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 | 14 July 1969 McCloskey, Francis (67) Catholic Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Died one day after being hit on head with batons during street disturbances, Dungiven, County Derry.
 | 17 July 1969 Devenny, Samuel (42) Catholic Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Died three months after being badly beaten in his home, William Street, Bogside, Derry. He was injured on 19 April 1969.
 | 14 August 1969 Gallagher, John (30) Catholic Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Ulster Special Constabulary (USC) Shot during street disturbances, Cathedral Road, Armagh.
 | 14 August 1969 Rooney, Patrick (9) Catholic Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Shot at his home, during nearby street disturbances, St Brendan's Path, Divis Flats, Belfast.
 | 15 August 1969 Roy, Herbert (26) Protestant Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: non-specific Republican group (REP) Shot while part of Loyalist crowd, during street disturbances, corner of Divis Street and Dover Street, Lower Falls, Belfast.
 | 15 August 1969 McCabe, Hugh (20) Catholic Status: British Army (BA), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) On leave. Shot during street disturbances while on the roof of Whitehall Block, Divis Flats, Belfast.
 | 15 August 1969 McLarnon, Samuel (27) Catholic Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Shot at his home during nearby street disturbances, Herbert Street, Ardoyne, Belfast.
 | 15 August 1969 Lynch, Michael (28) Catholic Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Shot during street disturbances, Butler Street, Ardoyne, Belfast.
 | 15 August 1969 McAuley, Gerald (15) Catholic Status: Irish Republican Army Youth Section (IRAF), Killed by: non-specific Loyalist group (LOY) Shot during street disturbances, Bombay Street, Falls, Belfast.
 | 15 August 1969 Linton, David (48) Protestant Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: non-specific Republican group (REP) Shot during street disturbances at the junction of Palmer Street and Crumlin Road, Belfast.
 | 08 September 1969 Todd, John (29) Protestant Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: non-specific Republican group (REP) Shot during street disturbances, Alloa Street, Lower Oldpark, Belfast.
 | 11 October 1969 Dickie, George (25) Protestant Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA) Shot during street disturbances, at the corner of Shankill Road and Downing Street, Belfast.
 | 11 October 1969 Hawe, Herbert (32) Protestant Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA) Shot during street disturbances, Hopeton Street, Shankill, Belfast.
 | 11 October 1969 Arbuckle, Victor (29) Protestant Status: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), Killed by: non-specific Loyalist group (LOY) Shot during street disturbances, Shankill Road, Belfast.
 | 21 October 1969 McDowell, Thomas (45) Protestant Status: Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), Killed by: Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) From Northern Ireland. Died two days after being injured in premature bomb explosion at hydroelectric power station near Ballyshannon, County Donegal.
 | 01 December 1969 Corry, Patrick (61) Catholic Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Died four months after being hit on the head with batons, during altercation between local people and Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) patrol, Unity Flats, off Upper Library Street, Belfast. Injured on 2nd August 1969
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Footnotes -
Age: (-9) missing. Religion: Catholic from Catholic community in NI; Protestant from Protestant community in NI; nfNI not from Northern Ireland killed in Northern Ireland; nfNIB killed in Britain; nfNIRI killed in Republic of Ireland. nfNIE killed elsewhere in Europe; Religion Summary: Catholic from Catholic community in NI; Protestant from Protestant community in NI; nfNI not from Northern Ireland. Status: status of person killed. Organisation: Organisation responsible for the killing. Summary of Status & Organsiation: British Security - British Security Forces; Republican Paramilitary - Republican Paramilitary Groups; Loyalist Paramilitary - Loyalist Paramilitary Groups; Irish Security - Irish Security Forces; not_known - organisation not known. Status & Organisation: (Civ) Civilian; (CivPA) Civilian Political Activist; (BA) British Army; (TA) British Army Territorial Army; (BP) British Police; (PO) Prison Officer; (xPO) ex-Prison Officer; (RAF) Royal Air Force; (RIR) Royal Irish Regiment; (RN) Royal Navy; (RUC) Royal Ulster Constabulary; (xRUC) ex-Royal Ulster Constabulary; (UDR) Ulster Defence Regiment; (xUDR) ex-Ulster Defence Regiment; (INLA) Irish National Liberation Army; (xINLA) ex-Irish National Liberation Army; (IPLO) Irish People's Liberation Organisation; (IPLOBB) Irish People's Liberation Organisation Belfast Brigade; (IRA) Irish Republican Army; (xIRA) ex-Irish Republican Army; (IRAF) Irish Republican Army Youth Section; (REP) non-specific Republican group; (OIRA) Official Irish Republican Army; (xOIRA) ex-Official Irish Republican Army; (OIRAF) Official Irish Republican Army Youth Section; (PLA) People's Liberation Army; (rIRA) real Irish Republican Army; (SE) Saor Eire; (LVF) Loyalist Volunteer Force; (LOY) non-specific Loyalist group; (RHC) Red Hand Commando; (UDA) Ulster Defence Association; (xUDA) ex-Ulster Defence Association; (UVF) Ulster Volunteer Force; (xUVF) ex-Ulster Volunteer Force; (GS) Garda Síochána; (IA) Irish Army; (nk) organisation not known.
See also: Note on the photographs.
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© Malcolm Sutton
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