Serving the Crown...

Members of the security forces in Northern Ireland have been targeted by paramilitaries since the early Troubles and many have killed and injured.  Officers and their families must be constantly vigilant and high levels of personal safety necessitates secrecy and isolation for these families.

I was a full-time member of the RUC
I was travelling home from Andersonstown
in a private car.
A car came along as if to overtake
and the passengers rear seat opened up
with an armalite rifle and
a Thompson sub-machine gun.
My companion and I
were very seriously injured.

As a result of my injuries
I've very restricted movement
in my right arm.
My walking is impaired
as a result of injuries to my left leg
and I am a permanent epileptic.
My eyesight is also affected.
I'd two bullets went in here at the temple
and right through the front.

Additional extract from: a former prison officer.

Proceed to next section 'Loss of a loved one'

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