CAIN Web Service
The following materials and information were donated by Sean Farren
Compiled by: Martin Melaugh [Page made public 29 Feb 2024; last update 29 Feb 2024]
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Brooke / Mayhew Talks, 1991-1992 |
This page contains a rough chronological list of the papers that appear in the main listing. [For some documents the date was estimated based on the content and/or the relationship to other dated documents.]
See the Introduction and Main Listing of the Brooke / Mayhew Talks papers.
There is also an alphabetical listing by author (output from the CAIN Bibliography).
See also: The section on the Brooke / Mayhew Talks
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991). 'Minutes of Constituency Representatives Group Meeting held, 2.00 pm, Saturday 23 March 1991, in Party Headquarters, 24 Mount Charles, Belfast', (23 March 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-27], [PDF; 164KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
1991-04 (no specific day recorded)
n.a.. (1991). 'Internal Talks: The Failure of Direct Rule in regard to EC issues', (Possible Department of Foreign Affairs Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (April 1991), (w6050), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-66], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: unpublished paper.
McGlone, Patsy. (1991). 'Constituency Representatives Group meeting held SDLP Headquarters, Wednesday 10 April 1991', (9 April 1991), (Ref: PMcG/GC/09-C), (Briefing/Research Documents prepared by Patsy McGlone, General Secretary), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-25], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991). 'Minutes of a meeting of Constituency Representatives Group, held Party Headquarters, Wednesday 10 April 1991', (10 April 1991), (Ref: 010-MINS/D1/AMOK), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-26], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Election to NI Assembly', (Possible Department of Foreign Affairs paper), (30 April 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-75], [PDF; KB; 6 pages]. Dublin: unpublished record.
1991-04 (no specific day recorded)
Department of Foreign Affairs. (1991). 'Internal Talks: The Approaches of the Unionist and Alliance parties to possible internal structures for Northern Ireland', (Paper produced by the Anglo-Irish Division, Department of Foreign Affairs), (April 1991), (W6048), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-74], [PDF; KB; 19 pages]. Dublin: Department of Foreign Affairs ; unpublished record.
Department of Foreign Affairs. (1991). 'Operation of District Councils in Northern Ireland', (Paper produced by the Anglo-Irish Division, Department of Foreign Affairs), (April 1991), (W6032), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-77], [PDF; KB; 19 pages]. Dublin: Department of Foreign Affairs ; unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Alliance Party Proposals for the Government of Northern Ireland', (Possible Department of Foreign Affairs paper), (April 1991), (A0067a), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-78], [PDF; KB; 13 pages]. Dublin: unpublished record.
1991-05 (no specific day recorded)
n.a. (1991). 'The Public Finances of Northern Ireland', (Possible Department of Foreign Affairs paper), (May 1991), (A0069), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-76], [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Dublin: unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Note of the Bilateral Session with the SDLP held at Parliament Buildings on the morning of 7 May 1991', (7 May 1991), (ADMIN1/45/MD, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-28], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Report of a Meeting of the full SDLP Delegation with the Secretary of State and the NIO Team at 11.25 am Wednesday 8 May, 1991', (8 May 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-29], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
1991-06 (no specific day recorded)
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Workplan for Strand One', (no date; possible date June 1991), (CPLHILL/NH/8271), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-18), [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991). 'Requirements for New Structures: A Submission by the SDLP to the Inter-Party Talks', (June 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-120], [PDF; KB; 7 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Outline of “Commission Style” Administration', (Possible SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (12 June 1991), (Ref: Disk 1 Cmn), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-64], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on 17 June 1991', (17 June 1991), (meeting began 1256), (449/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-30], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Brooke, Peter. (1991). 'Opening Statement by Secretary of State: 17 June 1991', (Statement by Peter Brooke, then Secretary of State of Northern Ireland, to first Plenary Session of Strand One of the political talks), (17 June 1991), (CPLHILL/5287/MD), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-31], [PDF; KB; 7 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on 17 June 1991', (17 June 1991), (meeting began 1436; ended 1542), (record dated 18 June 1991), (454/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-32], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on 17 June 1991', (17 June 1991), (meeting began 1600), (JEN/ADMIN3/55, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-33], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
