Ireland's School Athlete Games' (ISAG) aim to promote the acceptance
of cultural diversity between young people of different traditions
by promoting co-operation in various cultural, sporting and educational
activities. To do this it provides programmes which will empower
young people through the development of self-esteem and self confidence;
it explores issues surrounding the concept of Peace and Reconciliation
and it develops programmes that will be of benefit to individuals
and their communities. The PSEPII funds were used in 2 ways:
The programme itself brought over 400 young people in the 15-17
year age range to the University of Ulster, Jordanstown to undertake
a programme of 14 different cultural and sporting activities as
well as participating in discussions during theme days. Theme
day topics included conflict resolution; drugs; the environment
and politics and sports. The programme stretched out over an 8
day period. The evaluation of the programme provided recommendations
to review with regard to future programmes. This in itself was
extremely beneficial for the organisation as a whole - giving
guidance and direction for years to come. During the programme
the participants found themselves empowered by the experience,
and that it opened up the idea of new 'possible selves' to many
participants. Friendships were formed and evidence showed that
most participants kept in touch with at least some of their new