The first New TSN Annual Report November 1999

Annex 5: Department of Finance and Personnel Draft New TSN Action Plan

1 The primary aim of the Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) is to help Ministers secure the most appropriate and effective use of resources. It seeks to deliver this aim by ensuring that public expenditure is allocated, managed and accounted for in line with Ministers’ priorities; that policies are in place for the general management and control of the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS); and that support services are provided for the NICS where it is most appropriate and cost effective to do so centrally.
2 In many ways, it operates like the headquarters of an organisation with the main emphases on resource and people management and the provision of business support services. DFP is not responsible for any NDPBs and within DFP, CCRU is the only business area which administers a programme budget.
3 CCRU has lead responsibility for driving New TSN. This is taken forward by its New TSN Unit and Research Branch. NISRA, which staffs CCRU’s Research Branch, is leading work to develop data systems and methodologies which will provide data to help Departments identify disadvantaged people, groups and areas, target resources and monitor progress.
4 The role of the Central Finance Group (CFG) is likely to be of particular interest. It advises Ministers on the allocation of resources to the Northern Ireland Departments from the block of money received from Her Majesty’s Treasury.
5 Spending plans for this block of money have been set for a three year period from 1999-2000 to 2001-2002 in the form of allocations to Departmental programmes (baselines) in the context of the Comprehensive Spending Review. Adjustments to baselines can be made with the approval of the Secretary of State either within a financial year during in-year monitoring exercises in July, October, December and February, or during annual reviews of spending plans. However, these adjustments can normally only be made through a process of balancing bids for additional resources against reduced requirements within the overall block totals.
6 CFG’s advice to Ministers includes examining existing baselines and Departmental bids for additions to baselines, identifying possible reductions within baselines (to cover bids for additional expenditure in higher priority areas) and inter-prioritising bids from the various Departments in line with Ministers’ priorities. CFG will ensure that the New TSN implications are brought to the attention of Ministers so that they can balance New TSN objectives against other public expenditure priorities.

The Action Plan seeks to introduce mechanisms which will enable CFG to improve its advice to Ministers so that they are aware of the New TSN implications of public expenditure decisions taken as a whole. For example, CFG will work with Departments in categorising their baselines as New TSN-relevant expenditure. This will facilitate monitoring and improve, at a strategic level, the assessment of the impact of expenditure adjustments on New TSN objectives. At the micro level, that is, in relation to particular decisions on projects and programmes, revised guidance in respect of appraisals and evaluation should help Departments improve the measurement of the effectiveness and outputs of New TSN activity.

Business Area:

CCRU – New TSN Unit

Social need to be tackled:

Disadvantage experienced by people, groups and areas in Northern Ireland

Desired outcome:

New TSN effectively implemented throughout all Northern Ireland Departments and the NIO

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 1 To promote New TSN and to advise
Departments and relevant Agencies and
NDPBs on its implementation and challenge
current arrangements where necessary.

a. Lead the SSG Subgroup on New TSN Action Plans to ensure it fulfills its terms of reference throughout the period of this Plan.

b. Develop plans and proposals for the further development and implementation of New TSN across Departments and submit these to the SSG Subgroup on New TSN Action Plans, SSG and Ministers as appropriate throughout the period of this Plan.

DFP 2 To identify and disseminate good practice in
relation to all aspects of New TSN.

a. Review core New TSN training material to ensure its continued relevance and develop new materials as required, by June 2000, June 2001 and June 2002.

b. Provide advice and information to Departmental trainers involved in the delivery of New TSN training within their Departments, as required throughout the period of this Plan.

DFP 3 To promote New TSN externally.

a. With the SSG Subgroup on New TSN Action Plans and the Information Service, develop and implement a strategy for informing the public and other external interests about New TSN developments throughout the period of this Plan.


New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 4 To review and report on progress in
implementing New TSN.

a. Provide SSG and Ministers with quarterly updates so they are fully informed of progress on New TSN throughout the period of this Plan.

b. Draft and submit to Ministers New TSN Annual Reports intended for publication in September 2000, September 2001 and September 2002.

c. Work with the SSG Subgroup on New TSN Action Plans to review progress and to revise the New TSN Action Plans in July 2000, July 2001 and July 2002.

d. Facilitate evaluation of New TSN.

DFP 5 To co-ordinate and administer PSI.

a. With the SSG Subgroup on PSI Priorities and consulting with others as appropriate, recommend to SSG and Ministers options for the second and third tranches of PSI Priorities, with Terms of Reference and membership for Working Groups by July 2000 and July 2001.

DFP 6 To chair and service PSI Working Groups
dealing with issues for which there is no
identifiable lead Department.

a. Lead the PSI Working Group on the Position of Minority Ethnic People so it can present a draft policy and strategy document to SSG and Ministers by August 2000.

b. Lead the PSI Working Group on Better Services so that by August 2000 it can present to SSG and Ministers a draft policy and strategy document on better information and a review of any further issues which need to be addressed to improve the delivery of services.