John Hume. (1991). 'Speech of John Hume to the First Plenary Session of Strand 1 of the Talks', (no date; possible date 17 June 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-59], [PDF; KB; 6 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Session at Parliament Buildings on 18 June 1991', (18 June 1991), (meeting began 1037; adjourned 1135), (ADMIN2/479/MD, marked CONFIDENTIAL), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-34], [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Tuesday 18 June 1991', (18 June 1991), (meeting began 1150; ended 1245), (marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-35], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on 18 June 1991', (18 June 1991), (meeting began 2.15 pm), (record dated 19 June 1991), (Id.482/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-36], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Agreed Statement', (18 June 1991), (Id.497/A2), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-37], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Wednesday 19 June 1991', (19 June 1991), (meeting began 1036; ended 1135), (509/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-38], [PDF; KB; 6 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Session at Parliament Buildings on 19 June', (19 June 1991), (meeting began 1147; ended 1245), (Id.527/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-39], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Wednesday 19 June 1991', (19 June 1991), (meeting began 2.15 pm; ended 3.55 pm), (550/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-40], [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Wednesday 19 June 1991', (19 June 1991), (meeting began 1610; ended 1711), (534/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-41], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Monday 24 June 1991', (24 June 1991), (meeting began 1205; ended 1245), (556/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-42], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Monday 24 June 1991', (24 June 1991), (meeting began 2.15 pm; ended 3.50 pm), (Id.577/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-43], [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on Monday 24 June 1991', (24 June 1991), (meeting began 1608; ended 1640), (Id.567/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-44], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Monday 24 June 1991', (24 June 1991), (meeting began 1758; ended 1812), (record dated 25 June 1991), (ID570/A2/HMH, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-45], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Northern Ireland Information Service. (1991). 'Agreed Statement', (24 June 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-46], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: NIIS.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on Wednesday 26 June 1991', (26 June 1991), (meeting began 1030; ended 1135), (CP/CPL1/11426; marked IN CONFIDENCE), (minutes dated 28 June 1991), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-14), [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Session held at Parliament Buildings on the morning of 26 June', (26 June 1991), (meeting began 1150; ended 1250), (marked IN CONFIDENCE), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-15), [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on Wednesday 26 June 1991', (26 June 1991), (meeting began 1610; ended 1730), (Id.664/A2; marked IN CONFIDENCE), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-16), [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Session at Parliament Buildings on 26 June', (26 June 1991), (meeting began 1835; ended 1940), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-17), [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held in Parliament Buildings on Monday 1 July 1991', (1 July 1991), (meeting began 2.20 pm; ended 3.55 pm), (Id.706/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-19), [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Meeting held at Parliament Buildings on 1 July', (1 July 1991), (meeting began 1617; ended 1725), (ID693/A2, marked IN CONFIDENCE), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-20), [PDF; KB; 6 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1991). 'Record of a Plenary Session held at Parliament Buildings on the morning of 3 July 1991', (3 July 1991), (meeting began 1005; ended 1029), (Id.745/A2, marked IN COFIDENCE), (Brooke / Mayhew Talks, Strand One; Sean Farren Papers: SFP-BM-RB1-21), [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
1991 (no specific date recorded)
n.a. (1991). 'Options for New Arrangements in Ireland: Unitary State, Federal/Confederal State, Joint Authority', (Possible SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks, Draft 2), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-60], [PDF; KB; 15 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991?). 'Agreeing the Nature of the Problem', (SDLP Discussion Paper; Draft 2), (SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (no date; 1991?), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-61], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991?). 'Agreeing the Nature of the Problem', (SDLP Discussion Paper, Draft 1), (SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (no date; 1991?), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-62], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Options for New Arrangements in Ireland: Unitary State, Federal/Confederal State, Joint Authority', (Possible SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks, Draft 2), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-63], [PDF; KB; 12 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991). 'Preliminary SDLP thinking on new Institutional Structures', (SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (no date, possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-65], [PDF; KB; 7 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Possible points for use by the SDLP in handling Unionist claims that the SDLP is not interested in an "internal settlement"', (Possible SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-67], [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Northern Ireland: The Integrationist Approach', (Possible SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-68], [PDF; KB; 8 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Material regarding proposals of the UUP, DUP and Alliance parties on devolved government in Northern Ireland', (Possible SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-69], [PDF; KB; 16 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Possible SDLP (Oral) Response to Unionist Arguments for Integration', (Draft), (Possible SDLP paper), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-70], [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991). 