[Draft Page] Some selected 'recommended' reading on the topic of victims and survivor groups:
Bloomfield, Kenneth. (1998). 'We Will Remember Them': Report of the Northern Ireland Victims Commissioner, Sir Kenneth Bloomfield KCB, (April 1998). Belfast: The Stationery Office Northern Ireland. Commission of Victims and Survivors (CVS). (2009). Final Report: Initial Literature Review of The Needs of Victims and Survivors, (prepared by the Social Research Centre Limited), (17 January 2009), [PDF; 509KB].. Belfast: CVS. Deloitte and Touche. (2001). Evaluation of Services to Victims and Survivors of the Troubles, Summary Report, (October 2001), [PDF File; 103KB].. Belfast: Deloitte and Touche. Dillenburger, K., Fargas, M., and Akhonzada, R. (2007). The PAVE Project report: Exploring the effectiveness of services for victims of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, [PDF; 1,587KB]. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast. Hamber, Brandon., and Wilson, Robin. (eds.) (2003). Recognition and Reckoning: The Way Ahead on Victims Issues, (Democratic Dialogue Report No.15), (April 2003), [PDF; 484KB]. Belfast: Democratic Dialogue. Morrissey, M., and Smyth, M. (2002). Northern Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement: Victims, grievance and blame. London: Pluto. McDougall, Bertha. (2007). Support for Victims and Survivors: Addressing the human legacy, (Report of the Interim Commissioner for Victims Survivors), (25 January 2007), [PDF; 732KB].. Belfast: Interim Commissioner for Victims Survivors. Templer, Sara., and Radford, Katy. (2007). Hearing the Voices: Sharing Perspectives in the Victim/Survivor Sector, (6 November 2007), (Community Relations Council; CRC), [PDF; 871KB].. Belfast: Community Relations Council (CRC). The Tim Parry Jonathan Ball Trust. (2003). 'The Legacy: A Study of the needs of GB victims and Survivors of the Northern Ireland 'Troubles' ', [PDF; 1414KB].. Warrington: The Tim Parry Jonathan Ball Trust. Victims Unit (VU). (2002). Reshape, Rebuild, Achieve: Delivering Practical Help and Services to the Victims of the Conflict in Northern Ireland, [PDF File; 615KB].. Belfast: OFMDFM, Victims Unit. Victims Unit (VU). (2005). Services for Victims and Survivors: Consultation on Next Phase of Policy in relation to services for Victims and Survivors of the troubles in Northern Ireland (1 March 2005), [PDF; 400KB].. Belfast: Victims Unit, OFMDFM.
Last modified:
June 16, 2009 14:38