JOHN HUME: Speeches, Statements, and Articles
Compiled by: Martin Melaugh [Last update 18 May 2021]
This section of CAIN contains a selection of John Hume's speeches, statements and published articles during his political career (1969-2004). The work on this project was supported by an award from the Reconciliation Fund, Department of Foreign Affairs. The following listing is not comprehensive, but further references and digital documents will be added in the future. The collection will be of benefit to anyone interested in politics in Northern Ireland during the conflict, the Irish peace process, and the Belfast / Good Friday Agreement. This educational resource is for personal use and private study, anyone requiring commercial use of the materials will have to obtain permission from the current copyright holders. (See: Note about the work on this section. See Also: Media Note. In Addition: There is also a version of this page in the draft new design for CAIN.)
The work on this project began with a donation from Sean Farren of source materials that he had collected during the research on his book, John Hume: In his own words, (Four Courts Press; 2017). CAIN thanks Professor Farren for his assistance with this project (see also: Sean Farren Papers). The project is also grateful for permission to reproduce speeches from the John Hume Archive, part of Special Collections, Ulster University Library. Thanks also to Mike McCool for additional database programming.
This project was funded (in 2020) by the Reconciliation Fund of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Dublin. CAIN and Ulster University acknowledge this support which allowed the work to be carried out.
CAIN also thanks the SDLP and Pat Hume for permission to use the speeches and statements of John Hume.
John Hume - List of speeches, etc.
The documents are listed in the main CAIN Bibliography (so they will be found by users searching that database). However, the following links provide various listings of John Humes speeches, etc.
All speeches, statements, articles, etc., (most recent listed first).
Sub-lists of speeches, etc., by type:
Address to the SDLP Annual Conference;
On receiving awards and prizes;
At Lectures;
In Parliaments;
At Summer Schools.
Sub-lists of speeches, etc., by topic:
Public Records;
All speeches, statements, articles, etc., (listed by author and date).
Search Speeches, etc.: Select a 'field', enter text in the box, click 'SEARCH' button
Other Information in the CAIN Archive
A brief entry (2004) for John Hume in the CAIN Bibliographies.
A list of 414 television programmes (1981-2015) which involved interviews of, or reports on, John Hume. This information is part of the Peter Heathwood Collection of Television Programmes.
In 2005 Cathy Gormley-Heenan produced a guide to resources about Hume:
Gormley-Heenan, Cathy. (2005). John Hume: A Guide to Internet Resources. CAIN: Webpage. ... [8198] - [Guide to Internet Resources]
Information at Other Websites
UK Parliament Hansard:
John Hume MP, 1983-2005 Hansard contains information on John Hume's contributions, during the time he was MP for Foyle (9 June 1983 - 5 May 2005).
Summary Information about John Hume's contributions.
Spoken contributions by John Hume (1983-2005).
All references to John Hume (1983-2005).
They Work For You
The information in the UK Parliament Hansard is also available via the They Work For You website, but in a different format.
All references to John Hume (1983-2005).
The RTÉ Archives:
The RTÉ John Hume Profile page has a selection of 21 RTÉ video reports on John Hume.
A search of the RTÉ Archives for 'John Hume' will locate 164 items (current total).
Hume. Documentary (broadcast on 19 September 2011) tracing the life of John Hume from his early days in the civil rights movement to his winning of the Nobel Peace Prize (in 1998). Interviewees include John Hume, Bono and Tony Blair. [This item may not be viewable outside the UK. The main BBC Archives are not yet publicly available.]
YouTube contains various video items that relate to John Hume's political career and life.
Hume, John. (2001). 'The Philosophy of Conflict Resolution', Speech by John Hume MP, MEP, then SDLP leader, to Ford / MIT Nobel Laureate Lecture Series, USA, (30 pages), (Monday 15 October 2001). Derry: SDLP.
(Speech also available on YouTube)
The Irish Times
n.a.(2020). John Hume 1937-2020: In Pictures. The Irish Times, (3 August 2020): ... [24094] - [Newspaper Article]
John and Pat Hume Foundation:
The Hume Foundation was launched on 13 November 2020. There is information about the Foundation at its website:
A Selection of Books about John Hume

Drower, George M. (1995). John Hume: Peacemaker. London: Gollancz. ... [2427] - [Book] |

Farren, Sean. (ed.) (2017). John Hume: In his own words. Dublin: Four Courts Press. ... [22958] - [Book] |

Farren, Sean., and Haughey, Denis. (eds) (2015). John Hume: Irish peacemaker. Dublin: Four Courts Press. ... [20094] - [Book] |

Fitzpatrick, Maurice. (2017). John Hume in America: From Derry to DC. Newbridge, Co. Kildare: Irish Academic Press. ... [22971] - [Book] |

McLoughlin, P.J. (2012). John Hume and the Revision of Irish Nationalism. Manchester: Manchester University Press. |

Murray, Gerard. (1998). John Hume and the SDLP: Impact and Survival in Northern Ireland. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. ... [3109] - [Book] |

Routledge, Paul. (1997). John Hume: A Biography. London: HarperCollins. ... [4380] - [Book] |

Walker, Stephen. (2023). John Hume: The Persuader. Dublin: Gill Books. |

White, Barry. (1984). John Hume: Statesman of the Troubles. Belfast: Blackstaff. ... [1901] - [Book] |