'Requirements for New Structures: A Submission by the SDLP to the Inter-Party Talks', (SDLP Paper Presented to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (June 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-71], [PDF; KB; 9 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Note on “the right of the involvement of the Irish government in the affairs of Northern Ireland” (Par. 26 of our 'Analysis' document)', (Possible SDLP paper), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-72], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1991). 'Draft material on Devolution for possible use in round table first strand discussions', (Possible SDLP Paper in Relation to Strand 1 of the Political Talks), (no date; possible date 1991), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB2-73], [PDF; KB; 14 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). 'DUP Submission', (Possible SDLP response to DUP submission to the multi-party talks), (no date), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-109], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Agreeing the Nature of the Problem', (SDLP paper presented to the multi-party talks), (no date), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-110], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Agreeing New Political Structures', (SDLP paper presented to the multi-party talks), (no date), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-111], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Report of a Meeting of the Constituency Representatives Group held in Party Headquarters on Friday, 17 January, 1992', (17 January 1992), (Report dated 30 January 1992), (Ref: GC/010-min-disk 4), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-22], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'Business Committee Meeting: 9 March 1992', (9 March 1992), (meeting began 1615; ended 1635), (TALKS/PM/RN/8319), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-01], [PDF; 74KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record. ... [24219]
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). (1992). Diagram of a Proposed Structure for Talks, (no date; possible date 9 March 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-02], [PDF; 24KB; 1 page]. Belfast: DUP; unpublished.
Reg Empy, Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1992). Diagram of a Proposed Structure for Talks, (9 March 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-03], [PDF; 29KB; 1 page]. Belfast: UUP; unpublished.
Mayhew, Patrick. (1992). Letter from Sir Patrick Mayhew, then Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, to John Hume, then leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), (24 April 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-04], [PDF; 124KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Office; unpublished letter.
Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1992). '4. A central objective of the Government's political policy ...', (Paper presented by the British Government to Strand 1), (CPL1/NH/13025, revised 28/4/92; marked CONFIDENTIAL), (28 April 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-119], [PDF; KB; 14 pages - page 1 missing]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'Business Committee Meeting: 29 April 1992', (29 April 1992), (meeting began 1432; adjourned 1615; resumed 1643; ended 1755), (Draft Minutes, dated 30 April 1992), (REF: BC/1; marked CONFIDENTIAL), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-06], [PDF; 163KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
British Government. (1992). 'Political Talks: Realities and Common Themes: Paper by Her Majesty's Government', (Paper presented by the British Government to the Business Committee Meeting), (29 April 1992), (paper dated 24 April 1992), (CPLHILL/NH/8852, 24.4.92; marked CONFIDENTIAL), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-07], [PDF; 426KB; 9 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished paper.
Northern Ireland Information Service. (1992). 'Talks Statement', (Press Release from the Northern Ireland Information Service), (29 April 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-08], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: NIIS.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1991). 'Minutes of Constituency Representatives Group meeting held, Party Headquarters, Monday 29 April, 1991 at 4 pm', (29 April 1991), (Ref: 010-MINS/AMOK/D1), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-23], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Hanley, Jeremy. (1992). 'Political Talks', (Note from Jeremy Hanley, then Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Northern Ireland Office, to 'Members of the Business Committee'), (1 May 1992), (marked CONFIDENTIAL), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-05], [PDF; 37KB; 1 page]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'Business Committee Meeting: 4 May 1992', (4 May 1992), (meeting began 1138; ended 1255), (REF: BC/2; marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-09], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). 'Political Talks: Common Themes', (This paper is possbily one presented by the British Government to the Business Committee Meeting), (4 May 1992), (A2/833), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-10], [PDF; 116KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'Business Committee Meeting: 4 May 1992', (4 May 1992), (meeting began 1434; ended 1620), (REF: BC/3; marked IN CONFIDENCE), (A2/835), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-13], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'Business Committee Meeting: 5 May 1992', (5 May 1992), (meeting began 1140; ended 1200), (REF: BC/4; marked IN CONFIDENCE), (HS/A2/855), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-12], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'Record of Business Committee Meeting held on 26 May 1992', (26 May 1992), (meeting began 1640; ended 1715), (Ref: BC/5; marked IN CONFIDENCE), (HS/TALKS/194), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-11], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). '1. The issues considered by the sub-committee ... ', (Notes of a Sub-Committee Meeting; Draft 1), (29 May 1992), (HS/TALKS/224), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-106], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). '1. The issues considered by the sub-committee ... ', (Notes of a Sub-Committee Meeting; Draft 2), (29 May 1992), (TALKS/224; marked CONFIDENTIAL), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-107], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'TIME: 18.15 29 MAY 1992 1. The issues considered by the sub-committee ... ', (Notes of a Sub-Committee Meeting; Draft 3), (29 May 1992; at 18.15), (TALKS/224; marked CONFIDENTIAL), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-108], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'New Political Institutions in Northern Ireland: Possible Outline Framework (to assist discussion)', (2 June 1992), (at 23.15), (Draft x), (TALKS/252/DW), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-112], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'New Political Institutions in Northern Ireland: Possible Outline Framework (to assist discussion)', (2 June 1992), (TALKS/269/DW), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-121], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
