Annex 4 (continued)
Housing Energy Consumption
Social need to be tackled:
Domestic energy use and the problem of fuel poverty
Desired outcome:
Reduction in domestic energy consumption and the eradication of
fuel poverty
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 25 To
promote energy conservation with a view
to improving energy efficiency and addressing fuel poverty
in the residential
sector. Fuel poverty applies to all those who
spend more than 10% of their income on
a. Grant
aid for individuals receiving social security benefit, or aged 60
or over, under the Domestic Energy Efficiency Scheme (£2.88m) by
March 2000.
b. Upgrade the energy efficiency of an estimated 15,000
NIHE homes by March 2000.
c. Deliver energy efficiency advice to 5,000 households
by March 2000.
d. Develop at least 3 projects aimed at addressing fuel
poverty under the Home Energy Conservation Act programme.
e. Consider how those in specific disadvantaged areas
are kept informed of energy efficiency services.
f. Develop new policy to meet the challenge posed by
fuel poverty through restructuring of the Domestic Energy Efficiency
Scheme by September 2000.
g. Address the energy inefficiency of the housing stock
using pilot schemes in 2 fuel poverty areas in West (Beechmount)
and East (Willowfield) Belfast by December 2000 (c. £3m).
Regional Planning
and Planning
In consultation with Departments, Regional Planning
Division has prepared a draft Regional Strategic Framework (draft RSF)
which will provide a new development strategy for Northern Ireland up
to 2025. The final RSF will complement the Department of Economic Development
"Strategy 2010".
5.2 |
draft RSF addresses a number of issues, including the problems associated
with a divided society, lack of social cohesion and geographic concentration
of disadvantage. It sets the context for the preparation of development
plans and Strategic Planning Guidelines which provide a strategic planning
framework for strengthening the regional economy and tackling social disadvantage.
It deals with land use but also recognises that polices for physical development
have an important bearing on other matters. The final RSF will also facilitate
and guide the public sector generally in respect of those elements of its
strategies and programmes which have a spatial development perspective. |
5.3 |
Planning Service regulates the development and use of land in the public
interest. Planning policies are each the subject of a specific New TSN assessment
and take account of disadvantage where appropriate. The Development Plan
Programme includes a framework for regenerating deprived and derelict areas.
Plans also take account of the draft RSF which embraces the aims and objectives
of New TSN. |
5.4 |
The role of the Planning Service is mainly to create the
land-use conditions which will facilitate development, however, development
in areas of social need is determined by developers. Recent government
policies such as those relating to development on brownfield sites and
New TSN will provide a clearer focus on areas which are deprived in land-use
terms and on the ability of planning policies to promote development.
Regional Planning Division
Social need to be tackled:
Accessibility of jobs, housing, social amenities and a quality
living environment
Desired outcome:
The development of a final Regional Strategic Framework (RSF) which
provides a balance of opportunities across Northern Ireland in line
with the core Guiding Principles of the Draft Strategy, in order
to meet social need
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 26 Reflection
of the principles of New TSN in
the draft of the final RSF.
a. To
incorporate the outcome of the process of public consultation in
the draft of the final RSF by Spring 2000.
b. To undertake a Strategic Environmental Appraisal of
the draft final RSF which will include social equity and quality
of life themes by Spring 2000
DOE 27 To
consider the mechanisms needed for
implementation and co-ordination of the RSF.
a. To
liaise with Planning Service and other Government Departments to
consider options for the development of an action plan, to include
appropriate New TSN indicators by 2000-2001.
b. To ensure New TSN indicators are incorporated in any
future action plans for the implementation and monitoring of the
regional development strategy.
c. To liaise with Planning Service on additional guidance
that may be required in relation to the implications of the New
TSN elements of the RSF.
Land-Use Planning
Social need to be tackled:
Availability of jobs, housing, social amenities and a quality living
Desired outcome:
A sufficient supply of suitably designated land to facilitate development
conducive to meeting the social need
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 28 To
assess the New TSN impact of
development plans.
a. Identification
of New TSN-relevant criteria in a development plan context and completion
of a baseline survey. Complete initial research by December 2000.
DOE 29 To
ensure that new development plans
reflect New TSN principles.
a. Review
of development plan procedures and issue of revised guidance. Complete
review and issue guidance by June 2000.
DOE 30 To
ensure that new or revised Planning
Policy Statements (operational) reflect New
TSN principles.
a. To
require that a New TSN Assessment is completed when preparing new
or revised planning policies, throughout the period of this Plan.
DOE 31 Development
of the Planning Service
Geographical Information System (GIS) to
include New TSN-relevant data.
a. To
incorporate data collected by the Urban Capacity Study in the GIS
by March 2000.
b. To add data from subsequent annual monitoring of that
baseline to the GIS each year over the Plan period.
