The first New TSN Annual Report November 1999


Annex 2 (continued)


Business Area:

T&EA Northern Ireland Childcare Strategy *

Social need to be tackled:

Unemployment and employability of people excluded from the labour market by lack of quality, affordable childcare

Desired outcome:

More people enabled to choose to move from welfare into paid employment, or stay in paid employment

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 21 To improve access to employment for

a. Implement a strategy to persuade more employers of the business case for adopting family-friendly employment practices throughout the period of this Plan.

DED 22 To improve access for parents to
employment and training opportunities by
improving the quality of available childcare.

a. Provide 1,250 opportunities to train in childcare through the New Deal by May 2002.

DED 23 To improve access for parents to
employment and training opportunities by
improving access to childcare.

a. Contribute to the development and delivery of a Northern Ireland childcare information system from 1999-2000 onwards.

* The Northern Ireland Childcare Strategy is not a discrete business area. It involves DHSS, DENI, T&EA and a large number of other organisations in the public, voluntary and private sectors. Within T&EA it involves several business areas including the New Deals, the Employment Service and the Marketing Unit.



Business Area:

T&EA Joint service delivery by T&EA and Social Security Agency

Social need to be tackled:

Unemployment in general and long-term unemployment (over 1 year) in particular

Desired outcome:

More people moving from welfare to work

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 24 To improve access to employment
opportunities for benefits claimants.

a. Develop and evaluate joint service delivery by T&EA and Social Security Agency (Timescale to be determined by Ministers based on the outcome of the current pilot).


Business Area:

T&EA Enterprise Ulster

Social need to be tackled:

Unemployment among people who are not yet eligible to participate in the New Deal, including people who are economically inactive

Desired outcome:

Progression into employment either during their participation in the programme or within 3 months of leaving the programme

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 25 To enhance the capabilities, experience and
training of the unemployed.

a. 29% of leavers to commence employment within 3 months of leaving the programme. Review target annually.

b. 31% of leavers to achieve a full NVQ or above. Review target annually.


Business Area:

T&EA International Fund for Ireland (IFI) – Wider Horizons *

Social need to be tackled:

Employability of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds or areas

Desired outcome:

More young people from disadvantaged backgrounds or areas (IFI definition) securing employment on completion of their training

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 26 To enable more people to secure
employment on completion of Jobskills than
would otherwise be the case.

a. Monitor the outcomes of individuals on the programme and if appropriate make recommendations for change.

* The programme is managed by T&EA on behalf of IFI. Resource allocations are decided by IFI, not the Government.



Business Area:


Social need to be tackled:

Unemployment/long-term unemployment

Desired outcome:

Reduction in unemployment and increase in employment opportunities for the unemployed and long-term unemployed

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 27 To encourage visits by potential investors to
New TSN areas.

a. 75% of all first time visits to NI by potential investors to be to New TSN areas (in each year of the Plan).

DED 28 To encourage the location of foreign direct
investment in New TSN areas.

a. Through provision of higher differential rates of assistance, 75% of all first time inward investment projects to be located in or adjacent to New TSN areas (in each year of the Plan).

DED 29 To attract tradeable services projects to New
TSN areas outside Belfast Urban Area.

a. Within the three year period of the Plan, attract 3 new tradeable service projects or satellite(s) of existing Belfast based tradeable service operations to locate in New TSN areas outside the Belfast Urban Area.

DED 30 To increase employment opportunities for the
long-term unemployed particularly those
located in New TSN areas in conjunction with
T&EA's and LEDU's activities.

a. Encourage companies accepting an offer of financial assistance from IDB which includes an increase in employment of more than 20 to commit to satisfying 10% of that increase from the unemployed using where appropriate programmes such as New Deal, Bridge to Employment, Worktrack etc. This target to be reviewed and agreed with T&EA annually.

b. Work with LEDU to establish a monitoring system to identify and track local sourcing opportunities for businesses in or adjacent to New TSN areas from new inward investment or large existing companies. Pilot system to be in place by March 2001.

DED 31 To ensure the provision of industrial land for
industrial development in New TSN areas.

a. Work with Councils, the Planning Service and private developers to ensure the provision of adequate land for industry in all designated New TSN areas (ongoing).

b. Intervene by acquiring such land where necessary.


New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 32 To ensure greater integration of IDB's efforts,
resources and activity with those of other
Departments to impact on the unemployed.

a. Continue liaison with DOE and LEDU on local economic development activity through Councils or other local groups.

b. Meet at least annually to continue to develop and implement a co-ordinated approach with DANI to support the allocation of European Funds (Process and Marketing Grant Scheme) to companies in the Agri-Food Industry, particularly those located in New TSN areas.


