CAIN Web Service

Details of the Updates and Revisions
to the Information on Deaths
The Sutton database contains information on the deaths that have resulted from the conflict in Ireland between 14 July 1969 and 31 December 2001. The information was first published in his 1994 book Bear in mind these dead ... An Index of Deaths from the Conflict in Ireland 1969-1993.
Following publication Malcolm Sutton updated his personal database with information on deaths during 1995 to 1998; and subsequently 1999 to 2001. Also whenever new information came to light, on any of the deaths, he made additions or corrections to the material.
This revised and updated version of the database formed the basis for the pages on the CAIN site that were first made available in October 1999. All the information that is presented in these pages is copyright © of the author Malcolm Sutton.
New information continues to become available and a number of further revisions have been made to the material at the CAIN site.
October 1999 Some minor corrections were made to the Index of Deaths. One accidental shooting was removed from the data and one death added. A few dates of death were changed.
November 1999 Update to 'organisation responsible' on two deaths.
January 2000 A review of all the data resulted in a number of minor changes to a number of records in the database.
April 2000 An appendix 'Persons Dying of Heart Failure, caused by an incident related to the Conflict' was added to the database.
August 2000 A revision of all the data led to a number of minor changes to a number of records in the database.
February 2001 Some killings which were orginally recorded as non-specific Loyalist group (LOY) were attributed to the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) following additional new information.
March 2001 Details of the 'disappeared' were added to the database. Two other deaths were also added. These changes meant that the total number of deaths increased by 11 deaths to 3,479. The necessary changes were made to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary.
June 2001 One additional death was added to the database bringing the total to 3,480.
August 2001 Some minor changes to the database. One description amended; one person's age added; one surname corrected; one person's status changed from civilian to IRAF (corresponding changes made to Malcolm Sutton's Statistical Summary).
September 2001 Some minor changes to the database. Correction to the spelling of the surname of two people. Change in the religion of two people (corresponding changes made to Malcolm Sutton's Statistical Summary).
February 2002 Some minor changes to the database. Correction to the spelling of the surname of two people; one location changed; one date changed.
March 2002 Some minor changes to the database. Correction to the religion of one person (corresponding change made to Malcolm Sutton's Statistical Summary); minor changes to description of incident in case of two people.
April 2002 One entry added to the appendix list of 'Persons Dying of Heart Failure
September 2002 Some minor changes to the database. Corrections to the spelling of the names of some people; location of death of some of the 'disappeared' changed.
October 2002 Major update to database. Deaths for the years 1999, 2000, and 2001, were added to the database. This brought the total number of dead to 3,523. The necessary changes were made to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary.
May 2003 Some minor changes to the database. Corrections to the spelling of a surname and a firstname; age of one person changed; minor change to location information for one person.
March 2004 Some minor changes to the database. Corrections to the spelling of a surname and a firstname; new information on the location of one of the 'disappeared'; new information on the organisation responsible in the case of one killing.
September 2005 Some minor changes to the database. Correction to the spelling of a surname; corrections to the age of four persons.
April 2006 Some minor changes to the database. Correction to the status of one person killed. The necessary changes were made to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary..
July 2006 Some minor changes to the database. Correction to the organisation responsible for one death. The necessary changes were made to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary..
November 2006 Some minor changes to the database. Correction to the spelling of a surname; correction to the religion of one person; corrections to the descriptions of events on 20 July 1982.
December 2006 Correction to spelling of two surnames and one forename. Change to one description. Some changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary.
February 2007 One additional entry added to the Index bringing the total number of deaths to 3,524. Changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary to reflect the additional death. Change to one description.
2007 Series of minor updates to dates, spelling of names, ages, etc.
2008 Series of minor updates to dates, spelling of names, ages, etc.
November 2008 Change in the status of two people. Changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary to reflect the changed totals in certain categories.
January 2009 One additional entry added to the Index bringing the total number of deaths to 3,525. Change of status for four people. Changes to the spelling of some names, also some ages changed. One date of death changed. Change to organisation responsible for one entry.
February 2009 One additional entry added to the Index bringing the totoal number of deaths to 3,526. Changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary to reflect the changed totals in certain categories. Also small change in the description field of one death.
March 2009 Two small changes to two description fields. Minor changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary.