DOE 32 Promote
greater use of brownfield land for
a. Study
of the capacity of previously developed sites in urban areas by
March 2000.
b. Annual monitoring of the baseline from July 2000 onwards.
c. Publish Development Control Advice Note on housing
development on brownfield land by March 2000.
d. Implementation of RSF through Development Plan programme
by June 2000 onwards (or when RSF is in place, whichever is sooner).
DOE 33 Provide
support to URG with regeneration
a. Delivery
of annual work programme in accordance with Service Level Agreement
agreed with URG, throughout the period of this Plan.
Roads and
The Department has a duty to maintain and improve the
public road network. These activities benefit all sections of the community
but they also have a positive effect on social need by, for example, reducing
6.2 |
for capital works are prioritised using an appraisal framework which embraces
improvements to the accessibility of key economic centres and the concept
of equity so that the travel needs of every group of people, including
the elderly, rural dwellers and the disabled, are catered for fairly. The
potential for all schemes to contribute further to improved conditions in
disadvantaged areas is being examined. |
6.3 |
November 1998 the Department published the Northern Ireland Transport Policy
Statement, Moving Forward, which set out a strategy for developing a more
balanced, substantive, integrated and effective transport system. The Regional
Transport Plan being prepared for 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 will seek to increase
the accessibility and mobility of disadvantaged people and to address key
transport corridors identified in the draft RSF and Strategy 2010. |
6.4 |
In exercising its responsibilities for public transport
policy the Department oversees the Northern Ireland Transport Holding
Company (NITHC), a public corporation with one rail and two bus subsidiaries
which trade under the brand name "Translink", and provides grant assistance
for bus and rail usage. Programmes such as the concessionary fares scheme
and the Rural Transport Fund have significant impacts on social need.
Social need to be tackled:
Peripherality and accessibility
Desired outcome:
Reduced peripherality and improved accessibility
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 34 To
ensure the inclusion of a strategy for
targeting social need in the Regional
Transport Plan for the period 2001-2002
to 2005-2006.
a. Develop
aims and objectives of strategy following consultation.
b. Draft Regional Transport Plan for 2001-2002 to 2005-2006
to be completed by July 2000.
DOE 35 To
incorporate New TSN considerations into
the assessment criteria for major works
a. To
refine a system of weighting and performance indicators as part
of the New Appraisal Framework by
30 September 2000.
b. To review the study by the Standing Advisory Committee
on Trunk Road Assessment, on the link between investment in roads
infrastructure and economic regeneration, and consider its applicability
to NI and the implications for major works schemes
DOE 36 To
demonstrate that major works schemes
are reducing peripherality and hence making
a positive impact on social need.
a. To
refine the data collection process on journey times on the Key Strategic
Route Network by 30 September 2000.
DOE 37 To
investigate the potential for minor works
schemes to contribute to improved New
TSN conditions in disadvantaged areas.
a. To
report on outcome by 30 September 2000 and make recommendations
on the way forward.
Transport (Policy and Support) Division
Social need to be tackled:
Accessibility and mobility
Desired outcome:
Improved accessibility and mobility
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 38 To
review the pilot Free Travel Scheme for
the elderly.
a. To
analyse the data collected through the pilot Free Travel Scheme
for the elderly and consider the impact of the results on the current
concessionary fares scheme, six-month pilot to be completed by January
b. Consideration of the outcome of the public consultation
on the current concessionary fares scheme. Consultation analysis
and final report to be available in April 2000.
DOE 39 To
maintain and improve the overall level of
public transport services in rural areas.
a. To
review the findings of the network study of Rural Transport Services
in conjunction with the NITHC and Translink.
b. To consider the consultants report into the development
of a methodology to underpin the granting of unprofitable routes
and the New TSN implications. Methodology to be in place in April
DOE 40 To
consider in consultation with NITHC and
Translink what guidance should be provided
in respect of New TSN.
a. Development
of a more focused approach to New TSN with NITHC and Translink by
early 2000.
b. New TSN principles to be reflected in NITHC and Translink
Corporate Plan for 2000/2001.