1992-07 (no specific day recorded)
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Draft: Irish – British and Inter-Party Talks, Strand 2, Submission by the SDLP, July 1992', (July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-53], [PDF; KB; 5 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). (1992). 'Strand 2: Opening Statement by Rev Dr Ian Paisley MP MEP on behalf of the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party', (no date, possibly July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-99], [PDF; KB; 14 pages]. Belfast: UDUP; unpublished record.
Alliance Party of Northern Ireland (APNI). (1992). 'Fundamental Aspects of the Problem and Common Interests and Themes: An Alliance Opening Statement to Strand 2', (July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-102], [PDF; KB; 8 pages]. Belfast: APNI; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'SDLP 1 July 1992', (SDLP statement regarding the multi-party talks), (Draft 2), (1 July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-117], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'SDLP 1 July 1992', (SDLP statement regarding the multi-party talks), (Draft 1), (1 July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-118], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1992). 'Strand 2: A Response by the Ulster Unionist Party to the Opening Statement Presented by the Government of the Irish Republic', (3 July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-97], [PDF; KB; 11 pages]. Belfast: UUP; unpublished record.
Stephen, Ninian. (1992). 'Strand 2: Chairman's Opening Statement', (no date probably 6 July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-105], [PDF; KB; 9 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Mayhew, Patrick. (1992). 'Annex B – Strand 2: Extract from Opening Statement by Secretary of State', (6 July 1992), (SC/SIL19895, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-98], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). Statement by the SDLP (probably delivered by John Hume) to Sir Ninian Stephen, then Independent Chairman of the Strand II talks, (6 July 1992), (JH/CMD/NIN), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-100], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Irish Government. (1992). 'Opening Statement on behalf of the Irish Government', (Statement by Irish Government at Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (no date, possibly 6 July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-101], [PDF; KB; 27 pages]. Dublin: Irish Government; unpublished record.
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1992). 'Strand 2: Ulster Unionist Party Submission', (7 July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-104], [PDF; KB; 23 pages]. Belfast: UUP; unpublished record.
British Government. (1992). 'Response to Opening Presentations: Note by Her Majesty's Government', (Paper presented by the British Government to Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (24 July 1992), (marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-95], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Strand II Opening Statements: SDLP Response', (24 July 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-96], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
1992-08 (no specific day recorded)
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1992). 'Background: We would refer delegations back ...', (Paper prepared by the Ulster Unionist Party in Relation to Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (no date, possibly August 1992), (Ref: UTKS40), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-81], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: UUP; unpublished record.
n.a.. (1992). 'Draft language on Principles', (Possible Irish Government paper in Relation to Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (no date, possibly August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-82], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Dublin: unpublished record.
Irish Government. (1992). 'Statement by Irish Government Delegation', (Paper prepared by the Irish Government at Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (no date, possibly August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-83], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Dublin: Irish Government; unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). 'Issues to be Addressed in the Search for Agreement on a New Relationship', (Paper prepared for Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (no date, possibly August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-88], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). '1. The fundamental obstacle is continuing disagreement, ...', (Paper prepared for Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (no date, possibly August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-89], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). 'Fundamental Obstacles', (Possible DUP Paper prepared for Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (no date, possibly August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-90], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
Alliance Party of Northern Ireland (APNI). (1992). 'An Alliance Comment on Item 6: Underlying Realities, Identity, Allegiance and Constitutions', (Paper prepared by the APNI for Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-91], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: APNI; unpublished record.