DFP 7 To provide a central point for liaison with
those in UK Departments and in Scoland and
Wales who are engaged in similar initiatives.

a. Keep relevant people in UK Departments and in Scotland and Wales informed of developments in Northern Ireland and disseminate information to Northern Ireland Departments, as appropriate, on developments in Great Britain throughout the period of this Plan.


Business Area:

CCRU – Research Branch

Social need to be tackled:

Disadvantage experienced by people, groups and areas in Northern Ireland

Desired outcome:

Robust data systems and methodologies for targeting and monitoring in New TSN

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 8 To provide CCRU with appropriate New TSN
relevant research and statistical input.

a. With NISRA and the New TSN Unit, agree the development of a New TSN research strategy by March 2000.

b. With the New TSN Unit and the SSG Subgroup on New TSN Action Plans develop by March 2000 a framework for an evaluation of New TSN to be undertaken during the period 2000-2002.

c. Provide appropriate ad hoc statistics and research advice to New TSN Unit throughout the period of this Plan.

d. By June 2000, include recommendations on monitoring New TSN impact in the review of District Council Community Relations Programme monitoring system.

e. By March 2001, include in the evaluation of the District Council Community Relations Programme an assessment of its New TSN impact.

f. By March 2001, include in the evaluation of the Community Relations Council (CRC) an examination of the scope for New TSN within its work.

g. Further develop CCRU Research Branch as a centre of expertise in targeting, monitoring and evaluation of New TSN, including this as an objective in the Branch’s business plan when it is reviewed in March 2000.

h. Encourage academic interest and research by including New TSN as a research theme in the Branch's published research strategy by December 2000.


New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 9 To provide Government Departments with
appropriate New TSN-relevant research and
statistical input.

a. Provide lead input to the SSG New TSN Statistical Subgroup (at least 3 meetings per year).

b. Provide professional input on monitoring and targeting to New TSN training as required throughout the period of this Plan.

c. Provide advice to Departments on monitoring and targeting in New TSN as required throughout the period of this Plan.


Business Area:

CCRU – Community Relations Branch

Social need to be tackled:

Poor community relations and sectarian incidents in disadvantaged areas

Desired outcome:

Improved community relations and a decrease in sectarian incidents in disadvantaged areas

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 10 To develop a New TSN weighting in the
District Council Community Relations
Programme funding formula.

a. Drawing on recommendations from a consultative Funding Strategy Group, develop a new formula incorporating a New TSN weighting by March 2000.

b. Trial new formula in financial year 2000-2001 with substantive introduction in financial year 2001-2002.

DFP 11 To agree with the CRC the inclusion of a New
TSN element in its Strategic Plan.

a. Negotiate with the CRC on voluntary adoption of New TSN principles with effect from financial year 2000-2001.

b. Incorporation in new strategy and associated funding criteria with effect from financial year 2001-2002.


Business Area:

CCRU – Linguistic Diversity Branch

Social need to be tackled:

Exclusion in disadvantaged areas

Desired outcome:

Increased economic activity based on minority languages and greater self esteem among minority language users in disadvantaged areas

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 12 To encourage economic activity in
disadvantaged areas based on minority

a. Facilitate access by minority language users in disadvantaged areas to Government and EU support for training and business development throughout the period of this Plan.

b. Seek more effective ways to encourage and provide financial support for Irish language film and television production throughout the period of this Plan.

DFP 13 To encourage minority language projects as
an aspect of community cultural development
in disadvantaged areas.

a. Facilitate access by minority language users in disadvantaged areas to Government and EU support for community and cultural development throughout the period of this Plan.

DFP 14 To ensure that the linguistic needs of minority
ethnic people are taken into account by the
public sector.

a. Contribute to advice on the development of Equality Schemes to be produced by June 2000.

b. Work closely with relevant PSI Working Groups, contributing to the recommendations in their reports by August 2000.


Business Area:

CCRU – Equality and Equity Branch

Social need to be tackled:

Any correlation between socio-economic disadvantage and gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age, marital status, having dependents

Desired outcome:

Reduction in any socio-economic disadvantage associated with gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age, marital status, having dependents

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 15 To ensure compatibility between New TSN
and the Statutory Obligation on Equality of
Opportunity under Section 75 of the Northern
Ireland Act 1998.

a. Make clear in advice to Public Authorities that action to counter social disadvantage is fully compatible with the Statutory Obligation.


Business Area:

Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)

Social need to be tackled:

Disadvantage experienced by people, groups and areas in Northern Ireland

Desired outcome:

Improve and share research and statistical information sources

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 16 To provide appropriate expertise to CCRU
and all Departments on research and
statistical aspects of New TSN and to
promote the development of appropriate
statistics and methodologies in pursuit of
New TSN.

a. To provide appropriate research and statisitcal staff to CCRU Research Branch throughout the period of this Plan.

b. Chair the SSG New TSN Statistical Subgroup so as provide opportunities for the exchange of experience, expertise and methodologies and for cross Departmental collaboration and data sharing throughout the period of the Plan.

c. To ensure that NISRA statisticians have appropriate training in New TSN-related issues by June 2000 and to ensure that all NISRA Branches are appropriately informed in regard to New TSN objectives throughout the period of this Plan.