c. NITHC and Translink Action Plan to be available by
7.1 |
Local Government, Water, Environment and Heritage,
Finance and Central Policy and Management
areas all impact in some way on social need. |
7.2 |
is underway to establish how the Local Government General Exchequer Grant
for 1999-2000 which includes £18m for disbursement to District Councils
which would otherwise have difficulty in providing their services from local
resources can be made more accessible to New TSN considerations. |
7.3 |
Water Service provides water and sewerage services to quality and environmental
standards set out in legislation and EU Directives. Almost 99% of properties
are connected to the public water supply. About 6,000 properties are not
connected to mains water; generally these are isolated properties in rural
areas. Connections are provided at the request of the householders. However
the householder must meet any costs over £2,000. The New TSN Action Plan
indicates that Water Service will identify houses not connected to the public
supply and investigate the technical and financial feasibility of connection. |
7.4 |
Environmental and Heritage Service (EHS) seeks to improve air and water
quality and to enhance the natural and built environment. Disadvantaged
people may have fewer opportunities than others to enjoy or appreciate the
environment. EHS will consider how this might be addressed by its education
strategy. |
7.5 |
Division plays a crucial role in advising of the New TSN implications of
resource allocations. |
7.6 |
The Central Policy Management Unit has a pivotal advisory
and support role in the development of departmental New TSN policy.
Local Government Division
Social need to be tackled:
Multiple disadvantage in all NI District Council areas
Desired outcome:
Reduction in social need across a range of social and economic
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 41 To
incorporate into the formula for the
calculation of the resources element of
General Exchequer Grant to District Councils,
factors which will take account of relative
socio-economic disadvantage.
a. Completion
of the review of the formula and the introduction of the new arrangements
for the financial year
DOE 42 To
make District Councils more acutely
aware of New TSN and its objectives and to
encourage them to skew resources towards
those in greatest social need.
a. By
January 2000, to highlight through Local Government circulars and
other means, the need for District Councils to give greater consideration
to New TSN when drawing up annual spending priorities.
b. To issue advice and guidance to District Councils
on monitoring arrangements by March 2000.
c. To suggest to Councils how to incorporate and give
due consideration to New TSN as part of economic investment appraisals
undertaken for capital projects by March 2000.
Water Service
Social need to be tackled:
The 1% of houses (mainly in remote rural communities) which do
not have a public water supply
Desired outcome:
A reduction in the number of houses not connected to the public
water supply system
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 43 To
seek to provide a public water supply,
where requested by the householder, to
some of the 1% of houses currently without
a supply.
a. To
establish details of the number and locations of houses not connected
to the public water supply system by end January 2000.
b. By April 2000, to consider the technical and financial
practicability of providing a public water supply to existing rural
properties currently without a supply.
Environment and Heritage Service
Social need to be tackled:
Environmental awareness in disadvantaged communities
Desired outcome:
Improved opportunities for educational and awareness activities
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 44 Targeted
inclusion of disadvantaged groups
in education and awareness activities.
a. Consider
opportunities for focusing educational and awareness activities
on disadvantaged areas or groups.
b. Education strategy to include specific measures targeted
on disadvantaged communities and groups. Measures included in Agency
strategies by March 2000.
Finance Division
Social need to be tackled:
Lack of resources for those in social need
Desired outcome:
Increased resources for those in social need
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 45 Identify
and highlight to the Departments Top
Management Group, the New TSN
implications of public expenditure
reallocations as identified by Budget Holders.
a. Request
Budget Holders to identify any New TSN implications of bids for
additional resources and possible budget reductions in future public
expenditure reviews and in-year monitoring rounds and highlight
these in submissions to the Top Management Group.
b. Respond to Public Expenditure timetable as requested
by the Department of Finance and Personnel. In year monitoring July,
October, December and February.
Central Policy Management Unit and Top Level Management New TSN
Working Group
Social need to be tackled:
Targeting of social need
Desired outcome:
Improved targeting of social need
New TSN objectives
Targets or actions and timescales
DOE 46 Changing
the Departmental culture.
a. To
implement Departmental New TSN training programmes for Divisions
and Agencies by March 2000.
b. To ensure that Agencies and Divisions have mechanisms
in place for keeping relevant staff informed of developments, including
the highlighting of progress and good practice in team briefs, as
DOE 47 Changing
strategic and corporate
a. To
examine on a yearly basis the content of all strategic and corporate
policy documents to ensure the inclusion of New TSN principles and
DOE 48 Establishment
of New TSN monitoring
a. All
Divisions, Agencies and NDPBs to receive assistance from Departmental
statisticians and economists to prepare effective New TSN monitoring
systems to determine the impact and effectiveness of New TSN activities
by January 2000.
DOE 49 Establishment
of the machinery to drive
forward action on New TSN.
a. Provision
of ongoing guidance to NDPBs on training and on the implementation
of New TSN Action Plans.
b. Provision of regular monitoring information to the
New TSN Departmental Working Group to help it oversee the implementation
of the New TSN Action Plan.
DOE 50 Maintain
an ongoing awareness of
developments in New TSN both within DOE
and other Departments and ensure effective
communication processes are in place to
share knowledge.
a. Through
the existing mechanisms of an in-house magazine and staff briefing,
keep staff informed of any developments and highlight examples of
progress and good practice.