July 2009 Changes to spelling of a surname and forename. Three small changes to description fields.
October 2009 Change to the status of one individual and the organisation responsible for the death. Changes to the status of four individuals. Changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary.
November 2009 Change to the status of thee people, from civilian to Loyalist paramilitary. Minor change to the description of two individuals. Changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary.
Also in November 2009, a further three changes to the status of individuals from civilian to Loyalist paramilitary. Change of date of death of one individual. Change to religion of one individual. Minor changes to two description fields. Changes to Malcolm Sutton's statistical summary.
December 2009 Change to the status of two people from ex-Loyalist paramilitary to Loyalist paramilitary and change to the status of one person from Civilian Political Activist to Loyalist paramilitary. Minor change to age of two people and to the dates of death of two other people.
January 2010 Change in the status of four people: two from Civilian to Loyalist Paramilitary; one from ex-Ulster Defence Regiment (xUDR) to Loyalist Paramilitary; one from ex-Ulster Volunteer Force (xUVF) to Loyalist Paramilitary. Change to the description of one individual. Change in the forenames of two people. Change to the spelling of one surname. Change to the description fields of five individuals.
April 2010 Change to the location of death for one person.
October 2010 Change to the date of one death. Change to the description field of two deaths.
November 2010 Change to the description of one of 'the disappeared'. Changes to the descriptions for the Claudy bombs, the ages of some of those killed, and one forename. One additional death included in the database. Change to the category of organisation responsible for two deaths.
December 2010 One additional death included in the database.
January 2011 Change to the description fields of two of 'the Disappeared'. Change, by one day, to the date of deaths of two people. Change to the description field of one person.
March 2011 Updates to the description fields, and in some cases the dates of deaths, for people who were abducted before being killed.
June 2011 Updates to the description fields of a number of people. Changes to the spelling of four surnames.
February 2012 Updates to the description fields for a number of people. Changes to the ages of three people and the spelling of the name of one.
April 2012 Updates to the locations of 77 deaths in County Armagh (mainly townland names, or hamlet names, added). Plus updates to some description fields and dates.
April 2012 Updates to the locations of 32 deaths in County Fermanagh (mainly townland names, or hamlet names, added). Plus updates to some description fields and one date.
July 2012 Updates to several description fields. Change to age of one person. Change to the category of organisation responsible for one death (this resulted to changes to the summary tables in the extract from Sutton's book).
September 2012 Update to location of one death. Minor changes to the description fields of several entries. Updates to location information for several records. Change to date of death for two entries.
November 2012 Updates to the description field for six deaths.Updates to the date of deaths for two persons. Updates to the ages for three persons. Other minor changes.
December 2012 Updates to description field for 16 deaths. Update to forename and date of death for one person. Updates to ages for four persons.
February 2013 One additional death included in the database. Changes to the organisation responsible for a number of deaths. Change to the status of one person killed. Changes to a number of description fields. Changes to some minor details.
February 2013 Slight change to the street location for four deaths. Slight change to the description fields for five deaths. Change to date of one death.
March 2013 Change to the organisation responsible in the case of seven deaths. Slight changes to names and age of four people.
October 2013 One additional death included in the database. Change to the location of one death. Slight change to the description field for two deaths.
February 2014 Updates to 32 description fields. Changes to the spelling of several names. Change to the religion of one entry. Change to the statistical summary.
April 2014 Available photographs of people killed were added to the Sutton data.
June 2014 Change to status of one person. Change to the organisation responsible in the case of two deaths. Minor changes to three description fields.
November 2015 Updates to information on the 'Disappeared'.
March 2016 Change to the organsiation responsible in the case of two deaths. Minor changes to two description fields.
February 2017 Change to the age and spelling of surname of one person.
April 2018 Change to the status of one person (from political activitist to paramilitary).
November 2018 Additional photographs of people killed were added to the Sutton data (total available 2,137).
August 2020 Change to the organsiation responsible in the case of four deaths. Change to the age of one person. Minor changes to the description fields of twelve deaths.
October 2021 Change to religion of one person. Change to spelling of one surname.
July 2023 Change to the age of one person.
August 2023 Change to the spelling of two surnames.
April 2024 Change to the spelling of once surname.
Questions regarding these pages should be sent to the CAIN Director (
© Malcolm Sutton
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