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INLA Plaque (Friendly Street)
Photograph M479P2/2 (Monument 479 Photograph 2 of 2)

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Information on photograph
Memorial ID No.:
Memorial Title:
INLA Plaque (Friendly Street)
Photo Series No.:
M479P2/2 (Monument 479 Photograph 2 of 2)
Photo Description:
Close-up view of the plaque.
In Proud Mememory of | Our Fallen Comrades | Irish National Liberation Army | Vol. JAMES 'Jim' POWER Killed in Action 7 May 1981 | Vol. THOMAS 'Ta' POWER Assassinated 20 January 1987 | Vol. JOHN O'REILLY Assissinated 20 January 1987 | Vol. EMANUEL GARGAN Assissinated 21 March 1987 | | When the freedom of our country and class has been won | let us guard it well remembering it was paid for | by the blood and lives of those now dead | | Erected by the Irish Republican Socialist | Ex-Prisoners Memorial Committee
Four INLA members who were killed in the conflict.
Location Address:
Friendly Street, The Market, Shaftsbury, Belfast South,
County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
Location Guide:
Junction of Friendly Street and Stewart Street, The Market. 347737
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Martin Melaugh
Date Taken:
28 January 2009
Technical Details:
Canon EOS D5 camera; EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens;
Image Format:
File Formats :
Canon Raw File (.CR2); TIFF; JPEG
~copyright A copy of the above image(s) may be downloaded for private study or personal use. Anyone requiring a copy for commercial use, or use at a web site, should contact CAIN for further information.
Higher (and larger) resolution version available on request - contact CAIN for details. Full camera settings embedded in Canon Raw File and TIFF image.

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