Business Area:

Local Enterprise Development Unit (LEDU)

Social need to be tackled:

Unemployment in general and long-term unemployment (over 1 year) in particular

Desired outcome:

Reduction in unemployment and increase in employment opportunities for the unemployed and long-term unemployed

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 33 To skew resources towards disadvantaged
individuals and areas.

a. Not less than 50% of support to LEDU’s businesses to be in New TSN areas through giving them priority for business needs assessments.

b. Not less than 50% of LEDU resource allocated to LEDU’s Local Economic Development activities to be in New TSN areas.

c. Not less than 50% of LEDU resource allocated to LEDU’s enterprise awareness activities to be in New TSN areas.

DED 34 To provide developmental support to
businesses in New TSN areas to address
barriers to growth.

a. Give priority to businesses in New TSN areas on all LEDU-run initiatives and programmes throughout the period of this Plan.

b. Make available across all New TSN areas, programmes piloted by LEDU in the Making Belfast Work area. Introduce two new programmes in 2000-2001.

c. Build on existing mentoring programmes in New TSN areas and implement a more focused approach in

DED 35 To maximise the spin off opportunities for
small businesses in New TSN areas.

a. Establish, in conjunction with IDB, a monitoring system to track the local sourcing activities of new inward investment projects and large existing businesses in or adjacent to New TSN areas. Pilot system to be in place by March 2001.

b. Based on this information, establish an action plan (2001-2002) to assist small businesses in New TSN areas to meet the supply needs of those businesses.


New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 36 To promote New TSN as a key consideration
for District Councils, District Partnerships and
other Local Economic Development
organisations and to develop collaborative
initiatives involving businesses that can
impact directly or indirectly on creating
employment opportunities in New TSN areas.

a. Use the outcomes of the Council Business Start Programme (BSP) evaluation (commencing November 1999) to identify take up of Programme by the unemployed, the economically inactive and those living in New TSN areas and, by April 2000, to develop initiatives with Councils to increase participation of these groups.

b. Monitor New TSN participation on the Council BSP through the implementation of a comprehensive tracking system and provide Councils with performance information to enable them to benchmark their New TSN uptake with other Council areas. (The tracking system will become operational in financial year 2000-2001).

DED 37 To increase participation in local economic
development activity by those resident in New
TSN areas.

a. Establish 20 Community Businesses each year in New TSN areas up to completion of funding in 2001. Evaluate the Community Business Start-Up Programme prior to future strategy development and provide recommendations on the way forward by March 2001.

b. Review the nature of LEDU’s future support for the Community Leadership Programme based on the outcome of the evaluation of the scheme commencing March 2000 and provide recommendations by December 2000.

c. Continue to work with DANI on developing Rural Enterprise Programme to maximise self-employment opportunities in rural areas.

DED 38 To encourage the unemployed and those
who are not currently economically active
into self-employment.

a. Track the level of enquiries coming from the unemployed and economically inactive as a direct result of LEDU’s Enterprise Awareness campaign to establish a baseline for enquiries by March 2000.

b. As part of the revised Enterprise Awareness campaign, introduce targeting as required to maximise participation from the unemployed and economically inactive and set targets for the next campaign commencing in April 2000.

c. Establish transfer targets during 2000-2001 with T&EA and BSP delivery agents for entrants into the BSP from the New Deal Self-Employment option.


Business Area:

Industrial Research and Technology Unit (IRTU)

Social need to be tackled:

Unemployment in general and long-term unemployment (over 1 year) in particular

Desired outcome:

Reduction in unemployment and increase in employment opportunities for the unemployed and long-term unemployed

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 39 To raise the level of research and
development activity in companies located in
New TSN areas to increase overall

In each year of the Action Plan:

a. 50% of promotional events to take place in New TSN areas.

b. 50% of successful Start applications to be from companies or research organisations in New TSN areas.

c. 50% of successful Compete applications to be from companies in New TSN areas.

DED 40 To increase the use of new technologies in
companies located in New TSN areas to
increase overall competitiveness.

In each year of the Action Plan:

a. 50% of Mobile Information Unit visits to take place in New TSN areas.

b. 50% of Information Technology Demonstrations to companies to take place in New TSN areas.

c. 50% of Best Practice events to take place in New TSN areas.


