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Alphabetical Listing: I Total: 15

photo 27 August 1979
Ireland, Christopher (25) nfNI
Status: British Army (BA), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Killed in two remote controlled bomb attacks at Narrow Water, near Warrenpoint, County Down. The first bomb was left in parked lorry and detonated when British Army (BA) lorry passed. The second bomb was left in a nearby Gate Lodge and detonated when British Army (BA) reinforcements arrived at the scene of the first explosion.
photo 17 January 1992
Irons, Robert (61) Protestant
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Killed in land mine attack on firm's van, returning home from Lisanelly British Army (BA) base, Omagh, at Teebane Crossroads, near Cookstown, County Tyrone.
photo 04 December 1971
Irvine, Kathleen (53) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF)
Killed in bomb attack on McGurk's bar, junction of Gt. George's Street and North Queen Street, New Lodge, Belfast.
photo 21 July 1972
Irvine, William (18) Protestant
Status: Ulster Defence Association (UDA), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Killed in car bomb explosion at Oxford Street Bus Station, Belfast. Inadequate warning given.
photo 22 June 1975
Irvine, Thomas (23) Protestant
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Shot from passing car while standing at Westland Road, Belfast.
photo 13 July 1975
Irvine, Charles (16) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Shot while travelling in car, junction of Falls Road and Waterford Street, Lower Falls, Belfast.
photo 07 October 1977
Irvine, Desmond (38) Protestant
Status: Prison Officer (PO), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Off duty. Shot shortly after leaving trade union office, Wellington Park, Malone, Belfast.
photo 16 March 1989
Irvine, John (49) Protestant
Status: Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Shot at his home, Skegoneill Avenue, Skegoneill, Belfast.
photo 20 October 1992
Irvine, Robert (43) Protestant
Status: Royal Irish Regiment (RIR), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Off duty. Shot at his temporary home, Tamlaght Road, Rasharkin, County Antrim.
photo 05 November 1975
Irwin, Stanley (26) Protestant
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: non-specific Republican group (REP)
Shot at his farm, Carrowbeg, Benburb, County Tyrone.
photo 29 October 1979
Irwin, Fred (43) Protestant
Status: Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Off duty. Shot while driving to his workplace, Oaks Road, Dungannon, County Tyrone.
photo 16 November 1982
Irwin, Ronald (24) Protestant
Status: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), Killed by: Irish National Liberation Army (INLA)
Shot while at security barrier, Markethill, County Armagh.
photo 26 March 1986
Irwin, Thomas (52) Protestant
Status: Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Off duty. Shot at his workplace, sewage works, Mountfield, near Omagh, County Tyrone.
photo 26 October 1989
Islania, Maheshkumar (34) nfNIE
Status: Royal Air Force (RAF), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Off duty. Shot during gun attack on his car while at petrol filling station, Wildenrath, West Germany.
photo 26 October 1989
Islania, Niurati (0) nfNIE
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Shot during gun attack on her Royal Air Force (RAF) member father's car while at petrol filling station, Wildenrath, West Germany.

Note on the photographs:
Most of the photographs in this section were provided by family members, relatives or friends of the person killed, to the local media at the time of death. In most cases the photographs were taken by a member of the family, a relative or a friend. At the time the photographs were provided to the local media, the name of the photographer was not recorded. No payment was made for the photograph. In some cases the original image was never returned.
Copyright of the photographs:
Copyright © of the photographs remains with the (unknown) original photographer. If anyone believes they own the copyright of any of the photographs in this section, and objects to its reproduction on this Web site, they should contact the CAIN Director.
Text is taken with permission from Malcolm Sutton's 'Index of Deaths'.
The photographs were obtained from various sources including: newspapers, magazines, books, other publications, video, memorials, Web sites, etc.
Removal of photographs:
If the nearest relative of any of those killed, objects to the use of a particular photograph then the image will be removed from this site. If the nearest relative would prefer a different photograph to be used this can be arranged.
Appeal for additional photographs:
If anyone has a photograph, or a series of photographs, of any of those killed during the conflict and would be willing to donate a (digital) copy to the Archive, please contact the CAIN Director. Please do not send original photographs by post.


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