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'Remembering': Victims, Survivors and Commemoration
The Funding Organisation


The AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) provided funding for the project. The funded part of the project began on 1 October 2006 and finished on 31 March 2009. The CAIN project team are grateful to the AHRC for this funding without which this new Archive would not have been possible.

AHRC logo "Each year the AHRC provides funding from the Government to support research and postgraduate study in the arts and humanities, from archaeology and English literature to design and dance. Only applications of the highest quality and excellence are funded and the range of research supported by this investment of public funds not only provides social and cultural benefits but also contributes to the economic success of the UK. For further information on the AHRC, please see our website"


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Last modified: February 24, 2010 14:15
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