Ulster Democratic Unionist Party (UDUP). (1992). 'Ulster Democratic Unionist Party – Strand 2: Response Paper', (no date, possibly August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-94], [PDF; KB; 58 pages]. Belfast: UDUP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Outline of Possible Irish Proposals/Alternative Agreement', (21 August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-55], [
PDF; KB; 9 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'SDLP Submission: Political Talks, Strand 2, 28 August 1992', (28 August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-54], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1992). 'Strand 2: An Ulster Unionist Party Paper Addressing Agenda Item 6', (Paper prepared by the UUP for Strand 2 of the Political Talks), (28 August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-92], [PDF; KB; 7 pages]. Belfast: UUP; unpublished record.
Ulster Democratic Unionist Party (UDUP). (1992). 'A New Start - Strand 2: The Relationship between a new Northern Ireland and the Government of the Irish Republic; A Paper Submitted by the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party', (28 August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-93], [PDF; KB; 6 pages]. Belfast: DUP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'DRAFT SDLP Submission: Political Talks Strand 2', (28 August 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-122], [PDF; KB; 6 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
1992-09 (no specific day recorded)
n.a. (1992). 'Proposed Basis for Discussions of Committee's Second Progress Report on Agenda Item 6, Covering Sub-Items 2 and 3 (Terrorism and Security Cooperation and Issues of Identity and Allegiance)', (no date; possible date September 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-47], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). 'Possible Principles on which to Base Institutional Arrangements for Enhanced Communication and Cooperation between North and South', (no date; possible date September 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-48], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). 'Strand 2: Agenda Item 6, Sub-Item 3, Allegiance and Identity', (no date; possible date September 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-50], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
n.a. (1992). 'Draft Committee Progress Report on Agenda Item 6: “Fundamental Aspects of the Problem: Underlying Realities; Identity; Allegiance; Constitutional” ', (no date; possible date September 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-51], [PDF; KB; 4 pages]. Belfast: unpublished record.
Stephen, Ninian. (1992). 'Agenda for Committee Meeting of Wednesday 9 September', (3 September 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-87], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
British Government. (1992). 'Strand 2 Committee to Consider Fundamental Aspects of the Problem, Item 1: Overcoming Lack of Adequate Channels of Communication and Cooperation between North and South', (9 September 1992), (TALKS/731, marked IN CONFIDENCE), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-52], [PDF; KB; 12 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Ulster Democratic Unionist Party (UDUP). (1992). 'UDUP Position', (Statement issued by the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party; UDUP), (10 September 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-86], [PDF; KB; 1 pages]. Belfast: UDUP.
Stephen, Ninian. (1992). Letter from Sir Ninian Stephen, then Independent Chairman of the Strand II talks, to Seamus Mallon, then deputy leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), (14 September 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-85], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Mayhew, Patrick. (1992). 'Secretary of State's Statement as Delivered to Strand II Committee', (18 September 1992), (T/811/DW; marked CONFIDENTIAL), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-84], [PDF; KB; 3 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Strand 2: SDLP Comments on Paper Submitted by the British Government (9 October 1992) on “Issues Arising from the Discussion of Possible Institutional Arrangements”', (October 1992), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB3-80], [PDF; KB; 8 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
1992 (no specific date recorded)
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Obstacles to a new Relationship in Ireland', (no date), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-56], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Obstacles to a new Relationship in Ireland', (no date), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-57], [PDF; KB; 1 page, different version]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). '1. Unionist wish to have Northern Ireland recognised ...', (no date), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB1-58], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1992). 'Progressing Beyond Strand 1', (SDLP paper presented to the multi-party talks), (no date), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-113], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: SDLP; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'The Panel', (no date), (TALKS/252/DW), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-115], [PDF; KB; 2 pages]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.
Talks Secretariat. (Brooke / Mayhew Talks). (1992). 'Talks Statement', (no date), (TALKS/478/DW), [Sean Farren Papers; Brooke / Mayhew Talks; SFP-BM-RB4-116], [PDF; KB; 1 page]. Belfast: Talks Secretariat; unpublished record.