Business Area:

Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB)

Social need to be tackled:

Unemployment in general and long-term unemployment (over 1 year) in particular

Desired outcome:

Reduction in unemployment and an increase in employment opportunities for the unemployed people and the long-term unemployed

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 41 To ensure increased emphasis on
disadvantaged individuals and areas within
NITB activity.

a. Target 54% of capital assistance for tourism development to New TSN areas, over the 3 year period 2000-2003.

b. Encourage private sector companies accepting an offer of financial assistance to work with T&EA, (through New Deal, Bridge to Employment or Worktrack where appropriate) to provide opportunities for the unemployed and long-term unemployed for new jobs created through new investment in tourism projects throughout the period of this Plan.

c. Work with the Regional Tourism Organisations to identify their product development needs in respect of New TSN areas and agree priorities for assistance by December 2000.

d. Work with the pilot area-based tourism initiatives in the Sperrins and in South Armagh to enable these communities to develop their skills and confidence in the development and delivery of community tourism. Evaluation of outcomes to be completed by March 2000.

e. Measure broad indicators of progress in New TSN areas in terms of percentage of support; numbers of employees in tourism and leisure establishments; and distribution of bedspaces.

DED 42 To ensure the integration of tourism-related
activity across other Departments to achieve
maximum impact, particularly in New TSN

a. Establish appropriate mechanisms for interagency linkages to develop integrated approaches to tourism development, marketing, visitor management and funding by September 1999. Key areas include: DANI’s Rural Development Division vis a vis its responsibility for the development of rural tourism, and DOE’s Environment and Heritage Service vis a vis its responsibility for the management of the natural environment where there is a high correlation between areas of disadvantage and designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

b. By March 2000, develop a framework for support for tourism which is integrated with DANI and DOE to ensure a focus on New TSN areas.


Business Area:

DED – Trading Standards

Social need to be tackled:

Consumers from New TSN areas may be disadvantaged in the market for goods and services

Desired outcome:

Greater awareness among disadvantaged individuals and consumers in New TSN areas of their rights and greater awareness among businesses in New TSN areas of their legal obligations to consumers

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 43 To increase knowledge of the range and
spread of consumer complaints arising from
New TSN areas as a basis for future
research into the needs of the consumer.

a. Monitor the volume and nature of complaints by New TSN area using postcode information.

b. Consider any consumer problems specific to New TSN areas identified during consultation with local community groups and the network of advice agencies (completed December 1999) and by June 2000 develop initiatives to address these problems.

DED 44 To promote consumer awareness amongst
disadvantaged individuals and in New TSN

a. Based on the above research and consultation, devise a plan to promote consumer awareness amongst disadvantaged individuals and in New TSN areas by March 2000.

DED 45 To ensure that businesses in New TSN areas
are fully aware of their legal obligations to

a. Throughout the period of this Plan, advise and work with businesses in New TSN areas to ensure that they comply with trading standards legal obligations.


Business Area:

The General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland (GCC)

Social need to be tackled:

Lack of consumer awareness when buying goods and services in the market place

Desired outcome:

To promote consumer awareness amongst disadvantages individuals and in New TSN areas

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 46 To focus on New TSN areas outside Belfast.

a. Ensure that the one meeting of the Council held outside Belfast each year is arranged so that a significant proportion of those attending would represent disadvantaged individuals, groups or those from New TSN areas, and the business of the meeting is focused on their concerns.

DED 47 To promote consumer awareness in schools
which have a high proportion of pupils from
New TSN areas.

a. Implement the plan (agreed in October 1999) to target a high proportion of consumer awareness programmes towards schools which draw their pupils largely from New TSN areas.

DED 48 To target GCC resources more effectively
upon disadvantaged individuals and
consumers in New TSN areas.

a. Monitor consumer complaints by New TSN area and analyse the types of complaints coming from consumers in New TSN areas.

b. Based on above research and in consultation with the Trading Standards Service (about the latter’s complaint types), devise a plan to target its resources more effectively upon disadvantaged individuals and consumers in New TSN areas. Plan to be in place by March 2000.


Business Area:

DED – Energy Division

Social need to be tackled:

Energy Costs

Desired outcome:

A diversified and low-cost energy supply

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DED 49 To consider within the framework of the post
1999 EU Structural Funds how the
replacement renewable energy schemes, if
any, might be targeted at New TSN areas.

a. If funding available, devise new schemes and discuss with relevant interests.

b. Establish a baseline against which to measure activity of the replacement renewable energy schemes in New TSN areas.

DED 50 To achieve reduction of energy (electricity)
costs in Northern Ireland.

a. Seek to make most effective use of Energy Trust Fund.

