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Beechmount Memorial Garden
Photograph M559P20/24 (Monument 559 Photograph 20 of 24)

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Information on photograph
Memorial ID No.:
Memorial Title:
Beechmount Memorial Garden
Photo Series No.:
M559P20/24 (Monument 559 Photograph 20 of 24)
Photo Description:
A close-up view of one of a series of metal and stone plaques attached to the rear wall of the enclosure. The upper metal relief depicts scenes from Belfast with an inscription of Bobby Sands' name. The lower stone plaque is dedicated to the 'unsung heroes' of the area.
in memory of | all the unsung heroes | off this area | who's hardship sacrifice | and support during this struggle | for irish freedom | will never be forgotten by the | belfast brigade óglaigh na h-éireann
IRA members from 'A' Company, 2nd Battalion, Belfast Brigade IRA; and also to civilians from the local area killed in the conflict.
Location Address:
Beechmount Avenue, Falls, Beechmount, Belfast West,
County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
Location Guide:
At junction of Beechmount Avenue and Beechmount Pass; also junction with Oakmans Street.
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Martin Melaugh
Date Taken:
22 March 2007
Technical Details:
Canon EOS D10 camera; EF17-40mm f/4L IS USM lens;
Image Format:
File Formats :
Canon Raw File (.CR2); TIFF; JPEG
~copyright A copy of the above image(s) may be downloaded for private study or personal use. Anyone requiring a copy for commercial use, or use at a web site, should contact CAIN for further information.
Higher (and larger) resolution version available on request - contact CAIN for details. Full camera settings embedded in Canon Raw File and TIFF image.

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