., CORMACK, R.J., REID, N.G. and WILLIAMSON, A.P. (1983). Political Arithmetic, Higher Education and Religion in Northern Ireland; in Cormack, R.J. and Osborne, R.D. (editors) Religion, Education and Employment: aspects of equal opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. OSBORNE, R.D., CORMACK, R.J. and MILLER, R.L. (editors) (1987). Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. OSBORNE, R.D., CORMACK, R.J., MILLER, R.L., and WILLIAMSON, A.P. (1987) Graduates: Geographical Mobility and Income; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J., and Miller, R.L. (editors) . Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. OSBORNE, R.D., MILLER, R.L., CORMACK, R.J. and WILLIAMSON, A.P. (1988). Trends in Higher Education Participation in Northern Ireland. Economic and Social Review, 19(4), 283-301. OSBORNE, R.D. and CORMACK, R.J. (1989). Gender and Religion as issues in education, training and entry to work; in Harbison, J.I. (editor) Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. OSBORNE, R.D., CORMACK, R.J. and GALLAGHER, A.M. (1991). Educational qualifications and the labour market; in Osborne, R.D. and Cormack, R.J. (editors) Discrimination and Public Policy in Northern Ireland. London: Oxford University Press. REA, D. (1968). A Discussion of Social Class Background with Special Reference to Students at Queen's University, Belfast. Journal of Statistics and Social Enquiry Society of Ireland, 21(6), 152-173. REID, N. and GOLDIE, R. (1981). Northern Ireland Women in Higher Education. Belfast: Equal Opportunities Commission. RUSSELL, J. (1974/5). The Sources of Conflict. The Northern Teacher, 11(3), 3-11. SKILBECK, M. (1973). The School and Cultural Development. The Northern Teacher, 11(1), 13-18. SPELMAN, B.J. (1975). Developments in Post-Primary Education in Northern Ireland: a research perspective. The Northern Teacher, 11(4). SPENCER, A.E.C.W (1987). Arguments for an Integrated School System; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (editors) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. SUTHERLAND, A.E. and GALLAGHER, A.M. (1986). Transfer and the Upper Primary School. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. SUTHERLAND, A.E. and GALLAGHER, A.M. (1987). Pupils in the Border Band. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. TAYLOR, R. (1987). The limits of liberalism: the case of Queen's Academics and the 'Troubles'. Politics, 7(2), 28-34. TEARE, SM. and SUTHERLAND, A.E. (1988). At Sixes and Sevens: a study of the curriculum in the upper primary school. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. TREW, K. (1971). The Physical Environment of a Representative Sample of Northern Ireland Primary Schools. The Northern Teacher, 10(3), 27- 31. TREW, K. (1986). Catholic-Protestant Contact in Northern Ireland; in Hewstone, M. and Brown, R. (editors) Contact and Conflict in Intergroup Encounters. Oxford: Blackwell. TREW, K. (1989). Evaluating the impact of contact schemes for Catholic and Protestant children; in Harbison, J.I. (editor) Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. WILSON, J.A. (1977). Coeducation and Religious Integration as issues in the Reorganisation of Secondary Education. The Northern Teacher, 12(4), 9-11. WILSON, J.A. (1983). Developments in Secondary and Further Education in Northern Ireland. The Northern Teacher, 14(1), 12-16. WILSON, J.A. (1985). Secondary School Organisation and Pupil Progress. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. WILSON, J A. (1986). Transfer and the Structure of Secondary Education. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. WILSON, J.A. (1987). Selection for Secondary Education; in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (editors) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. WILSON, JA. (1989). Educational Performance: a decade of evidence; in Harbison, J.I. (editor) Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. WILSON, J.A. and FOOTE, T.P. (1978). The staffing needs of schools. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. WILSON, J.A. and GARDINER, T. (1982). Progress at 16. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research.
WILSON, J.A. and SPELMAN, B .J. (1977). The Organisation of
Secondary Education. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for
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