DFP 17 To develop and keep under review
appropriate indicators of deprivation.

a. To advise on the scope for supplementing the Robson Indicators of multiple deprivation with policy, programme or service related information that would enhance targeting, throughout the period of this Plan.

b. To provide Departments with expertise in relation to the use of Indicators of multiple deprivation throughout the period of this Plan.

c. By June 2000 assess new approaches to measuring deprivation currently being developed by the Department of Environment Transport and the Regions for possible application in Northern Ireland pending the availability of 2001 Census data.


New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 18 To maximise the exploitation of data sources
relevant to New TSN.

a. To co-ordinate a cross-Departmental audit of data sources in relation to targeting and monitoring of New TSN by end January 2000 and recommend practical ways in which gaps might be filled by end March 2000.

b. To consider with the Economic and Social Research Council the extension to Northern Ireland of the Longitudinal British Household Panel Survey by March 2000.

c. To promote the use of Departmental administrative data for targeting resources and monitoring progress.

DFP 19 To support New TSN through appropriate

a. To commission and manage research in support of New TSN.

DFP 20 To disseminate relevant information on
statistical and research aspects of New TSN.

a. To publish or otherwise disseminate appropriate papers arising out of research on New TSN.

b. To facilitate seminars for policy makers on research and statistical issues arising out of research on New TSN.


Business Area:

Central Finance Group (CFG)

Social need to be tackled:

Lack of existing information on New TSN expenditure and programme outputs and/or impacts

Desired outcome:

Improved categorisation of expenditure baselines and/or programmes and evaluation outcomes

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 21 To provide practical guidance on the
development and application of appropriate
methodologies for taking account of New
TSN objectives in economic appraisals and in
programme and project evaluations.

a. With Departments and NISRA, revise the guidance for appraisal and evaluation methodologies, and issue it as supplements to existing guidance by the end of March 2000.

b. Advise Departments on implementation of the guidance throughout the period of this Plan.

DFP 22 To improve identification of New TSN
relevant expenditure incorporated in
Departmental spending plans.

a. With Departments, re-examine the use of more precise New TSN expenditure definitions for baseline classification by end March 2000.

b. Provided acceptable New TSN definitions can be agreed by Departments, provision will be made for suitable recording on the central public expenditure database.

c. Revised coding and classification guidance will be issued to Departments by end March 2001.


New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 23 To improve the understanding of the
implications for New TSN of expenditure
adjustments (pluses and minuses)
considered in the context of expenditure
reviews, the annual Public Expenditure
Survey and in-year monitoring of public

a. To ensure that the New TSN dimension is addressed in guidelines for the planning of public expenditure and in the reporting of in-year adjustments to public expenditure plans.

b. Guidelines for the 1999-2000 monitoring rounds have been revised to give greater emphasis to the New TSN dimension in Departmental submissions and their usefulness will be assessed by end March 2000.

c. Bids for significant additional resources and options for reducing existing provision should, where possible, be accompanied by meaningful and quantified New TSN Impact Statements to facilitate recommendations on prioritisation to Ministers by DFP.

d. Guidance on this will be included in the guidelines for each spending review. Next national Comprehensive Spending Review gets under way in 2000-2001. Timing of local review turns on devolution so most likely that in-year (1999-2000) monitoring will be the test bed for new procedures.


Business Area:

Central Finance Group (CFG)

Social need to be tackled:

Appropriateness of existing method of property revaluation

Desired outcome:

Establish future basis for domestic and non-domestic revaluations

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 24 To consider the impact on New TSN
objectives of conducting future domestic and
non-domestic rates revaluations on the basis
of capital rather than rental values.

a. CFG’s Rating Policy Branch along with the Valuation and Lands Agency will, subject to Ministerial approval, explore the full implications of altering the basis of future revaluations. Studies of alternative rating options are without prejudice to any future decision to alter the basis of local revenue generation.


Business Area:

Central Personnel Group (CPG)

Social need to be tackled:

Lack of employment in disadvantaged areas

Desired outcome:

To ensure the proper consideration of the option of dispersing jobs in planning to meet NICS accommodation needs

New TSN objectives

Targets or actions and timescales

DFP 25 To contribute, as appropriate, to improving
access to employment in disadvantaged

a. To ensure that plans for meeting NICS office accommodation needs take into account options for job dispersal, within guidelines already provided to Departments.

b. To provide statistical information on geographical areas to Departments by March 2000, to inform choice of possible host areas for relocation of jobs – if dispersal options emerge during the period of this Plan.

c. To monitor geographical disposition of NICS on an annual basis throughout the period of this Plan.

