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Ireland - impact of the conflict
Deaths due to the conflict
Page compiled: Martin Melaugh
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Deaths due to the conflict
images of those killed

The most profound impact of the conflict in the Republic of Ireland was the loss of life. This page provides some summary information plus links to data compiled by Malcolm Sutton in his Index of Deaths (1969-2001).

Sutton lists 116 people killed within the Republic of Ireland. Of these, 38 were from elsewhere but visiting or living in the Republic at the time of their deaths. Sutton's database also records 30 people killed in Northern Ireland, Britain or Europe, who were originally from the Republic. (Note: there may be others in the main database who belong in this category but were not identified in the various reports as being from the Republic.)

Category Number
People killed in the Republic of Ireland
Source: Sutton 'Index of Deaths' - List
People killed in the Republic of Ireland, from elsewhere
Source: Sutton 'Index of Deaths' - List
People from Republic of Ireland, killed elsewhere
Source: Sutton 'Index of Deaths' - List


[DRAFT List of deaths (2002 to present) - decide on whether or not to include those killed from 2002 onwards.]


CAIN contains information and source material on the conflict and politics in Northern Ireland.
CAIN is based within Ulster University.

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